

Friday, February 28, 2025

Book Tour ~ Water Grave - An Abbey Rhodes Mystery by Mitchell S. Karnes


Water Grave by Mitchell S. Karnes Banner


by Mitchell S. Karnes

February 2-28, 2025 Virtual Book Tour


Water Grave by Mitchell S. Karnes



When a young pastor is found dead at the bottom of his baptistery, detective Abbey Rhodes must search in the one place she swore never to return…the church.

Fledgling Homicide detective Abbey Rhodes investigates the murder of a young East Nashville pastor found dead in the bottom of his own church baptistery. Paired with Sam Tidwell, an apathetic, aging detective just biding his time until retirement, Abbey must convince her partner the obvious suspect is not the real murderer. Then, she must overcome her own deep prejudice against churches and a dark secret that anchors her to a painful past. As Abbey and Sam discover the pastor’s plans to eliminate the church’s corruptive elements and implement a new vision, they realize their list of suspects multiplies and includes church leaders whom the young pastor considered friends. The case of the Water Grave triggers painful memories and pushes Abbey to her breaking point.

Book Details:

Genre: Christian Crime/Mystery
Published by: WordCrafts Press
Publication Date: January 29, 2025
Number of Pages: 280
ISBN: 978-1962218-69-6
Series: An Abbey Rhodes Mystery, Book 1
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads | WordCrafts Press

Read an excerpt:

Chapter One

Monday, October 23, 9:15 am – Living Water Church

Mark Ripley rushed into the baptistery changing room, slammed the door, and locked the handle. He scanned the room for his phone.

A loud thud reverberated through the tiny room as the entire doorframe shook. Mark searched under the towels. Another thud accompanied by the sound of cracking wood. He found the phone and glanced down at his lock screen, a picture of his wife and two children. He held the phone to his face to unlock it. Before he could dial 911, the frame splintered, and the door swung open. Realizing there was nowhere to run, Mark turned and tried to talk through the situation.

The wooden club struck the right side of his head with such violence that Mark spun sideways and toppled into the open clothes rack, dragging several white baptismal robes down with him. His phone flew from his limp hand and bounced off the wall, sliding into the opposite corner of the eight-by-eight changing room. It rested beneath the small bench.

His attacker nudged him with his foot. A few moments passed, and he nudged him again. Mark moaned. He touched his right cheek and temple, the source of his pain, and felt the warmth of his own blood. The man watched as Mark pushed up on all fours. The pastor’s only thoughts were his phone and 911. Before he could move, the man swung the club again, landing a solid blow to Mark’s back. The young pastor collapsed like a pile of soaking wet towels.


Chapter Two

Tuesday, October 24, 9:41 am – Living Water Church

Sergeant McNally’s assignment of Detective Tidwell as my mentor frustrated me to no end. A detective who, like water, took the path of least resistance.

He snapped his fingers in front of my face, “Hey Rhodes, which way?”

“Sorry, Detective. It’s just past Riverside at the bottom of the hill.”

“What did I say about formalities? Save that for the brass. Just call me Tidwell or Sam.”

“Yes, Detective.” It came out before I could catch it.

“It’s bad enough you look like a little girl; don’t act like one.”

I hate when they do that! Ironic. When I was twelve, everyone thought I was older and treated me as such. Now at twenty-four, I looked like an overdeveloped twelve-year-old.

Detective Tidwell loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. He stroked the salt and pepper beard which gave him a distinguished look and glanced down the road. He had a deep sorrow that added ten years to his appearance. I suppose we were a chronological paradox. “Church murder…that’s bad luck.”

“What do you mean?” Maybe he had a bad experience too.

“Nothing good ever comes from it,” he said.

I caught sight of the steeple and rubbed a sudden chill from my arms. I hated churches and church people.

It was a traditional small church building in the shape of an L with a one-story sanctuary connected to the two-story educational wing at the base of the L, just like so many small churches I’d seen as a kid.

When we pulled into the driveway, Detective Tidwell said, “Remember, just follow my lead. You got something to say, say it; otherwise, just observe.” As soon as he got out of the car, he straightened his tie and buttoned the first button of his suit coat. “If it’s too much, Rhodes, get some air.” He walked through the front doors and let them shut behind him.

I wanted to say, “This wasn’t my first homicide, and I’m pretty sure it won’t be my last,” but nothing came out. I stood there staring at the closed wooden double doors.

As I entered the tiny four-foot-deep foyer of the small church, my partner made the introductions, saying, “Detectives Tidwell and Rhodes.” I stared through the open double doors of the tiny foyer, fixated on the wooden cross on the far wall at the opposite end of the sanctuary. A Metro officer greeted us and printed our names and titles in the crime scene logbook.

He directed us to Officer Lee, the lead officer, who extended his hand to Detective Tidwell. Tidwell shook his hand then ducked under the crime scene tape dividing the foyer from the sanctuary. He glanced around the fifty-by-one-hundred-foot box of a room and walked down the center aisle. Officer Lee brought him up to speed.

I listened from the foyer as he recited the particulars of the crime scene from his memory and notes. He pointed to the baptistery which was situated behind a wall on the sanctuary stage and could be seen through an arched open space that began about chest high and ended two feet from the twenty-foot-high ceiling. Detective Tidwell walked across the hardwood-floored stage and stopped halfway between the pulpit and the baptistery window. He turned and listened to the rest of Officer Lee’s report. “Officers Hernandez and Smith are mapping out the crime scene and taking photos. Officer Grant has the church leaders spread out in the fellowship hall. CSI is on the way.” He pointed to the baptistery. “Our vic’s at the bottom.”

I stood frozen at the entrance of the sanctuary. My eyes locked on the wooden cross hung at the back wall of the baptistery, powerless to turn away. I stood there like an idiot, holding the crime tape in my hands. The officer behind me asked, “Hey, Rhodes, How’s the new gig?”

