

Friday, March 18, 2016

Mine for One Night by Ju Ephraime ~ Blog Tour


Lynn is in a quandary. Ever since she can remember, she’s had a thing for twins, not just any twins, identical twins. Now she is in a relationship with the most handsome set of identical twins, and she can’t stop her fantasy from running haywire. She loves one, but she wants both.

Nicholae and his brother have a great relationship. They never coveted each other’s property. If one had something, and the other wanted it, they shared whatever it was. But now Nate has something Nicholae wants, and he didn’t know how to ask to share; because something tells him, Nate won’t share this with him… his new girlfriend, Lynn.

Lynn has a need, and Nicholae has a want, and then there’s Nate in the middle, will he give in to his brother or will he put his foot down and deny him, this one time?...

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Author Info
Ju Ephraime is an eternal optimist and an insatiable reader/writer, especially of high heat romance. She writes in several genres; however, her favorite is contemporary romance. She loves reading historical romances, but doesn't know if she'd write one. (Take that back, she's since written one). She earned her last degree from NEU in Boston. She loves writing children’s books, for fun and relaxation. She finds it's easy to slip back into her childhood, where she takes the time to play.

 Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

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Lynn moaned in shock and pleasure at the same time. She had opened her eyes just as Nate thrust into her. When she saw him between her legs and felt him enter her, she almost had her release there and then. He felt wonderful, filling her to the point of discomfort, and when he began to move, it was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. He knew exactly how to use his formidable weapon to maximum satisfaction. Her only complaint was that it ended too soon. She wondered how long his recovery time was. She wanted to do it again.
She’d thought he was Nate making love to her, and she foolishly closed her eyes, imagining it to be Nicholae. She’d wanted her greatest fantasy to come true. How was she to know it was coming true, just as she had imagined?
The minute she felt him at her entrance, she knew the difference. Nate was not so well endowed. The man with whom she’d just made love had been none other than Nate’s twin, Nicholae.
If she doubted it after the pounding he’d given her, as he got off the bed and walked into the bathroom, she saw the large tattoo across his back. Nate didn’t have any marks on his body, let alone this huge tat of a hawk in flight, with prey in its claws.
Now she knew what the two differences were that Nate had hinted at but not told her. She was grateful he’d not told her. She much preferred to find out on her own. That hawk was just as formidable as the man who wore it so proudly. She believed the hawk represented his personality perfectly. He took what he wanted, and she guessed, she was the next prey on his list, although she wouldn’t blame him. She had been fantasizing about him from the moment she’d met him but had no clue it would become a reality. How was he here instead of Nate? She’d spoken to Nate and asked, no, insisted, that he come to make love to her. Had Nicholae been present? Had Nate sent him in his stead? These questions and more were running through her head, but she was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, and now was neither the time nor the place. Also, she wanted more of his particular brand of loving.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting MINE FOR ONE NIGHT today!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours
