

Friday, June 10, 2016

Author Spotlight ~ Broken - A Journey of Healing by Kathy McBroom

Teatime and Books Author Spotlight

Kathy McBroom


Her Inspirational Book: Broken – A Journey of Healing

About the Book:

Lonely. Depressed. Desperate. Rejected. Hopeless. Broken.

Your job needed to cut back, so you were "let go". You were fired. The lab results came in. It's cancer. He said, "This marriage is not enough for me anymore. I want to move on." She said, "There's someone else."

Something happened, and a wedge is between you and your adult child or their spouse. You are not sure what happened, but at Christmastime you find yourself not invited to see your grandkids open their gifts. Distance and issues have come between you and your brother, and your once close relationship has faded. Things have been said, and feelings have been hurt.

Synopsis:  Broken is a four week bible study that centers around taken our broken story and allowing God to move us forward.  The chapters are title “The Revealing”, “Repentance”, “Resolution”, and “Restore”.  Also in this study you will hear the testimonies of five amazing ladies who are survivors and have allowed God to take their brokenness and turn use it for His glory.


Chapter One 

The Revealing

We are all broken, that’s how the light gets in. 
Ernest Hemingway

          When I was a little girl, I fell, hitting my right elbow on the sharp edge of newly laid concrete.  I was probably riding my bike at the time.  It was a clean cut, but fairly deep.  Before the healing process could begin, the wound had to be cleaned.  We all remember screaming as someone would first clean a wound and then apply medicine. The wound could not be left dirty because that could lead to infection; it had to be cleaned in order to heal properly.

          I also sprained my ankle once.  Well, I sprained both of them at the same time. Shortly after spraining the first one, as I was trying to be carefully walking down stairs, I fell and sprained ankle number two. The doctor told me on sprain number one that it would be better if I had broken it.  The healing process would go better.

          This is true of the human heart also.  In order to heal properly, we must first open the wound.  This hurts.  We cannot expect God to heal what we are not willing to give Him.  It is assumed that what we hang onto, we can fix, and we cannot. 

Do you agree with me?

          In this process of healing, we must first tell our story.  I will give you some guidelines, but I need you to be honest.  No one will read this story unless you want that.  I do encourage you to consider writing your story because it can minister to many others.  Throughout this study, you will read survivor stories.  These ladies of all ages have gone through some tough battles and were willing to share just a part of it with you in order to bring glory to our Great Physician. Our Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer.

Let’s begin.
•        You must be completely honest—no holding back
•        You cannot blame others unjustly—take responsibility when appropriate
•        Write your story as a release, not as a remembrance that will bring up old hurtful feelings that you will now dwell on
•        Some memories will be painful, but we must get the dirt out of the wound
•        Ask God for His strength, not yours. You must now learn to fully rely on His power and the Holy Spirit.

About the Author

Kathy and her husband Robert have been in ministry for over twenty years.  He served as a youth pastor at First Baptist Halls, Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, TN and Thompson Station Church, Thompson Station, TN for nearly 10 years.  He served as pastor of Madison Baptist Church, Jackson, TN for 8.  Then he was back to Englewood as the Next Generations/Local Missions’ Pastor.   Now he serves as the Local Missions Pastor at Little Flock Baptist Church, Shepherdsville, KY.

Kathy has been an educator for over twenty years also, primarily as a high school English.  She has taught youth and adult women’s Sunday School classes and Bible study classes for nearly 30 years. She has authored three self published books available on Amazon and have free lance written for about 10 years for the Baptist and Reflector, which is Tennessee’s Baptist newsletter, various other Christian magazines and web sites.  Currently, she has a blog and writes occasionally for the Western Recorder, Kentucky’s Baptist newsletter. 

Connect with the Author:

Social links:
Twitter:  @kathymcbroom614
Web site:

Contact info: or go to my web site

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