

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Book Tour ~ Love on All Hallows Eve by Martha Wickham


Love On All Hallows' Eve

(book 2)

Horror, ghost story, Halloween

Date Published:  Will release August 18, 2021


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Love bites Terra this Halloween night. On All Hallows Eve Terra meets Bobby. He pretends to be a monster while dating her. When she finds out they break up and he and his friend fear her and they kidnap her.


Bobby becomes another Frankenstein so she sees a psychic when she is haunted by him. It is the source of all her troubles. Can she let go of what brought her to life? In the mean time Rose is there to help.




 About the Author

Martha has studied writing with Writer's Digest and has an associate's degree in Social Services. She has also written poems and songs and even studied screen writing and horror. She still writes and likes getting writing prompts. Her favorite author is VC Andrews. If you purchase and read Martha's books a review would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.


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Book Tour & Giveaway ~ Walking in the Shadow of Footsteps - A Journey of Enlightenment by Roynell Young


Journey of Enlightenment

Leadership / Self development

Published Date: August 24, 2021

Publisher: Elite Online Publishing

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Despite a life of challenges—from childhood illness to witnessing violence as a youth on the tough streets of uptown New Orleans, falling into the trap of drugs as a teen, and assaults on his confidence as an adult—Roynell Young is living his life’s purpose.

Walking in the Shadow of Footsteps takes readers on an emotional journey through the life of an unlikely hero who earned his way into the National Football League as a first-round draft pick, enjoyed a nine-year career as a professional athlete, then carved a pathway that led him to create an organization that today impacts thousands in the impoverished Sunnyside area of Houston. Driven by an unquenchable desire to discover his life’s purpose, Young learned that true power and freedom are the result of an unshakable commitment to live his purpose and spread the good news to the underdog. His unique story is his love letter to humanity.


Marathon 2009

Up to that point I had been running from my dark past towards a future I thought had been predetermined to bring light to others through me, an unlikely messenger. I have been the underdog most of my life—from suffering with tuberculosis as a kid to being rejected by my middle school football team—

but I found ways to deal with it. What I learned from failure and rejection is that they’re just part of the process that leads to success. There is a parable in the Bible that I relate to—the parable of the prodigal son. It’s a testament to my life journey, but more important, it is a tale about a life of redemption. In my case, that redemption has resulted in my gratitude for having a second chance.

Each life has a coding that gets revealed over time. At some point, you develop the need to understand your reason for being. Asking, “Why do I exist and what exists beyond the world we know?” consistently throughout your life has the amazing result of leading you to discover your purpose during your time here on Earth. It is not enough to know what your purpose is; you have to use that knowledge because your purpose is inextricably linked to your vision for the future, and that vision defines your success.

My life has been a series of events you wouldn’t think would be experienced in the lifetime of a kid who, until age eighteen, rarely ventured outside of my four-block neighborhood in uptown New Orleans, Louisiana. I witnessed all kinds of nefarious activity as a kid, most of it involving violence, which was far too prevalent in my young life. I knew it was bad, yet I was drawn to it, curious about what it could do for me, unafraid of the consequences. I thought I could handle it all and would always be in the winner’s seat. I reasoned that my street smarts and my buddies would get me through any situation. I knew the elders within my tight-knit family expected the best of me. They tried to shelter me from the foolishness of the streets as best they could. But stil , I fel into the hole. On the one hand, I was a good kid from a decent and respected family. On the other hand, I yearned for the dark, greedy side. That dual existence put me on the road to destruction and caused my parents more headaches than I’ll ever know.

