

Friday, January 22, 2016

Blog Tour: American Dream by Allana Walker Jan 15th - Jan 22nd

Blog Tour:
American Dream
Allana Walker

Jan 15th
– Jan 22nd

the age of 6 Grace McDonald always wanted to be a Broadway star. 

Singing, dancing, acting she didn't care as long
as she was on a stage in the Big Apple. 

She wanted that American Dream. 

But when tragedy strikes before she's due to go
live out those dreams, it all comes crashing down! 

Will she let this stop her or will she follow
her dreams like she always wanted? 

**Some parts of this book contains sensitive
subject matters and might be a trigger for some readers** 

***100% of profits will be donated to Cancer
Research and Macmillan Cancer Care

Copyright © 2015 Allana Walker

December 8th, 2000

“Come on, guys! We only have a week to get this right!” Mrs
McNeill shouts, slamming her hand on the desk. We’ve been trying to get this
move right for the past few days but Henry keeps dropping me.

“I’m sorry, Grace.” He looks down. I’ve
noticed that since he and I have been paired up, the once over-confident guy is
now a stuttering mess. “I just…” he begins, but Mrs McNeill interrupts him.

more time from the top.” She stands with her arms folded.

We get through it all perfectly until
the lift again. Henry drops me and I fall onto my knees. “Shit, Grace. I’m so
sorry.” He crouches down to see if I’m okay.

“I’m fine.” I smile up at him. I
never noticed how good-looking he was until now. He’s tall, with dark hair and
bright blue eyes. The bell rings, bringing me out of my thoughts.

two stay behind. We need to work on this!”

“Can I just phone my dad to let him
know?” I ask, standing up. She nods, and I grab my mobile from my bag as the
rest of the class leaves.


“Finally!” Mrs McNeill cheers. I’m still in Henry’s arms,
staring into his eyes, and my tummy starts to feel funny. “Well done! I can go
home happy now that you two have finally got it!”

getting my bag ready when I feel a presence behind me.

“Um… would you like to go bowling
with me at the weekend?” Henry rushes out. I stand there staring at him,
letting it sink in that Henry, the most popular guy in school, has asked me
out. “Grace?” He waves his hand in front of me.

I blink.

looks at me expectantly, with one eyebrow lifted. “Will you?”

I nod, not trusting my voice. He
looks at me with a beaming smile. “Good. So I’ll pick you up tomorrow night.” Just
like that, he’s gone, leaving me gobsmacked and staring at his retreating back.

I walk into the house and I’m
instantly hit with the smell of apple crumble baking in the oven. It smells
amazing. Connie must be here. I smile to myself. Connie has been in our lives
for about a month but it feels like she’s been here forever. She comes here on
a Friday and leaves Sunday night. She cooks for us, even though Dad tells her
he can do it. She tells him to just sit down and let her cook.

“Hey, sweetie,” she greets me when I
slump onto one of the chairs and put my head on the table with a thud. “Bad
day?” I can hear the amusement in her voice.

no. The most popular boy in school asked me out.” I lift my head.

“Henry Williams?” Dad asks, walking
in and kissing Connie’s cheek. I smile at the scene. Dad looks happy, and if he’s
happy, I’m happy.

I pop the P. Dad works with Henry’s dad at Grant’s Accountants.

a nice boy.” He sits opposite me as Connie busies herself serving up our tea.

“Mmm.” My mouth waters when she places Spaghetti Bolognese
in front of us. “This is amazing,” I say with my mouth full.

Henry. You seem hesitant to go out with him,” Connie says.

“He’s the most popular guy in school.
I don’t understand why he’s asking me out and not someone like Charlotte.”

“You watch too much American T.V.”
Dad laughs. I stare at him. “What? They give the impression that the most
popular guy goes with the most popular girl. It’s not like that over here. If a
boy likes you he will ask you out.”

“No, Dad. Over here, if the popular
boy asks out a quiet, shy girl like me, it means that the other ‘in’ crowd will
be waiting to humiliate the shy person.”

wouldn’t do that.” Dad shakes his head, adamant that he’s right.

find out tomorrow night.” I sigh digging into my tea.

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