“Still learning where I fit in,” I muttered. “For now, I’m just the shadow.” I pointed to Detective Tidwell. “He’s the lead.”

The moment I said it, Detective Tidwell turned and said, “Hey, Rhodes, can we move on, or would you rather stay there and socialize?”

I rolled my eyes as I ducked under the tape. As I forced myself down the center aisle, I counted thirteen rows of pews. The décor was a mix of old and new. New ceiling, but old fixtures. Stained glass windows on the side walls, each depicting a scene from Jesus’s life, with a can light pointed at each one. A modest stage with drums, keyboard, guitars, and a baby grand in the opposite corner. Classic baptistery in the center behind the pulpit…a clear, acrylic pulpit. Nice.

Detective Tidwell stepped up to the fourteen-inch-tall baptistery glass set in the bottom of the window. He looked down into the water. “That’s something you don’t see every day.”

At five-six, I had to stand on my tiptoes to see over the glass window that allowed a view from the pews. I could hear the pump churning and noticed a slight movement in the water’s surface. A man’s body lay at the bottom, traces of a dark fluid seeping from the vic’s mouth and nose. The body was already releasing liquids as it decomposed. “Do we know who he is?” I asked.

“The pastor, Mark Ripley. Thirty-three-year-old white male, married, father of two.”

Detective Tidwell stared at the body. “Family been notified?”

“Not yet.” Officer Lee flipped through his notes. “According to Faith Jones, the church secretary, the pastor’s wife and kids are on their way back from St. Louis.”

“Any witnesses?” Detective Tidwell asked.

“No, but the church leaders all have theories as to his death. He was discovered when they arrived for their Tuesday morning leadership meeting.”

“How many leaders?” Detective Tidwell asked.

Officer Lee looked through his notes. “Twelve.”

“That explains all the vehicles,” I said. “Who called it in?”

“Owen Jenkins, the Men’s Ministry leader.” Lee led us out of the sanctuary to a small hallway at the side of the stage that led to the main hall of the educational building. From there we turned left to the doors of the changing rooms, one for men, and one for women. The door to the women’s side was cracked, and the frame shattered.

I scanned the room before entering. Something didn’t fit. “Why are the stairs and floor wet? The body’s been there at least a day.”

“According to Owen Jenkins, he saw the body and ran back to the church office to call 911. While he was doing that, the secretary and youth minister entered the church through the sanctuary doors. Noticing the baptistery light on, the secretary went up on the stage to turn it off. That’s when she saw the body and screamed. The youth minister took it upon himself to check the body, believing the pastor was still alive. Owen Jenkins heard the commotion, came back to the sanctuary. As soon as he noticed the youth minister in the water, he yelled for him to get out.” Officer Lee closed his notebook. “We taped it off the moment we arrived.”

“What an idiot!” Detective Tidwell snapped.

The officer smiled faintly and read another note. “The youth minister’s name is Jonathan Williams.”

Detective Tidwell pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re telling me a well-intentioned staff member compromised our crime scene?” Tidwell didn’t like complications. They took more time.

I recorded detailed notes in my book. “I’m sure prints won’t help anyway. A church this size probably doesn’t clean back here often.” Turning to Officer Lee, I asked, “Did someone take pictures anyway?” Officer Lee nodded. “What about a sketched diagram with measurements?” He nodded again. Standard procedure. These were officers of East Precinct. They were trained well.

“Officers Hernandez and Smith will get those down to Homicide as soon as they’re finished.”

“Smell that? Bleach.” I looked at the remains of the door and frame where someone had broken through. “Looks like someone tried to clean up.” After donning sanitary booties and Nitrile gloves, we entered the crime scene, doing our best to preserve the integrity of the remaining evidence. I knelt by the stairs and pointed to a seam where the vinyl flooring met the rubber treads of the steps leading up to the baptistery. “There’s blood here.”

Detective Tidwell knelt beside me. “Here too. Look in the grooves of the stairs.”

“Sloppy job. Must have been in a hurry.”

Detective Tidwell turned to Officer Lee. “Could you see if there’s a janitor’s closet somewhere? If so, look for a looped-end string mop. If so, bag it. We’ll have the lab check it for blood and prints on the handle.”

“More here,” I announced, holding out a white robe with spots of blood on the sleeve. “Do we have any Luminal so we can check the whole room?”

Detective Tidwell said, “CSI will.” He called out for Officer Smith to take photos of the blood stains.

Detective Tidwell’s phone rang. He answered it and listened. He lowered the phone from his ear and said, “CSI is pulling in now. If you don’t mind, have them spray the room and light it up.”

“Will do, Detective. Anything else?”

“If you have anyone to spare, I’d like to have them canvass the immediate neighborhood to see if anyone saw cars coming or going between their last church service and this morning.”

Detective Tidwell sighed and asked, “Now, where are those witnesses?”


Excerpt from Water Grave by Mitchell S. Karnes. Copyright 2025 by Mitchell S. Karnes. Reproduced with permission from Mitchell S. Karnes. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Mitchell S. Karnes

MITCHELL S. KARNES is a husband, father of seven, and grandfather of ten. Mitchell uses his experience and insights as a minister, counselor, and educator to write and speak on challenging issues and concerns with an ever-growing audience. He has published six novels, three short stories, a one-act play, and numerous Bible study lessons.

Through two separate battles against Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, God has given Mitchell a new perspective on life that challenges him to create stories to entertain audiences and call them to action. Mitchell’s mission is to reach and reconcile those disillusioned with God and His church and to inspire the church to live out the love of Christ Jesus in a broken and hurting world.