Most of us have only about twenty years of childhood and adolescence before we are considered adults. I lived most of those early years in total darkness. I felt abandoned, cut off, and isolated, in part due to my personality, and partly due to the environment I lived in. The spirits of my ancestors watched over me through the violence and trauma I witnessed, but I didn’t know that then. The truth is that, in the not-so-distant past, a multitude of poor souls who bore the same blood as I do found themselves in the bel y of a slave ship. They held out with the hope that someone like me would show up one day and not waste the sacrifice of their captive life for a moment of self-serving opportunity. Despite my misdirected behavior, they helped guide me back to my Creator on a fateful December night. From the moment of that spiritual awakening, opportunities were presented to me like Christmas presents. I didn’t take time to investigate them because they came wrapped in packaging that resembled books and magazines that were easy to ignore. I was a misguided warrior, uninterested in the pursuit of knowledge. Later, those Christmas gifts became precious items that ignited my journey to unearth my purpose, my journey of walking in the shadow of footsteps.

As a kid, I always felt something was guiding my life and watching over me. In an unconscious way, that truth led me out of my adolescent confusion. Because of that, I feel a responsibility to my ancestors to make this world better by my presence here. Since someone was able to hold on and hold out in hopes that I would show up, I’ve done the same, and when I’m gone, my life wil be part of the continuum of the journey started generations ago. In everything I have done and been through, and in the work I do now, I realize the result is bigger than me.

We are taught in the Western Hemisphere to think about self first. We pride ourselves on being “self-made,” but no one truly reaches the destination of success alone. In other cultures and communities, it is about the whole, not the parts, the group, not the individuals, because within the group there is power. But power is not for self-aggrandizement. Power, instead, should be used to uplift the lowly, to shed light on the darkness, and to make right the wrongs inflicted upon the least of us. That can be seen clearly in this current moment, when a bridge between the old and the new way of leading change in our communities is at a desperate intersection. In fact, change and transition are a continuum, not a destination. From the Underground Railroad to the Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter, I celebrate and honor all the advances made to further the causes of Black people, those living in poverty, and other rejected populations.

Yet, the voices of the ancestors are cal ing for humanity to rise up and tap into our better angels. I accept the cal .

When Michael Brown was kil ed in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, the people in that community protested for almost four hundred days. They brought light to the long-standing reality of Black men and boys being kil ed by police and the predictable and frustrating result of no charges being filed against the police officers. Their voices shed light on the disproportionate representation of white people in positions of power within local governments making decisions for majority Black populations.

Eventually, the protests died down, the media pivoted away from it, and the rest of the country went back to business as usual, but CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort) and Black Lives Matter were committed. They worked behind the scenes to make change happen. The message of Black Lives Matter took off and gained global attention again in 2020 when the entire world was shut down and people all over the world were cooped up because of COVID-19. Stuck at home, they weren’t distracted by all the other news and entertainment. At that time, they were antsy for something to do.

When all the entertainment, sports, and other titil ating diversions were removed, people were forced to look in the mirror. By the summer of that year, they were at the starting line, ready for something to pounce on. They got it with the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Rayshard Brooks. That’s when the explosion happened and people got “woke.”  I hope the modern-day movement towards civil and human rights has built the bandwidth to sustain its voice and its power. My fear is that the objectives of the protests become lost in the predictable apathy that engulfs a society in the aftermath of civil unrest. To prevent that kind of destructive outcome, people have to be wil ing to fight for their own liberation. As history has demonstrated, the fight for equality is an emotional endeavor that can be heart-rending and depressing. It takes a concerted effort and a level of dedication and longsuffering to see that commitment to fruition. Those who are in the fight from a righteous standpoint cannot concede. They must prevail.

My role in this modern-day movement is to build an institution to be a positive influence in the community. That’s what Pro-Vision represents. I don’t have an overwhelming need to be heard, and I definitely do not need to be put on a pedestal or receive any accolades. But if somebody seeks me out and thinks I can add value to the discussion, I’ll do what I can to make an impact. As the old folks say, “Talk is cheap.” Actions speak louder than words when the conversation is about community enhancement and furthering the footprint of Black and disenfranchised people in this world. My goal is to fol ow through on the rhetoric and take action towards true, lasting, empowering change.

