

Friday, March 4, 2016

THE EARL NEXT DOOR by Charis Michaels ~ Blog Tour, Giveaway & Teatime and Books Review

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The Bachelor Lords of London #1
Charis Michaels
Releasing March 1st, 2016
Avon Impulse

Charis Michaels makes her Avon
Impulse debut with the first book in her new historical romance series, The
Bachelor Lords of London...featuring a brooding earl and the American heiress
who charms him.

American heiress Piety Grey is on
the run. Suddenly in London and facing the renovation of a crumbling townhouse,
she’s determined to make a new life for herself—anything is better than returning
to New York City where a cruel mother and horrid betrothal await her. The last
thing she needs is a dark, tempting earl inciting her at every turn…

Trevor Rheese, the Earl of
Falcondale, isn’t interested in being a good neighbor. After fifteen years of
familial obligation, he’s finally free. But when the disarmingly beautiful
Piety bursts through his wall—and into his life—his newfound freedom is
threatened…even as his curiosity is piqued.

Once Piety’s family arrives in
London, Falcondale suddenly finds himself in the midst of a mock courtship to
protect the seductive woman who’s turned his world upside down. It’s all for
show—or at least it should be. But if Falcondale isn’t careful, he may find a
very real happily ever after with the woman of his dreams…

  Chapter One
No. 21 Henrietta Place
Mayfair, London, England
May 1809

Nothing of record ever happened in Henrietta Place.
Carriages did not collide.  Servants did not quarrel in the mews.  No one among the street’s jowly widowers remarried harlot second wives, and families with spirited young boys boarded them in school at the earliest possible age.
No one tolerated stray dogs. 
A calm sort of orderliness prevailed on the street, gratifying residents and earning high praise from Londoners and country visitors alike.  It was a domestic refuge.  One of the last such sanctuaries in all of London. 
Certainly, the stately townhome mansion at No. 21 was a sanctuary to Lady Frances Stroud, Marchioness Frinfrock, who had been a proud and attentive resident since her marriage in 1768.  With her own eyes, Lady Frinfrock had seen the degradation and disquiet that had become prevalent in so many London streets; noble-born men fraternizing with ballet dancers in The Strand; week-long ramblings in Pall Mall.  And the spectacle that was Covent Garden?  It wasn’t to be borne.
What a comfort, then, that Lady Frinfrock would always have Henrietta Place, where nothing of record ever happened.  Where she could live out her final days in peace and tranquility. 
“It looks to be fair for a second day, my lady,” said Miss Breedlowe, the marchioness’ nurse, crossing to the alcove window that overlooked the street.
“A fog will descend by luncheon,” said the marchioness, frowning.
“If it pleases you, we could take a short walk before then,” the nurse said.  “To Cavendish Square and back?  Spring weather is so unpredictable, we should take advantage of the sun before it disappears again for a month.”
“Cavendish Square is not to be tolerated,” said Lady Frinfrock.
Miss Breedlowe looked at her hands.  “Only so far as the corner and back, then?”
“Not I,” said the marchioness, pained.
A sigh of disappointment followed, as it always did.  How unhappily accustomed Lady Frinfrock had become to her nurse’s chronic sighing.  It was obvious that Miss Breedlowe endeavored to be patient, although, in her ladyship’s view, not nearly patient enough.  In return, the marchioness rarely endeavored to be agreeable enough.
And why should a woman of her age and station be prodded through an inane schedule of someone else’s design? To be forced to engage in robust activities intended for no other purpose than to move her bowels?  If her inept solicitors felt that her alleged infirmity warranted the nurse-maiding of sullen, sigh-ridden Miss Breedlowe, then so be it.  They could cajole her to compensate and house the woman, but they could not force her to abide her.  Or to walk to Cavendish Square when she hadn’t the slightest desire. 
Miss Breedlowe cleared her throat.  “Perhaps tomorrow, then.”
Lady Frinfrock made a dismissive sound.  “If you wish to walk to Cavendish Square, Miss Breedlowe, pray, do not let my disinterest detain you.”
The nurse turned from the window and studied her.  “I had hoped to discover an activity that we might enjoy together.”
“A vain hope, I fear.  I am a solitary soul, as the tyrants at Blinklowe, Dinkle, and Tuft, would comprehend if their service to my estate extended beyond calculating my worth in shillings and pounds and subtracting their yearly portion…and then shackling me with you.” 
To her credit, the nurse did not blanch, but she also did not reply.  The marchioness looked away.  If such frank language could not elicit some measure of honesty from the woman, perhaps it would scare her into not speaking at all.  Either would be preferable to her current trickle of disingenuous small talk, not to mention the incessant sighing. 
“I dare say your planters are the most beautiful for several blocks, my lady,” Miss Breedlowe said after a moment.  “Do you direct your gardener in their care?”
“They are not the loveliest on their own accord, of that you can be sure.”
“How talented you are.”
The marchioness snorted.  “You can but see what becomes of a garden when left unattended, even for a week.  Just look at the deplorable state of Lord Falcondale’s flower boxes and borders, if you can bear it.  Such an eyesore.”
“Oh, yes.  The new earl.  Which house is it?”