Catch Up With Mitchell S. Karnes:
Amazon Author Profile
Instagram - @mitchellskarnesauthor
X - @mitchellskarnes



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Book Blitz ~ Stone Guardian - Masonry, Magic, and Love by Gayle Katz


Stone Guardian
Gayle Katz
(Masonry, Magic, and Love, #1)
Publication date: March 4th 2022
Genres: Paranormal, Romance

No Steam! No Spice! Gargoyles are immovable statues of stone. Lifeless, the librarian thought, until one of them takes flight to save her from an untimely demise.

A kindhearted but lonely librarian. Nancy is drowning under the weight of an abusive boyfriend, failing grades, and looming unemployment. While at work, she confides her deepest, darkest secrets to the gargoyle perched near her desk. But she’s unprepared when the strange stone statue comes to life.

A gentle gargoyle born under a curse. Treyton can’t believe it. In the past century that he’s been guarding the beloved Victorian library he calls home, the lonesome man never had anyone notice him until now. And he’s enchanted by the beautiful woman yearning for true love under his watchful gaze. But the witch who gave him life wants him back. And she’s willing to kill anyone who stands in her way.

As his vile witch plots against them, will Nancy and Treyton be torn apart forever, or can they overcome the evil threatening their love — and their lives?

The Complete Series:

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo

Get the complete series HERE!


It was the screams that woke Nancy.

They were bloodcurdling, gut-wrenching howls filled with nothing but pain. It was unlike anything Nancy had ever heard before.

Gasping for breath, Nancy’s eyes flew open. She pitched forward and peered around her with bleary eyes, trying to figure out which of her neighbors must have been shrieking … but instead of her ceiling and her warm blankets, she found herself lying in a heap on the side of a dirt road.

Above her, gray clouds swirled through the frigid night. Snowflakes drifted down and clung to her lashes and her hair.

Why was she outside? The last thing she remembered was diving into bed after Diana left.

Panic filled her as she rolled clumsily onto her arms and knees, finding her legs twisted and tangled in endless yards of fabric. It was only when she managed to drag herself to her feet by gripping a lantern-lit street post that she realized she was no longer in her Wonder Woman pajamas. She was dressed in a long-sleeved frock that swirled around her ankles. She grabbed at the thick fabric, tugging and pulling at it, until she realized that she was wearing some sort of antiquated dress and a petticoat.

“I must be dreaming,” Nancy whimpered, but she was hardly able to hear herself over the screams still echoing around her.

Her chest heaving, Nancy stumbled down the dirt road. She had to find someone, anyone, to tell her where she was and what was going on. This place was unrecognizable to her. There were only ten houses on this small road, as well as a building Nancy assumed was some sort of general store. There was also something almost familiar about the budding town, though Nancy could not put her finger on what it was—especially when she realized that flames licked up toward the sky from most of the buildings. Heat emanated from them, battling with the wintry chill of the air.

Nancy froze. She could only stare as the townspeople ran around wildly and begged for help. Suddenly, men on horses charged through the village, some swinging swords and guns while others aimed flaming arrows at people and homes.

“The outsiders are attacking!” someone screamed before getting cut down before Nancy’s very eyes.

“No … no!” shrieked Nancy. “Wake up, please! I don’t want to be here anymore!”

Author Bio:

Daring Women. Dangerous Worlds.

Gayle is a fan of zombies, sci-fi fantasy romance, and psychological horror—though not necessarily in that order. She writes the kinds of books she wants to read but often can’t find. Hoping to scare you, make you swoon, and root for her characters, her love of kick-butt heroines and sassy snark shines through in her work.

Born and raised outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gayle lives with her husband and they are currently working on their own happily ever after.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Instagram / X


Teaser ~ French Cruises Can Kill You - The Hassle High Mystery Series by Constance Meccarello-Gerson



The Hassle High Mystery Series, Book 3


Cozy Mystery

Date Published: 11-14-2020


Cozy Mystery with Death Romance and twists on a French Cruise with the Hassle High group. Complete with occult, kidnapping and French Recipes.



Chapter One Lyon

          Frankly, I couldn’t believe we were on our way to the ship in Lyon  for the Tomato River Cruise. I ‘m Maria Bruno Cohen, Principal at Hassle High  School in Queens New York. My students, the Nut Squad, had won a cruise for their presentation of the Hamlet the Musical at the school. They have been invited on a free cruise through France in exchange for their performances on board the ship. The owner of Tomato Cruises also gave a free trip to me and my husband Al. The plane trip had been exciting as I tried to keep a lot of liquor out of the Nut Squad’s hands , not an easy thing to do, since quite a few of them were legal age in France.

     “No drinking of liquor on this plane. No student drinking. “ I announced clearly as we boarded.  The Nut Squad groaned.

     They were  called the Nut Squad because they were artistic and did crazy things. But a principal can do nothing but try to keep them away from the booze! We  all got to Paris tired and sober. At least Al and I were  tired and sober.

     We piled into the cars sent for us by Tomato Cruise lines and arrived at our hotel near the Opera House.   The drive into Paris from the airport was wonderful. One could see the Eiffel Tower and the skyline of Paris in the distance as one got closer and closer.

          All the students, fourteen of them,  had teachers’ rooms near their rooms, to keep an eye on them. Though personally I wasn’t so sure about the teachers! Maybe a few of them needed looking after too. From the faculty was  Fred Kelley tall, thin, dark,  a professed warlock, with an edge of something slightly evil about him,  with his basic black outfits and maybe some witchcraft items in his suitcases. He had been raised in a coven. He also had no taste in women. His last fiancée turned out to be a murderer.  I knew him from summer school. I was keeping an eye on him. I didn’t trust Kelley. Mr. Kane, the superintendent insisted I take Kelley on this trip, “to help him get over his bad experience with his ex-fiancé and summer school.”  Kane really liked Kelley. I think it was because Kelley had been a media attraction with his weird warlock ideas.

          Megan Murphy,  short, cubby grey hair cut short, Megan, was the Math Assistant Principal, not brilliant but sweet I knew from experience the students could run rings around her. Then we had three new teachers sent by the superintendent to join my school when we got back in September.  Superintendent  Kane insisted I take them with me to France. This was because new teachers were cheaper than older ones.