Realizing my purpose was the beginning of my journey, the wake up. Living out my purpose has been a continuous process to clean up, stand up, and show up, resulting in enlightenment for me. The journey has not been easy, but it has been worth every step and misstep. Along the way, I have transcended my environment and become an active vessel of change for others.

Taking agency back over my life has allowed me to put into perspective who I am, what I am, and what I should be doing with my time here on earth.

My life has been like that of the prodigal son. I’ve experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have left home, enjoyed the pleasures of life, found myself in a lowly state, and then realized my ancestors and my Creator had more in store for me. Thankful y, I found my way back home, back to myself.

This reflection of my life is a snapshot of that journey. 

About the Author

Throughout my life, I have had to eliminate the distractions that threatened to keep me from fulfilling my purpose, from childhood illness to witnessing violence in my youth, falling into the trap of drugs as a teen, and assaults on my confidence as an adult. Despite it all, I am living my American Dream, a life that pays homage to the struggles of the ancestors and builds a foundation for the continuum of healing and self-reliance for Black people and those who find themselves disenfranchised.

I have been around fame and I’ve been around fortune and people with it. Whether because of my humble upbringing or because of my experiences as a professional athlete in the NFL, the fame and fortune don’t impress me. I remain focused on the power and freedom that come with being true to my purpose. The Creator has charged me with the responsibility of spreading the good news to the underdog.

Walking in the shadow of footsteps has allowed me to live my purpose, the reason I exist in this world, and to help others do the same.

This story of my life is my love letter to humanity.

- Roynell Young

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Release Blitz ~ Coven of Angels by Mary Ramsey



LGBTQ Fiction, Gay Romance,

Release Date: August 31, 2021

Jeffery Carlos Blake grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, under the watchful eyes of his Hispanic, Catholic mother. Any memories of his blond-haired, blue-eyed military father are few and far between. Now that he was away from home, pursuing his dreams of medical school, it had become Jeff's life goal to locate his estranged parent, retired Master Sargent Richard Blake.

Jeff's journey takes him to rural South Dakota, to volunteer at the hospice wing of a local Veteran's hospital. Their first encounter brings about more questions than answers; issues of fate, destiny, and love beyond lifetimes.

What will Jeff do with these new revelations? And how can he move forward to live a life that honors all aspects of his culture? That's a question only a team of angels can answer.

About the Author

Mary Ramsey is a blogger, artist, and writer. She served in the United States Air Force and has a BA degree in Cinema. Although she was born in California, her work in the military took her all over the world including the diverse Midwest, from the beautiful landscapes of the Dakotas to the small towns of Wisconsin.

She has always had a fondness for unique superheroes--underrepresented minorities, LGBTQ, abuse victims, and so on. She loves an inspiring story that will make her cry. Her favorite movie will always be 13th Warrior.

Mary lives in San Francisco, California with her husband.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Release Blitz ~ Burn Card - A Firefighter Romance by Carina Alyce



A Strong Woman Firefighter Romance

MetroGen After Hours Book 3

Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Action Romance

Release Date: August 31, 2021

She plays her cards close to the vest. He hides from himself. Will a few drinks and a quick Vegas wedding change everything?

Teacher Caroline Peters has never fit in as one of the girls yet finds herself at a co-worker’s bachelorette party in Vegas. This girls gone wild weekend gets her up close and personal with her friendly neighborhood firefighter. This man is the fantasy she’s kept at arm’s length because there’s more to her than meets the eye.

Captain James Haskell has been burned by love, and he’d much rather focus on the firefighter convention than the temptations of Las Vegas. All bets are off when he runs into his next-door neighbor. After a wild night between the sheets, he bets big with her at an all-night chapel.

Will this newfound love be enough for two people to finally hit the jackpot in love? Or will their hidden and secret pain leave them broken beyond repair?


Sip a fizzy cocktail for the third book in the Metro Gen After Hours series. This 'Married in Vegas' romance will spin you from hope to heartbreak with a tear-jerking HEA ending that proves love can conquer any scar. Buy Burn Card now!

