

Friday, June 10, 2016

Book Blitz ~ Bound By Birthright by Janeal Falor

Bound by Birthright

by Janeal Falor

Genre: YA Fantasy

Release Date: June 6th 2016


Elven princess Arabella is set to marry the human Prince Phillip but her countrymen do not hesitate to express their anger with her parents' attempt to improve relations with the humans. With death threats plaguing her, Arabella is forced into hiding.
When her sanctuary is usurped by pirates, Arabella goes on the run with humans who vow to help and keep her safe. She finds herself drawn to one of the humans, the dashing Robert, who steals her heart.
Arabella would like nothing more than time to get to know Robert better, but with pirates attacking and her wedding date approaching, time is one thing she doesn't have. Arabella's on a flight for her life and must reconcile with the truth—she can never be with the one she wants.
If only her heart would agree. 


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My hand brushes his.
I should pull away. I will pull
Only, before I can do so, he
leans closer.
My breath becomes shallow and
catches in my throat. A flame kindles in my heart. It’s small at first, but
then bursts into a blaze coursing through my body. I tilt my face toward his,
and time ceases to exist as I’m aware of nothing but him.
My own breathing matches the rapid
rise and fall of his chest. I can't help but take him in, from his chiseled jaw
line all the way to his distinguished brow. From his angular nose to a small
scar above his mouth—a sharp line that cuts across a portion of his upper right
lip. I'd noticed it before, but never paid much attention to it.
Now it consumes me. My fingers
want to touch it. My lips want to brush against it.
We stay locked in a halfway
almost-there-but-not-quite kiss. With his strong arms, he pulls me in closer. The warmth of his body fills me, fighting
against the chill in the air. His lips hover just above mine. He reaches up and
strokes my face.
As we gaze into each other's eyes,
I melt into him, losing myself. The spell I cast on my eyes falters, and they
change to their true hue.
Stiffing a cry of pain, I bend my
head down and reactivate the spell. My eyes fill with tears from the stinging,
but they'll no longer appear as my own. The crushing ache is much worse in my
chest, though I can't tell if it’s from not kissing him or almost doing so.

About the Author
Amazon best selling author Janeal Falor lives in Utah with her husband and three children. In her non-writing time she teaches her kids to make silly faces, cooks whatever strikes her fancy, and attempts to cultivate a garden even when half the things she plants die. When it's time for a break she can be found taking a scenic drive with her family or drinking hot chocolate.
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