          “Great experience for the new faculty. Gives them a chance to meet you and the students in a natural setting.” He rasped this at me on the phone as I was packing.

     “Yes sir!” I replied.

          What was I supposed to do, he’s my Boss!  So, I had Ms. Vanna Hayes,  science teacher, a slim, twentyish something black teacher who really looked like Nefertiti.  This was her first teaching job.  She was lovely to look at, all the Nut Squad boys were staring at her  all the time. I hoped that is all they did to her on this trip.

          Then I had Mr. Ben Franklin, yeah, that’s really his name. He was, of all things, from Japan. He was an exchange teacher. The superintendent had promised me he was an excellent math teacher. Megan had promised me to check that out. Though Megan as a math chair was not really noted for her math skills. We would just have to wait and see. He was very quiet and very short. I hoped he liked kids.

          Next was Ms. Desiree Cavalier , she was the new French teacher. About twenty-five , with a nice figure and long blonde hair. She was born in Normandy. Her French was very good.

          Jeff on the Nut Squad told me. “Hey, Teach, I mean Princey, our French is like okay too!” I nodded. I couldn’t wait to hear it. The thought of hearing it kept me up nights. Anyway, I was glad to have Ms.  Desiree.  There was one  more  teacher the superintendent had included for me.

          Mr. Tim Leary, yeah, I know, but it is his real name, I checked his passport even. He was thirty  with long hair pulled back in a ponytail, and six foot four at least. He was as tall as Kelley.  He was going to be my new social studies chairperson.

     “He has been teaching five years at Townsend Harris High School and is a wonderful teacher. He just got an Assistant Principal  License.  He’ll be great at Hassle High.” The superintendent announced in an email to me on my last day at home.

          Well, here we all were.  We’d spent one night in Paris. Al  my husband, and I had gone to bed early. We had a short dinner with his French  cousins in a nice restaurant. Al was born in France.  I gave instructions to the teachers to keep track of the kids.  And I wasn’t woken up except for breakfast! A miracle! And as we ate the continental breakfast in the hotel, no problems were mentioned from the night before in Paris.  I didn’t ask for any either.  We piled into the cars out front and left our hotel in Paris for the TGV train to Lyon.

          The French countryside was beautiful, lots of farmland and trees, it was very green. I loved the white cows. So different from our black or brown cows.  There were fields of corn which Al explained was used to the feed the cattle. The French didn’t eat corn like we did.

          Suddenly Al and I had company in our seats.  Jeff  tall blonde and very thin ,and Martha long dark hair and big brown eyes, came and sat next to us.

     “ Hey, this is great !” said Martha. “It is really pretty. Princey, do you know where the teens hang in Lyon?”

     “Yeah, we would like to meet some French teens you know.  Especially the girls?” Jeff winked at Al.  Oh boy, I thought.

          Al frowned a little at Jeff and the wink. “ No,” he answered.   “ And I don’t have any relatives in Lyon to ask about that.”

          Well, that was handled with tack I thought. Jeff frowned at Al. “Could you phone a relative and see if they know? Otherwise, we can look it up on social media. Yeah, on second thought that’s what we’ll do!” Jeff stood and smiled at me. Martha stood and followed him to the back of the train car where the teens were sitting together. “Hey! Like who has a working cellphone?” Jeff yelled at them.

          When Jeff yelled, a couple dressed in the same style of  black clothing, black shirts and shorts, sitting across from Al and me turned to us. Who wore black in  ninety-degree heat?  I guess they thought I should do something about Jeff. I shrugged back at them. Did they think I could control this group? They were in for a surprise. It would be along train ride if they thought I could do that.  Hopefully, they wouldn’t be joining us on the boat.

          With no more teenager confabs we arrived in Lyon.  I was pleased when Mr. Leary got all the students together with their luggage. We stepped off with our luggage, which was rapidly taken by porters. Mr. Leary was explaining, “Lyon is an UNESCO site. It was once the capitol of Gaul.  We will be touring the city quickly on our way to the boat by bus. Please follow your teachers.  I will describe what we drive past. The bus is over there.” He pointed to the bus. He headed for the bus. Eleven of the students kind of slowly followed him. They were carrying their luggage to be handed to the porters waiting to load the luggage on the bus.

          The second he turned his head, Jeff, Martha and Tim, who was  six-foot three , thin and with black hair and tan olive skin, started to walk off in the other direction. I went after them.            “Get on that bus. I won’t spend the time searching all of Lyon for you today. If you guys wander off, I will not be happy!”

          Martha and Tim looked slightly guilty at getting caught. Jeff didn’t. He smiled at me. “Okay Princey, we’ll do it.  We just wanted to look around ya know?”

          I nodded my head. I knew alright!  Al had come back. He was trying to get me to head for the bus too, I guess. Or maybe he thought I needed help with crowd control. Al had taught for many years too. We all walked together to the bus and boarded it. One emergency search for missing students averted.  Leary started the tour on the bus.  He knew his material but had a speaking voice that could make you nod off to dreamland. At least there were no further incidents  and we got to the boat. As we were leaving the bus for the boat, I made an announcement.

          “Remember  students you are going to a formal dinner tonight at seven to meet all the other passengers. You are to dress up for dinner. Good behavior is expected.” I concluded. The students all clapped my little speech. Jeff spoke up.

          “Yeah, everybody look cool for tonight like Mrs. Bruno says okay?” He turned and looked at me. “Don’t you worry, we got it.”

     Why didn’t I believe it?

     Anyway, the boat was straight ahead and so was a cat. It was a yellow striped tabby cat, and very big, sitting on the gangplank.  The kids all petted it as they went by. We got on board. I had put Ben Franklin in charge of giving out cabin assignments for the kids. The rest of the teachers and Al and I walked up to the reception desk on board. Franklin went first and he started  to hand out keys and assign rooms. I observed for a minute, but all looked well. Al was talking to the desk clerk, who gave him a key.

