

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Dare to Love by S.B. Alexander ~ Book Blitz


Dare to Love
by S.B. Alexander
The Maxwell Series
Publication Date: February 16, 2016
Genres: Contemporary, Romance


Amazon | iBooks

Sexy, confident, college playboy, Kelton Maxwell has his future right in the palm of his hands. Women want him. Guys want to be him. And he’s got one foot in the door at Harvard Law. All he needs now is just one prestigious internship at a highfalutin law firm to seal the deal. Nothing can stand in his way.


A blast from the past smacks him right in the face, bringing back memories he tried to forget. Kelton swore he’d never go back--never put himself through that again. He’d rather pledge his allegiance to the devil himself before he drops to his knees to worship a woman—especially her.

He won’t dare to get close.
Won’t dare to let her in.
Can’t dare to love.

About the Author

S. B. Alexander is an avid reader and loves to transport herself into other worlds--ones where vampires and the fantastical exist. Where life is the playground for the impossible. When she's not working a full time job, and plotting her next novel, she loves anything baseball and loves to play golf.

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