Don't forget to check out the other half of the Vegas romance in Roulette, MetroGen After Hours #4 available September 2021!

All Books in the MetroGen After Hours series:

Wildcat: A Strong Woman Firefighter Romance

MetroGen After Hours Book 1

She's not looking for Mr. Forever - just Mr. Right Now. He's aiming for the city's first football championship in forty years. Neither were betting on love.

Embers: A Strong Woman Firefighter Romance

MetroGen After Hours, Book 2

When her firefighter brother disappears, Abby is determined to find him. Will she find love too on her journey to the ashes in NYC?

Burn Card: A Strong Woman Firefighter Romance

MetroGen After Hours, Book 3

She plays her cards close to the vest. He hides from himself. Will a few drinks and a quick Vegas wedding change everything?

Roulette: A Strong Woman Medical Romance

MetroGen After Hours, Book 4

Coming September 30, 2021

She’s only spoken to him online. He’s used to making crazy plays. Will they bet on passion’s winning numbers?

Unchecked: A Strong Woman Medical Romance

MetroGen After Hours, Book 5

Coming November 30, 2021

Sometimes girls just wanna have fun, so dating three guys isn’t bad . . . unless someone gets their heart broken.


About the Author

The author is a full-time triple board-certified physician who started writing dramatic medical romances after 20 years in the trenches of health care. She promises she never had sex in a call room - the mattresses are not comfortable - or had a fistfight with a patient - though she did work as a fight doc at the Octagon.

She writes the MetroGeneral Downtown series that tackles the personal and professional challenges facing our front-line providers. Her stories have the drama of Grey's Anatomy, the comedy of Scrubs, the sexiness of Outlander, and the medical details of Forensic Files. They feature fast, witty dialogue, strong women with goals, sexy heroes and quirky ensemble casts.

When not working or writing, she is a brown belt in judo, an avid reader, and an attending surgeon in stuffed animal veterinary medicine for her six kids. (No one trusts her husband's medical skills because he's just a lawyer.) You can follow her at

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Release Blitz ~ Power Play - An Alliance Agency Novel by Maddie Wade & India Kells



Title: Power Play
Author: India Kells & Maddie Wade
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publication Date: August 31st, 2021
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR


For this warrior who endured the worst, failure is not an option to save the woman he loves.


Nick Hale is a hero who served his country with pride, but the price he paid was higher than he ever could have imagined. While he was away fighting for freedom, his little sister was brutally slain by a serial killer. Years later, life had gone on as he works for Alliance Agency with his best friend, fighting for the innocents and the weak. However, he had never forgiven himself for letting his sister down and had never forgotten her best friend—Seren Bowen, the girl who was out of reach and too beautiful and innocent for the feelings she evoked in him.


Now Seren is back and more lovely than ever, but with her comes trouble; a killer hunts her, one more dangerous than any of them ever could have imagined. As Nick fights his long-hidden desire for the red-haired siren, he must keep her safe from the psycho who wants her dead. Failure is not an option because he could never survive losing Seren, who represents long-sought redemption, but also the woman who had always owned his heart.


As this powerful enemy is circling closer, can Nick risk it all to keep Seren safe and dare to dream of a happily ever after?

India Kells is a romantic suspense and paranormal romance author with many books under her pen. Her love for strong female characters, wicked alpha males and sexy tense situations, where villains and danger are lurking nearby, help her weave captivating stories that will leave you breathless and wanting for more.

Release Blitz ~ Written in the Stars Boxed Set by L. L. Hunter


Title: Written in the Stars Boxed Set
Author: L.L. Hunter
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Kila Designs
Publication Dates: Aug. 31st, 2021
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR


Freelance writer Chloe Vanderbilt never imagined her life would become a story.

As a Hollywood gossip columnist for one of Australia’s biggest entertainment websites, she’d always written about the lives of those far more glamourous than herself

This Boxed set collection includes books 1 - 5 in the Written in the Stars series, plus the two short stories, A Touch of Sparkle and One Year in Hollywood.


