

Monday, June 13, 2016

Release Week Blitz ~ Stolen by the Sheikh - Black Towers Book 2 by Lauren Hawkeye and Suzanne Rock


New York Times bestselling authors Lauren Hawkeye and Suzanne Rock's STOLEN BY THE SHEIKH is available now! Get swept away in Liv and Nayo's story.

Stolen by the SheikhAbout STOLEN BY THE SHEIKH

Fast-talking career woman Olivia Bremer is at the peak of her profession. Employed by one of the country’s most influential magazines, she spends her days dining with celebs and taking her pick of free products from designers and cosmetic companies. Every woman’s dream job, basically. So what if it’s a little lonely at the top. Success often comes at a price, right?

Nayef “Nayo” Darzi is used to getting his way. The wealthy prince can have any beauty he wants—until danger throws him together with a stubborn American, perhaps the first woman unaffected by his alpha tendencies. Tattooed and contentious women aren’t his thing—normally. But there’s something about Olivia and her sexy curves that makes Nayo want to take a big bit. If he can keep her out of trouble long enough…

Get a sneak peek of STOLEN BY THE SHEIKH:

“I apologize. I never meant to offend. It’s just, where I come from, women are meant to be provided for.” Nayo reached up and tucked a stray strand of her long red hair behind her ear. “And a woman as beautiful as you would have many suitors lined up for the job.” Her body betrayed her, reacting to that one simple touch in ways most men couldn’t elicit with their best efforts. Jesus. What was wrong with her? She should be telling this ass-backwards man where he could shove it, yet instead she was quivering at his touch. She needed to get out of there and get her head on straight, fast.

“Um. Thanks?” Listen, I’m already running late for my meeting, and I still need to clean myself up. Carrie will have a fit if I show up looking like this.”

She started to turn to walk away, but Nayo’s intense stare held her in place. He took in every inch of her from top to toes, and back up again. His eyes burned a trail of heat on her body as if his hands touched everywhere he looked. Finally his gaze stopped, lingering on the first green stain she acquired on her chest and to her own surprise, she found herself leaning forward ever so slightly to give him a better view.

“I think you look perfect,” he said. Stepping in close, Nayo reached his hand up to her face and slowly rubbed his thumb along her jaw. “Except for maybe this.”

“What are you...” Before she could finish, Nayo placed his thumb to his mouth and licked off the green smoothie that was there. A low growl escaped his lips. “Delicious.”

She felt heat rush her cheeks, flushing them a deep crimson. She couldn’t tell if it was from embarrassment or the sight of him licking his thumb, but it was probably a bit of both.

“I...uh..” Liv stammered over her words, lowering her head in hopes he wouldn’t notice how much he had affected her with his words, his actions. Fat chance though, it would be hard to miss the red in her cheeks, as her fair skin provided a great contrast.

Nayo leaned in close, breathing his next words into her ear “I’d love to taste more.” Her whole body shivered and Liv snapped her gaze up to meet his. She slowly tilted her drink toward him, offering it up without a second thought.

“I wasn’t talking about the drink.” Heat coursed through her body at his words. Her breath hitched in her throat as Nayo closed what little distance was left between them. Images of biting that luscious lower lip of his flooded her mind as Liv parted her own in invitation... Ding! Ding Ding Ding! “Oh, for fuck’s sake” Liv muttered under her breath, her boss’s incessant text messaging effectively ruining the moment. And she knew it had to be her boss. No one else would send her that many messages in a row.

About Lauren Hawkeye

Lauren Hawkeye/ Lauren Jameson never imagined that she’d wind up telling stories for a living… though when she looks back, it’s easy to see that she’s the only one who is surprised. Always “the kid who read all the time”, Lauren made up stories about her favorite characters once she’d finished a book… and once spent an entire year narrating her own life internally. No, really. But where she was just plain odd before publication, now she can at least claim to have an artistic temperament.

Lauren lives in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada with her husband, toddler, pit bull and idiot cat, though they do not live in an igloo, nor do they drive a dogsled. In her nonexistent spare time Lauren can be found knitting (her husband claims that her snobby yarn collection is exorbitant), reading anything she can get her hands on, or sweating her way through spin class. She loves to hear from her readers!

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About Suzanne Rock

A lifetime New Englander, Suzanne married her college sweetheart and has been with him for over twenty years. Every summer she drags her husband and two daughters to Maine on a quest for the perfect lobster dinner. Every fall she can be found down in Foxboro, Massachusetts cheering on her favorite football team. In between those trips, she’s a chauffeur, a maid, a chef, an event planner, a hairdresser, a wardrobe stylist, a tutor and a sometimes masseuse. To keep her sanity, she often drinks copious amounts of coffee and stares at the blank screen of her laptop, dreaming of great adventures. Sometimes she even writes them down for others to enjoy.

Suzanne is represented by Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency and writes mainstream romances under the pen name Ava Conway.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Reader Group

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