

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cover Reveal ~ Outbreak The Fight by Deausha Kristal

Title: Outbreak The Fight  
Author: Deausha Kristal
Genre: Zombie/Horror

Cover Designer: James Price (AEP Book Covers)
Editor: Ready, Set, Edit
Expected Release Date: June 30th

Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR

Egypt and a few members of the compound she calls home are running against the clock to find her son Liam before it's too late. Meanwhile, back at the big house, preparations are being made for the horde that's barreling down upon them.

   Will Egypt find her son? Will they be able to survive the horde that's coming straight for them?
   And at what cost?

   In this action-packed conclusion, the question is, will the zombie apocalypse finally win and break her, or will she prevail after all?

Author FB Link:

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