L.L. Hunter is the author of over 20 published works, including The Legend of the Archangel Series and The Garden of Eden. She has studied everything from veterinary nursing, forensic science, and dramatic arts, but has always known her true calling was to be an author. 

She has been writing since her teens - everything from fan fiction, to song lyrics, to plays and musicals. When not working on her next paranormal romance, she can be found at home in Australia, reading somewhere comfortable with one or both of her “fur babies.” Follow her on Facebook, Twitter @llhunterbooks, and her blog -

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Pre-Order ~ Wolf Marked - Shifters Unleashed by Harper A. Brooks



Title: Wolf Marked
Author: Harper A. Brooks
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Cover Designer: Trifbookdesign
Publication Date: September 9th, 2021
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR


From USA Today Bestselling Author Harper A. Brooks comes a gripping tale of deadly curses and the strength of fated love.


The cycle of the moon can bring love... or death.


Time is running out for Astrid. If the wolf-shifter doesn’t find her soul’s mate before her twenty-fifth Blue Moon rises, the consequences will be fatal. With only three weeks left, things aren’t looking good... until Erec, a smooth-talking rogue wolf, lands at her feet.


The strange spark between them leaves Astrid wondering if this mysterious man could be the one meant to break her curse. But can she trust him?


From the moment Jerrick killed the only man Erec ever looked up to, Erec vowed to stop the crazed wolf. Partnering with the west-side pack seemed the logical move to accomplish that goal. But he never expected to fall for the alpha’s beautiful daughter, and now this lone wolf is wondering if she could be the one to save him from the curse.


With imminent dangers looming and the swirling patterns on their skin marking them for death, can Astrid and Erec save the west-side pack from the encroaching pack before their last Blue Moon rises in the sky?



Each book in the Shifters Unleashed series can be read as a standalone:

*Tiger Claimed

*Wolf Marked

Harper A. Brooks lives in a small town on the New Jersey shore. Even though classic authors have always filled her bookshelves, she finds her writing muse drawn to the dark, magical, and romantic. But when she isn't creating entire worlds with sexy shifters or legendary love stories, you can find her either with a good cup of coffee in hand or at home snuggling with her furry, four-legged son, Sammy.

She writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance.

RONE Award Winner

USA TODAY Bestselling Author

International Bestselling Author

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Release Blitz ~ Jacob - Odin's Fury Motorcycle Club by Victoria Jayne


Title: JACOB
Author: Victoria Jayne
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense
Cover Designer: Deranged Doctor Designs

Editor: Toni Rakestraw
Publication Date: Aug. 31st, 2021
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR


Memories aren’t enough.


As the son of Odin's Fury Motorcycle Club's VP, Jacob "Romeo" Karolsson has a lot to live up to. Going to Ohio for club business is his opportunity to prove himself. If he does it right, he can also use it as his second chance with Sparrow Malone, the one that got away seven years ago.


But Sparrow has goals and a life of her own. As the daughter of a fallen biker, she knows a woman’s place in an MC all too well. It’s her place within the club she’s not sure about. Then Jacob rides back into town and steals her self-control, her decency, and her morals.


Amid lollipops, love letters, and a serenade, their undeniable connection draws them to each other. But their club obligations may keep them apart. In a world where loyalty is everything, they have to decide where theirs lie and what is worth sacrificing.

Victoria Jayne is the epitome of a Jersey Girl. She doesn’t [know how to] pump her own gas, enjoys pork roll, and grew up on the Jersey Shore. The only daughter sandwiched between two brothers, she was a bit of a Tom-boy as a child.


As an adult, she’s lived throughout the state of New Jersey. She graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She earned her Masters degree in Marriage, Couples and Family Counseling from Walden University. She's worked in the human services field since 2005.


She met her sports journalist husband in an online audio/visual chat room. After a few years of dating, they got married and have two darling daughters.


When not writing, Victoria enjoys baking with her daughters, rooting for the New Jersey Devils, thinking of home improvement projects for her husband, and staying up far too late chatting on Discord.