          “Mr. Cohen,” he said, “your luggage is in your room.” He smiled.

     “Thank you,” replied Al.

          The service was wonderful. I turned to the teachers, “see you at seven.” Al  and I started walking to our cabin to see what it was like. As I passed Ben Franklin I said, “please give me a copy of the cabin assignments when you are through.”

     “Yes, Mrs. Bruno,” he answered softly. I waved at the students who were standing around and walked after Al to our cabin in the middle of the ship.

     Al opened the door. There was a nice bowl of fruit and two bottles of wine from Captain Brin on our desk. The cabin was small, especially with all my luggage, but okay. I always over pack. Al used to hate that fact that I overpacked, now he just shakes his head. That’s what over thirty years of marriage does to you. There was a balcony with two chairs on it. A queen size bed,  a television on the wall, a safe in a cabinet that had a few dresser drawers in it and a small refrigerator. Everything was compact but very nice and clean.  The empty luggage could go under the bed and in the closet. I had a feeling everything would be fine. Al was smiling.

          “Nice,” he said, “ and we are alone for a while till dinner.”  I smiled at him.

          We were trying to work on our rocky marriage this trip. Thirty years ago, I had been engaged to Joe Viola, a NYC detective. We had met again. Hassle High had had a few murders take place and Detective Joe Viola was assigned to the cases.  Joe wanted me to divorce Al and marry him, even though, thirty years ago, he had dumped me at the altar. I was thinking about it.

     “I plan to unpack a bit. Why don’t you open the wine and pour us a drink? Do you think the cat is on the ship?” I asked. I opened one of my three suitcases. Al had packed only one. I pulled out dresses and hung them on the closet. Just as Al handed me a glass of wine there was  a knock at the cabin door. Al opened it.

          Ben Franklin was there. He had a list of cabins with assigned students in them. I thanked him and Al softly closed the door.  We both kicked off our sneakers and sat on chairs on the balcony. We looked over the river at Lyon before us. It was a pretty site.  The Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere was in the distance. The sun was setting. Suddenly the boat started to move. We were on our way. I glanced at the clock on the wall of our cabin. At least an hour before I had to dress for dinner. This was great! I sipped the wine which was quite good. Al and I just sat there and watched as the boat moved off from Lyon. It was a nice calm moment.  Little did I know, it wouldn’t last. We finished the wine and got showered and dressed for dinner. Al looked great in his jacket and tie. I looked pretty good since I had lost twenty pounds and could finally get into a petite size eighteen gown.  We both walked hand and hand to the front of the boat where the restaurant was located. We were both eager to see what the students were wearing and meet the other guests.

About the Author

Constance Meccarello-Gerson was born in Poughkeepsie N.Y.  She is a graduate of Florida Southern College with a BA in Acting. She also attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. HB Studio, Actors Studio, in NYC.  She is a member of SAG, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Si Omega. Her MFA in Acting is from Brooklyn College.  She has appeared on TV, film, and on stage in NYC. For 20 years she taught as a mentor and teacher of English and Theatre arts for the New York City Department of Education and for the University at Santa Cruz. She also taught for ten years as a Speech Coordinator at Touro College. She was an executive at Bloomingdales. Her writing as appeared in Musings, also in the Best American Poets series.  Murder at Hassle High is her first  cozy mystery. Summertime Murder at Hassle High is her second and  French Cruises Can Kill You  is the third.  She wrote Armera a sci fi mystery and her Snowball the Sherlock Rabbit series, a group of children books.  Currently she lives in NYC with her husband Alain, a parrot named Benji, and lots of fish. She is currently writing Death In a Dorm, another cozy in the Hassle High series.

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Book Blitz ~ Seducing the Darkness by Shiela Stewart


Paranormal Romance

Date Published: 2015

Publisher: Champagne Publishing


Trinity was once a fragile girl. Being taken by a powerful vampire prince changed her. Discovering him in the arms of another woman changed destiny. Alone, she’s learned fast how to be tough, how to survive, and how to protect the people in her city from the evil that lurks in the dark. She was managing just fine, until Basil walked back into her life.

Basil Hawthorn has been the reigning prince of vampires since banishing his father to the Realm of Dark Mystics decades earlier. When a prophetic dream makes him realize Trinity’s life is at risk, he decides the only way to save her is to push her away. Doing so is not easy. Trinity is the only woman he has ever loved, will ever love, and he can’t seem to let her go.

When rumors arise of a plan to raise the king and blot out the sun, both Trinity and Basil know they must do everything to stop it. Even if it means working together. Despite betrayal and threats, they find themselves drawn to each other. Love has no boundaries, especially in the face of danger. But will they be able to stop the ritual before it’s too late?

Or will the darkness capture them both?




That damn itch she’d been having lately was back, and it was driving her nuts. Rolling her shoulders, she watched two redheads staggering from the bar’s exit and towards a dimly lit street.

Here we go again, She kept to the shadows as she followed after them. Uneventfully, they made it to their car and drove off. She hoped the cops were out tonight and those two were hauled in to sleep off their drunk.

Turning back to the club, she waited and watched for the next two hours and was glad nothing had happened. So far. But the night was still young.

“Can you smell it?”

She didn’t jump, but slowly looked over at Basil who appeared next to her. She hated when he just appeared out of thin air, but she knew he loved that entrance the best. “Your stink? Always.”

He didn’t sneer at her but slowly lifted his hand and lit the cigarette between his fingers. “The blood of a human. Does it still draw you in, make you hunger, make you want?”

“I’ve got a strong will.” Deliberately, she shifted away from him. It wasn’t only the smoke that bothered her—and always had—but his scent. It pissed her off that he could still make her ache.