“Number 24.  There.  Directly across the street.  It’s been in his family for an age.”  She gently tapped the window with her cane.  “His late uncle, the previous Lord Falcondale, paid fastidious attention to the upkeep of those planters.  Tulips and ivy mostly, this time of year.  Simple flowers, really.  No effort to maintain, but perfectly lovely if kept headed and weeded, which he did.  Not to mention his staff swept the steps and stoop several times a day, even in the damp.  But now his far-flung nephew has inherited, and I fear the entire property will fall into disrepair.”
“Hmmm,” said Miss Breedlowe.  “That would be a great shame.”
“Doubtless it seems like a small thing to you, but this sort of irresponsibility can bring about the demise of order and calm in a quiet street like our Henrietta Place.  It doesn’t help that Number 22,” she gestured again, “next door to Falcondale’s, has been unoccupied and for sale these last five years.  The house agents keep it up, but there’s no substitute for the loving care of a devoted owner and staff.”
“To make matters worse, the new earl is completely unresponsive to neighborly suggestion.  I dispatched Samuel to speak to his gardener, only to be told that the man has let him go, the careless sod.”
“Dismissed his gardener?”
“He sacked the whole lot.  I’ve since learned that every servant has been turned out.  Now I ask you, how is a house of that size to be maintained without staff?”
“I can only guess, my lady, but do take care.  It would not warrant your becoming overset.”  She ventured small steps toward the marchioness.
“The demise of order and calm.” Lady Frinfrock tsked, waving her away and rising slowly from her chair.  She plodded to the window.  “The demise of order and calm.”
As if on cue, a carriage, buffed to a sun-sparkling sheen, whipped around the corner, thundering down the cobblestones from the direction of Welbeck Street.
“Who the devil could this be?” the marchioness whispered.  She drew so near to the window, her breath fogged the glass.  The carriage careened toward them at a breakneck pace, slowing slightly as it neared Lady Frinfrock’s front window.  With eyes wide, the marchioness watched it jostle past her house and well beyond the weed-ridden planters of Falcondale’s front door.  Only when it reached the unoccupied house at Number 22 did it lurch to a stop, the coachman yanking the reins as if his life depended on it. 
“Such traffic in the street today,” mumbled Miss Breedlowe.
“Nonsense,” said Lady Frinfrock, her eyes pinned on the carriage.  “There is no traffic in Henrietta Place.  Not on this day or any day.  Such recklessness?  A conveyance of this size?  It’s wholly irregular!”
“Indeed.  Perhaps a neighbor is expecting out-of-town guests?”
“No relation to the occupants of this street could afford a vehicle so grand,” she said.  “Except, of course, for me.  And I have no relatives.”
“Not even the new earl, Lord Falcondale?”
The marchioness harrumphed.  “He cannot even afford a gardener.”
The carriage door sprang open, and Lady Frinfrock leaned in.
“Oh, look,” said Miss Breedlowe, cheerful interest in her voice. “It’s a young woman.  How beautiful she is.  And her gown.  And hat,” she marveled.  “Oh, she’s brought someone with her.  A companion.  Hmm. Perhaps a servant?”  Her voice went a little off, and she crooked her head to the side, studying the two women collecting in the street.
“Is that an African?” Lady Frinfrock nearly shouted, planting both gloved palms on the spotless glass of the window. 
“I do believe her companion is an…aboriginal woman of some sort,” croaked Miss Breedlowe, herself moving closer to the glass.
“But whatever business could they have in Henrietta Place?”
Miss Breedlowe reached out a hand to steady her.  “Do take care, my lady.  Perhaps we should return to the comfort of the chairs.”
“I shall not be comfortable in chairs,” said the marchioness, swatting her away.  “But has the young woman come alone?”  She tapped a bony finger on the glass.  “Where is her family?  Her husband or parents?”
“Perhaps the men who have accompanied her are her—”
“Servants, clearly,” interrupted the marchioness.   “Look, Miss Breedlowe. Trunk after trunk.  Crates and baskets.  Oh, God.”   Her breath fogged the glass.  “They are conveying it to the former front door of Cecil Panhearst’s old house.  It’s been sealed like a tomb for the better part of a decade.”
“So they are.  Perhaps you’re to have a second new neighbor.”
“A lone young woman and an African?”  She moved closer to the window. 
“Highly likely, I’d say.  It would appear they are…?  Yes, they are unpacking.
“Well, that cannot be,” Lady Frinfrock declared, shaking her head at the street.  “I won’t stand for it.  Not without knowing who she may be, or where she came from.  And why she is accompanied by an African.”
“Oh, do not worry,” chuckled Miss Breedlowe, “the servants will learn her story soon enough.  If she has any staff at all, they will talk with the other servants on the street.”
For the first time since the carriage arrived, the marchioness lifted her eyes from the window and turned to stare at the nurse. 
“Why, what an excellent idea, Miss Breedlowe.”  She raised her cane and jabbed it in the direction of the startled younger woman.  “How resourceful you are.  The servants will talk.”  She raised one eyebrow.  “They will learn her story soon enough.” 
As Miss Breedlowe stared in disbelief, the marchioness scrunched her face and then swung the tip of her cane in the direction of door.
“Oh, no, my lady,” said Miss Breedlowe, backing away.  “You cannot mean me.”
“Oh, yes, ‘tis exactly what I mean.  Finally, a suitable application for your indeterminate hovering and resigned sighs.  We shall devise a reason for you to approach her, and you will discover her business in my street.  It is our duty as mindful, responsible residents to know.”
“But I was speaking of the maids, my lady.   The kitchen boys.  I…”
“The maids are unreliable.  The kitchen boys are inarticulate.  You, however, are ideal for this sort of thing.  Steel yourself, Miss Breedlowe.  We cannot know what manner of objectionable thing she may say or do.  Better fetch your gloves.  And your hat.”

