

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Blog Tour ~ When a Laird Love a Lady (Highlander Vows: Entangled Hearts, #1) by Julie Johnstone

02_When a Laird Loves a LadyWhen a Laird Loves a Lady (Highlander Vows: Entangled Hearts, #1)
by Julie Johnstone

Publication Date: March 22, 2016
eBook; 305 Pages
ASIN: B01C4R46L0

Series: Highlander Vows: Entangled Hearts
Genre: Historical Romance/Scottish/Medieval

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A need to belong drives her. A longing to forget compels him. Fate may send them into each other’s arms, but only love can mend their hearts.

An Outlander

Raised by a tyrannical father, Marion de Lacy yearns for the comfort of belonging to a loving family. So when her father announces her betrothal to an evil baron in exchange for a number of knights, she concocts a desperate scheme to avoid the marriage: feigning her own death and then fleeing England. But when her plan goes terribly awry and she’s captured by the baron, not even her careful preparations could ready her for the Scottish barbarian who rescues her and then informs her that he’s to marry her by edict of her king. Certain her father will defy the king’s orders and wed her to the baron if she refuses the Highlander’s hand, Marion agrees to marry the strangely compelling but obstinate laird of the MacLeod clan.

A Highlander

After the death of his beloved wife, Iain MacLeod has no desire to marry ever again. Yet when he finds himself obliged to do so to secure the freedom of his childhood friend and king, he reluctantly travels across England to collect his unwanted bride, expecting to find a cold Englishwoman. Instead, he discovers a fiery, bold beauty who is fiercely loyal, protective of those she loves, and defies him at every turn, challenging his certainty that his heart is dead.


Following a hasty marriage and perilous journey to Scotland, Marion harbors no illusions that her new husband loves her. Still, her heart cannot resist the noble, brave warrior, and she cannot suppress the hope that she has finally found where she belongs. However, the harder she tries to fit in with the clan and gain Iain’s love, the farther away her dreams drift. Iain is more than willing to give his respect to his courageous wife—her kisses and caresses even ignite his blood and demand his passion—but he refuses to give up his heart. That is, until enemies near and far threaten to take Marion from him. Now the demons that haunt him can only be conquered by surrendering body and soul to Marion, if only it’s not too late…


A small sigh escaped Marion as she settled against Iain’s chest and laid her head back. Her dark eyelashes fanned downward to veil her eyes. He held perfectly still, wanting the moment to suspend in time. He knew from losing Catriona that savoring such moments when he was in them was wise. He closed his eyes and memorized the way Marion’s bottom curved against him, the silky feel of her skin brushing his own, and the weight and warmth of her body pressing so trustingly against his chest. Slowly, he opened his eyes and devoured the sight of her slender legs and the delicate appearance of her arms, which belied the strength she had shown when saving Bridgette.
Marion had courage, it seemed, for everything she faced. But did he?
He squeezed his eyes shut again, a single thought drilling into his brain. He had the nerve for battle, the mettle to lead his clan, the willingness to sacrifice himself to protect anyone in his care—or anyone who simply needed him—but did he have the courage to give himself to a woman fully, heart and soul, again? He didn’t know, but he suspected he’d never have all of Marion unless he offered all of himself.

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Author the Author03_Julie Johnstone

Julie Johnstone is a USA Today best-selling author of Regency Romance and the author of a new urban fantasy/paranormal romance book. She's been a voracious reader of books since she was a young girl. Her mother would tell you that as a child Julie had a rich fantasy life made up of many different make believe friends. As an adult, Julie is one of the lucky few who can say she is living the dream by working with her passion of creating worlds from her imagination. When Julie is not writing she is chasing her two precocious children around, cooking, reading or exercising.

Julie loves to hear from her readers. You can send her an email at or find her at, or on Facebook at or on Facebook at or at twitter @juliejohnstone.

Blog Tour Schedule

Tuesday, March 22
Review & Interview at Book Obsessed Chicks

Wednesday, March 23
Review at Historical Romance Lover
Excerpt & Giveaway at Leigh Anderson Romance

Thursday, March 24
Review at The Book Junkie Reads
Guest Post at Historical Fiction Addicts

Friday, March 25
Review at Diana's Book Reviews

Monday, March 28
Review at Laura's Interests

Tuesday, March 29
Excerpt at Teatime and Books
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

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