She waved the smoke away annoyingly and shifted just a bit farther away. “Why are you skulking, Basil? Because if you’re following me, I am going to so kick your ass.”

“I was in the neighborhood.”

She glared at him and growled her response. “If you’re here to drink, let me warn you now that I won’t allow it.”

“Who am I supposed to drink from now that I no longer am nourished by your blood?”

She chose not to answer that. “Why does it seem that you’re always around, lurking in the dark, around places that aren’t your usual hangouts? Unless….there’s a reason?” The thought stabbed into her, and though she didn’t want to believe it, she had to ask. “Are you trying to take more females of your own? Are you the one abducting young girls?”

With one quick and easy flick, he tossed the cigarette into the darkness. The red tip glowed as it flew through the air before landing on the gravel to bounce and spit out a cloud of red sparkling fireworks. “I will not even dignify that with an answer.”

“It’s so obvious, now that I think about it. I was young when you took me, made me yours. Is that what you’re doing, Basil, making another mate?”

His icy blue eyes narrowed dangerously as he stepped closer. “I have a mate and to think you would even have such a thought sickens me.”

“You don’t have me, Basil.” Her voice grew dangerous. “If I’m so wrong, then do explain to me why you’re always out in the darkness, skulking near all these young girls?”

“The very same reason you are, my dear.” He ran a finger along her face, making her scowl.

She snorted, stepping away from him before he decided to do something stupid, like kiss her. “Please, I hardly think you’re out here looking to find the person or persons responsible for taking four innocent girls.”

Leaning against the building behind them, Basil looked off into the direction of the bar and the people waiting in line to be allowed inside. “You think so little of me and that’s a shame. But I suppose I’ve done it to myself. Yes, Trinity, I am looking to find out who took those young girls, as you are. And why you might ask?” He shifted towards her, sliding in nice and close and making her pulse speed up. He laid his fingers on her cheek, then slowly slid them along her face. “Because I have a feeling I am connected to the reason they’ve been taken.”

She had all but a moment to open her mouth to respond when he closed it with a mind numbing kiss, then pulling away, turned into a dog and scampered away.

Now what the hell did he mean by that?

About the Author

Shiela Stewart is a paranormal suspense author with a writing history that stems back to her youth.  Always a dreamer, wondering if her stories would ever reach an audience, she was finally published in 2006 and hasn’t stopped since.  It is rare to find a stand-alone book as she prefers series stories. Her longest running series to date is her Darkness series, which is a vampire romance.

Her joy for scary suspense is evident in each of her books. She has had several accomplishments, including fighting for the top spot in the rankings with author Stephanie Myers, receiving glowing reviews as well as interviews on local television and reviews and interviews in The Romantic Times Magazine.

When not writing, Shiela spends her time with the love of her life, William, and their children and grandchildren.. Her strong affection for animals is evident in the many cats she cares for.

Her favorite time of the day is at sunset.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Book Tour ~ Rented Grave by Charles Phillip Martin


Rented Grave by Charles Philipp Martin Banner


by Charles Philipp Martin

February 3 - 28, 2025 Virtual Book Tour


Rented Grave by Charles Martin



Horace Yang, a downtrodden office worker haunted by failure, betrayal, and brutal imprisonment during Mao's Cultural Revolution, has finally found a way to settle the score. Obsessed with revenge, he presses on to a confrontation that can only end in death.

In Hong Kong's teeming Yau Ma Tei district, a body is found in a gangster's limousine. The murder case takes Inspector Lok and his team deep into the heart of the city's criminal life. Eventually Lok's investigation uncovers an evil spawned in the turmoil of 1960s China, where a vicious regime exploited fear and terrorized the masses.

Rented Grave is a crime story about Hong Kong, a modern city entangled in China's past. Some can't forget that past, for their wounds still bleed, and their voices still cry out for revenge.

Praise for Rented Grave:

"An atmospheric crime story savvily blending the sleek modernity of Hong Kong with China’s tumultuous past."
~ Kirkus Reviews

"In noir, nothing goes according to plan. Charles Philip Martin’s RENTED GRAVE we have a crime, done in a different culture, against an alien political backdrop. Everything is different to Western eyes, from corruption to police procedure, women, and justice. Told in a crisp, vivid and relentless style that keeps the story moving forward and the mindset and values of a foreign city and its people at the fingertips, yet out of reach, Martin delivers noir in the darkest of shades."
~ Gabriel Valjan, Agatha, Anthony, and Shamus-nominated author of the Shane Cleary series

"...lean and masterfully written...This book pulls you in and won't let go."
~ Carl Vonderau, award-winning author of MURDERABILIA and SAVING MYLES

"Rented Grave is a beautifully-crafted, relentlessly-paced crime story studded with edge-of-your-seat thrills. Never for a moment does it stop bubbling with tension and danger."
~ Ron McMillan, author of YIN YANG TATTOO and BANGKOK COWBOY

"An as-authentic-as-you're-likely-to-get insider's view of Hong Kong police work…Martin pulls the reader through a twisty international thriller that ultimately satisfies while leaving us ready for the next installment. Exactly what you want in a thriller."
~ Bobby Mathews, Anthony-nominated author of MAGIC CITY BLUES, LIVING THE GIMMICK, and NEGATIVE TILT

"The criminal back alleys of Charles Philipp Martin’s Hong Kong simmer with sumptuous corruption."
~ Gerald Elias, award-winning author of the Daniel Jacobus mysteries

Book Details:

Genre: Mystery
Published by: Level Best Books
Publication Date: August 13, 2024
Number of Pages: 270
ISBN: 9781685126780 (ISBN10: 1685126782)
Series: An Inspector Lok Novel, 1
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | Level Best Books

Read an excerpt:

Chapter 1

Rented Grave

Yau Ma Tei District, Hong Kong, Friday, 7:31 p.m. It was not supposed to be like this.