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“You’re sorry?” The deep husky voice came from behind. Jolting, she dropped her apron in startled surprise. With her hand over her chest, trying to keep her heart from bursting through it pounded so hard, she turned.


Unprepared for what she saw, her mouth fell open and her heart lodged in her throat.


She didn’t immediately recognize him. For the first few seconds, all she saw was his height and facial hair. It wasn’t until she scanned up to his eyes. Those glacier-colored pools. She’d never forget them. The light blue irises burned as they bored into her.


The mohawk was gone. In its place, thick dark hair hung just past his chin. Or where she thought his chin would be. He wore a full beard trimmed neatly. It hid the beautiful features she remembered from his youth. Oh, his chin dimple. The little divot she wanted to poke so badly when he was a kid couldn’t be seen.


“Jacob?” she whispered, and her heart resumed its rapid beats for a completely new reason. Was it really him or just another dream of them meeting up again? If she moved, he might disappear. She might wake up. So, she stood perfectly still, staring at him.


He kept his distance, just inside the back room, with the door closed behind him. Muffled rock music came through the walls, along with inaudible conversations from the few patrons of the bar. However, in that room, the heavy silence weighed her down.


In her dreams, he’d speak, but often so softly, she barely heard him. Licking her bottom lip, she worried she’d forgotten his true voice. Then again, would he sound the same seven years later? She willed him to speak, silently pleading with him to say something, anything, just to hear him again. What he’d said before, when she had her back to him, it didn’t count. She wasn’t paying attention. She didn’t know it was him. She did now. He had her full attention. If he would just speak.


Instead, he remained stock-still. His tall, lean body blocked the only exit, but she didn’t feel trapped. If anything, there was far too much space between them. As though her feet were cemented to the floor, unable to move, she took the opportunity to assess him. The grown version of him.


Starting at his feet, scuffed motorcycle boots made her grin. She’d imagined him riding the long hours from Montana to Ohio with the wind ripping through the bit of hair that escaped the bottom of his helmet.


Loose-fitting, faded jeans were torn at his left knee with a chain attached to his belt loop. The left side of her mouth curled upward in an involuntary half grin as she spotted the small—considering he was from Montana, home to many a cowboy—belt buckle.


He wore a faded Metallica t-shirt, which he’d loosely tucked into his jeans. Over it, as was the tradition for every biker, was his cut. Those leather vests were a second skin, only coming off to sleep, and that was if they didn’t pass out first.


She took a moment to appreciate his club’s little patches. Some were standard, like the four F’s he had on his side. Every club had a version of it. She guessed he stood for “Fury forever, forever Fury.” Her father’s was RFFR which stood for “Roughnecks forever, forever Roughnecks.” The diamond on his left shoulder with “1%” in it was far too familiar. His club was an outlaw club, too.


The American Motorcyclist Association commented forever ago that 99% of motorcyclists were law-abiding citizens, the implication being the last one percent were outlaws. It became a badge of honor to clubs like the Roughneck Riders and, apparently, Odin’s Fury.


Beneath his outlaw patch, a “Member” tag was stitched under his road name: Romeo. Immediately that half-smile she had for his belt buckle dropped. Heat flamed in her cheeks. What did that mean? A spike of irrational jealousy rippled through her. The idea of him earning a reputation for seducing women had her clenching her jaw, despite knowing it was a ridiculous reaction.


“Why’d you stop writing?” His voice sounded restrained.


His question, his voice—deeper than she remembered, yanked her out of her insecurity. She had no business caring. She had no claim on him. He wanted to be Romeo, some Lothario biker thinking he’s God’s gift to women, let him. It wasn’t any skin off her nose.


Pulling the lollipop from her mouth, she lifted her chin and took a deep breath. “My dad died.” She hadn’t said those words in a few years. She didn’t get out and mingle all that often—pretty much stuck with the Roughneck Riders family and they all knew. Ducky Oliveira died for his club.