 Teatime and Books Review:

This is one of the years best historical romance tales and deserving of a high 5 Stars! I absolutely loved this story and just adore the characters especially our heroine of the tale, Lady Piety, she is such a charming character who is humorous and gutsy!

We first start off on the street of Henrietta Place in the home of Lady Frances Stroud, Marchioness Frinfrock where she and her maid, Miss Breedlowe are seen snooping on the new neighbor across the street who is moving into a home which has been abandoned for five years. To the marchioness surprise it is a single young lady who is accompanied by an African and her new home happens to be right next to the very unmarried Earl Lord Falcondale.

Lord Falcondale has no intent on staying at his home, he's emptied it out and dismissed all of the staff and intends to do nothing but put it up for sale. While at home playing a game of chess with his servant boy, he hears a noise above coming from the music room and he knows it's completely empty, pondering the idea of ghosts he seeks out the noise to accidentally bump into a lady who's hidden behind a door. He soon learns this lady is his new neighbor and also that there is a secret passage connecting her home to his.  Lady Piety is shocked for she was guaranteed the use of his home while her home was being renovated. However, there's been a mix-up, Earl Lord Falcondale is not the Lord Falcondale she seeks and whom this arrangement was made, it's his now deceased uncle. Upon hearing of the arrangement and payment for this arrangement, Lord Falcondale is absolutely against it and refuses to help Lady Piety.

Through a series of events and some amazing twists and turns, Lord Falcondale does consent to a compromise in which Lady Piety may use the passage but not to disturb anything else or enter into any other rooms.  Lady Piety's plights are not yet over, there has been serious trouble in rebuilding her staircase and she needs a good architect which Lord Falcondale just happens to be. She seeks his help but here again she's met with an astounding no, so she continues on in her quest to seek his aid. Lord Falcondale is stunned by his new neighbor who shows such striking courage, charm and is absolutely breathtaking, and he soon finds himself falling for the gutsy lady and she too begins to fall for the dashingly handsome yet frustrating Earl Next Door. Will Lord Falcondale consent to helping Lady Piety and will he bear his heart and allow himself to love? Will Lady Piety open her heart to the dashing earl?

This was my first book by author Cheris Michaels and she's now one of my favorites, I'm going to be collecting all of her books! What an amazing writer, she sure can weave a tale! This was such a wonderful story with so many twists and turns that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. The characters just draw you in and melt your heart and add many a laugh to your day! I highly recommend this book to anyone who's a fan of romance and loves a good laugh too!


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CHARIS MICHAELS is thrilled to be making her debut with Avon Impulse. Prior
to writing romance, she studied Journalism at Texas A&M and managed PR for
a trade association. She has also worked as a tour guide at Disney World,
harvested peaches on her family’s farm, and entertained children as the “Story Godmother”
at birthday parties. She has lived in Texas, Florida, and London, England. She
now makes her home in the Washington, D.C.-metro area.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring THE EARL NEXT DOOR, and I am so happy you enjoyed!!