Again the words come back to Horace Yang, persistent as the cat he kicks in the alley by his home, that wretched bag of fur that returns nightly to beg for what Horace doesn’t have.

The words come back, like the blotch on his toe, a mustard-colored rot that vanishes with a touch of rice vinegar, only to bloom again when it dries.

He banishes the words from his mind, but they return.

It was not supposed to be like this.

They return when he awakens in his flat, which seems to shrink by the year, and again when he takes the day’s work orders and prepares for the day’s disappointments.

It was not supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be different.

The words remain after other words are forgotten. They remain after he answers a question from his son, a boy without guile and without future. At night they keep him company in bed, while he counts the ways that life has thwarted him. And now they return in full voice as he clutches a knife bought in haste to kill a man.

There should have been time to plan, time to choose the weapon and the place, perhaps even a minute to tell Mo what he thought of him first. That would have felt good, might have eased the stress. That was how it was supposed to be.

But for Horace, things are never as they’re supposed to be.

It should be dark, but darkness, like silence, doesn’t happen in Mongkok. A faint glow washes in from lamps on Temple Street. Filthy and forgotten windows at the back of the restaurant shed their anemic light on crates full of rotting choi sum.

Horace approaches the dormant limousine, adding a few inches to his stride to speed things up.

Given more time, he could have taken control, and not had to sneak around. Why is it that people like him, who have the best minds and the keenest ambition, are the ones who can never get control?

One last look around. Except for Horace, the alley is empty. No one is passing on Temple Street behind him or on Woosung Street at the far end. If it’s to happen, it must happen now.

Horace grabs the handle and throws the door wide open to reveal a small figure in the glint of the dome light.

“Who…?” The man stares up in confusion.

He drives the knife into the man’s chest. They both gasp.

Up to this moment, Horace has thought only of himself: his own need for cover, for speed, for getting the thing done and getting away. And, of course, his resentment at how things have turned out.

Now, the deed done, he pauses to look at the man.

The wrong man. Not Mo Tun.

A stranger lies on the seat, eyes rigid in horror and pain. And then Horace sees what he hasn’t allowed himself to see till now.

Next to the dead man, another pair of eyes.


Excerpt from Rented Grave by Charles Martin. Copyright 2025 by Charles Martin. Reproduced with permission from Charles Martin. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Charles Philipp Martin

Charles Philipp Martin grew up in New York City's Greenwich Village. His father was an opera conductor and both his parents well-known opera translators and librettists who never uttered the word "parenting" but knew enough to steep their family in music and literature. After attending Columbia University and Manhattan School of Music, Martin took off for a six-year paid vacation in the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.

While in Hong Kong he hung up his bow and turned to writing, spending four years as a Sunday Magazine columnist for the South China Morning Post, and writing for magazines all over Southeast Asia. His weekly jazz radio show 3 O'Clock Jump was heard every Saturday on Hong Kong’s Radio 3 for some two decades.

Neon Panic, a suspense novel which introduced Hong Kong policeman Inspector Herman Lok, was published in 2011. His most recent novel is Rented Grave, the first in a new series featuring Inspector Herman Lok. Martin now lives in Seattle with his wife Catherine.

Catch Up With Charles Philipp Martin:
Amazon Author Profile
Goodreads - @cpmartin
Instagram - @writecharliewrite
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Facebook - @HongKongSuspense



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Release Blitz ~ Grit & Grace by Deborah Rudell



The Transformation of a Ship & a Soul


Date Published: February 27th, 2025

Publisher: Acorn Publishing



Deborah Rudell’s world unravels when the leaders of her spiritual commune are exposed, arrested, and imprisoned for bioterrorism and attempted murder. Crushed and adrift, she moves her family off the commune to create a sense of normalcy. But when her husband seeks an opportunity to dismantle and rebuild a derelict fifty-foot schooner, Deborah uproots their children once again and joins him in Kauai. For the next five years, she dedicates her life to restoring a boat.

Pouring herself into the work at hand can only distract her so much as disillusionment about the cult’s lies and manipulation slowly rises to the surface. While she grapples with emotional turmoil and contemplates a new life path, Deborah sets out to accomplish something she never thought possible: sailing across the Pacific to the Olympic Peninsula. Will the dangers that come with navigating the ocean be too much to bear, or will she find resolution and fortitude in the turbulent adventure?

Grit & Grace: The Transformation of a Ship & a Soul is one woman’s account of conquering overwhelming challenges with tenacity and ingenuity and ultimately discovering her inner strength.

About the Author

A college professor in San Diego, California, Deborah Rudell participates in her city’s vibrant writing community. She is a graduate of Hay House Writer’s Workshop and the Certificate in Memoir Writing program at San Diego Writers, Ink. Her work has been published in the International Memoir Writers Association’s anthology, Shaking the Tree: I Didn't See That One Coming.

Deborah lives with her black cat in a tiny house built in 1906 by a retired sea captain, who carved a sailing ship into the front door. This is her first book.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Book Tour ~ Stupid Carrot, MD by Dr. Kenneth J. Cruse, MD



Parenting Children to Independence




Parenting is one of life’s greatest joys, but it can also feel like an overwhelming journey filled with doubts, challenges, and endless questions. In Stupid Carrot, M.D., pediatrician Dr. Kenneth Cruse draws on over 30 years of experience helping families navigate the ups and downs of raising children—and his own experiences as a father—to create a practical and relatable guide for parents at every stage.

From sleepless newborn nights to the unpredictable teenage years, Dr. Cruse addresses key milestones in child development with warmth, humor, and expert insights. This book dives into today’s most pressing pediatric challenges, including:


Electronic communication and social media

          • Alcohol and substance abuse
          • Sexuality and gender identity
          • Building resilience and independence


Packed with lighthearted anecdotes, real-life stories, and actionable advice, Stupid Carrot, MD. reassures parents that they are not alone in the chaos of raising children. Whether you’re navigating your first diaper change or your teenager’s social life, this book is a trusted companion, helping you empower your kids to become confident, independent adults.


Ker-thunk! Ker-thunk! Ker-thunk! Ker-thunk!

My wife and I immediately knew what had happened.

We had just moved into our new home and were feverishly laying cabinet paper and unpacking. Our children were seven, four, and two years of age at the time. We were trying to entertain our youngest with his toys as we unpacked them. He immediately ran to his rolling horse and began playing on it. We turned back to our projects for a moment, and then we heard the fateful Ker-thunk.

We ran to the top of the stairs to see our son lying flat on his back, dazed and bruised, as he had just wildly charged his horse down the stairs, screaming “WEEEEEE” until he hit the lower floor!

When an independent mind begins to make its own choices, which result in surprising consequences “right under our nose,” it is a reminder of the unpredictability of parenting. Whether it is a toddler’s decision to climb a piece of furniture and subsequently fall and hurt himself or a teenager’s decision to experiment with drugs or alcohol, parents are constantly regrouping to deal with the aftereffects.

One purpose of parenting is to limit such events by guiding chil­dren to make the right choices at all developmental ages. It is filled with moments of laughter and tears, and it involves sleepless nights leading to incredible fatigue. Despite its challenges, parenting is an incredible experience of personal growth while promoting another life before your own and relishing the result. It is an experience like none other.

This book explores the journey of parenting from birth to adoles­cence from the perspective of a parent who happens to be a pediatrician. It starts with the newborn period and continues through the milestones of toilet training, language development, school entry, and adolescence. It recognizes that parents and children make mistakes, and both survive them. It discusses current and past issues of parenting and reminds the reader that from the time the umbilical cord is cut, parents must be prepared to confront challenges that arise as they actively guide their children toward independence.

As a prelude to this journey, I would like to reflect on the everchang­ing world of healthcare. Most of us are aware of the history of modern medicine, including milestone events such as the discovery of antibiot­ics, the first coronary bypass surgery, the control of infectious diseases by vaccination, and the identification and treatment of mental illness. There has been controversy amid each discovery, but time has proven them to be great advances. As the landscape of healthcare and parent­ing continues to change, it is crucial not to instinctively deny or decry advances but to carefully analyze them and incorporate them into strate­gies to improve healthcare for children.

I invite you to come along as I discuss my personal and professional adventure of parenting as both a doctor and a father. I discuss changes in care that have modified our decisions over time and offer updates on common medical conditions that arise with children. My hope is that you gain an appreciation for the complicities of parenthood and can apply it to your own parenting journey.

About the Author

 Kenneth J. Cruse, MD, FAAP

 Dr. Cruse has been a practicing pediatrician in Thibodaux, LA, since 1995. He graduated from St. Louis University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO, in 1991. He completed his internship and residency at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, TX, in 1994. After practicing as an emergency room pediatrician at Children’s Hospital in New Orleans, LA, he opened his private practice in Thibodaux. He has witnessed tremendous changes in medical care for children during his tenure in practice.

 During this time, he and his wife, Maria, who is also a physician, reared their three children while working in their respective fields. They have always stressed the importance of instilling solid foundations for their children to allow them to be independent adults. He feels he learned so much from his own children, and this made him a better father and a better pediatrician. Stupid Carrot, M.D. is a culmination of both his personal and professional experiences which he openly shares with readers to assist them on their parenting journey.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Book Blast ~ The Art to Online Dating - Fleur Lamot



This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Fleur Lamot will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

A step-by-step guide to navigating dating and finding love on the World Wide Web, written by someone with firsthand experience on the topic, and who has also tested the theory on a number of case studies and through research. Authored from a female perspective, directed to a female audience, although potentially an eye opening and helpful read for a male reader too.

This book is not about making you a better person, nor is it a self help book. It is about changing your mindset when embarking on singledom and internet dating to not fear it, by equipping you with the understanding of people's actions and motives.

Throughout the book you will be guided in setting up your online profile, picking your match, the all important art and the do's and don'ts through every step of courting someone, all the way to going forward with your ultimate love match!

Reading this book will bring you confidence and or at least clarity. It will make you think about your past experiences and open your eyes to see where they may have gone wrong, and more importantly to ensure the same mistakes don't happen to you on future experiences.

Read an Excerpt

This is a firsthand guide to using internet dating as a tool to its best outcome: to find love online. It is unemotional and it is a practical handbook. It worked for me, and it has since been tried and tested over and over, successfully working on the majority of people I interviewed. You will note a few of their cases documented, referred to as test cases later in the guide. There is no guarantee this will work for you, but it will give you an opportunity, and the more opportunities you get in life, the more chances you will have at succeeding. If this doesn’t work for you, at least you gave it a go and you will definitely have learnt something about yourself along the way.

This book is a step-by-step guide to navigating dating and finding love on the World Wide Web. It is written by someone with firsthand experience on the topic who has also tested the theory on a number of case studies and through research. The book has been written from a female perspective and is directed at a female reader/consumer. In saying this, a male reader would also find this book interesting, and potentially eye-opening and helpful. This book is not about making you a better person, nor is it a self-help book. Although there are a number of psychologists’ viewpoints here, I am not a psychologist; I am an ordinary person who has a successful career I am married, and I am a mother I am a businesswoman, and I built a very successful business from the ground up. This was achieved through my networking and relationship management experience as well as the professional mentoring and coaching that I was lucky enough to receive. I found love online using historical human principles, understanding people’s motives and actions, listening to the right people, as well as trusting my own instincts.

About the Author: I successfully found love online using historical principles, understanding people's motives and actions, listening to the right people, as well as trusting my own instincts. I am now married and a mother. I am a business woman with a very successful business, built from extensive networking and relationship management experience. I have received professional mentoring and coaching, which has helped me achieve all of this.