

Saturday, June 30, 2018

HarperCollins Publishers Presents ~ LEFT: A Love Story by Mary Hogan

HarperCollins Presents

LEFT: A Love Story


Mary Hogan


“A touching novel. The book poignantly portrays Faye’s struggle to come to terms with…uncomfortable yet necessary questions about the conditions of love.”—Publishers Weekly

“Hogan (The Woman in the Photo, 2016) does a good job of mixing humor and heartbreak in this sharply observed novel, drawn from her own experience.”Booklist


MARY HOGAN is the bestselling author of Two Sisters and the historical novel, The Woman in the Photo. Previous novels include the young adult titles, The Serious Kiss, Perfect Girl and Pretty Face (HarperCollins). Mary lives in New York City with her husband, actor Robert Hogan, and their Catahoula Leopard rescue dog, Lucy. Find out more at  

Author Interview for Teatime and Books

Today on Teatime and Books I’d love to welcome, Mary Hogan, author of Left: A Love Story. We are so delighted you could join us today.
My pleasure.

What or who inspired you to become an author?
  • I was one of those kids who read books with a flashlight, under my cover, when I was supposed to be sleeping. As far back as I can remember, I wanted to tell stories. I began by lying about my brothers. Ha! They’re grateful that I channeled the skill into something useful.

What sort of research did you do to write this book?
  • LEFT is about a woman who creates a fantasy life to cope with her husband’s descent into dementia. To a point, I used my own life as research. In 2013, my husband was diagnosed with a vascular form of cognitive impairment caused by mini strokes. He’s still hanging in, as am I.

What are you working on now? Any chance of a sequel?
  • I started my new novel a couple of months ago. But a famous playwright (Bernard Slade who wrote Same Time, Next Year) once told me, “Never talk about your book until it’s done. Have your conversations with the PAGE.” Good Advice.

Are you a pantser or a plotter? Or a mix of the two?
  • I like to know where I’m headed, without a mental GPS telling me exactly where to turn.

Which type of genre do you love most, and why?
  • Honestly, I love Good books, wherever they pop up.

What’s your favorite novel of all time, and why?
  • I was insanely in love with Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett. That book was so delicious I wanted to lick every page.

What fellow author do you recommend reading, and why?
  • Anything by Anne Tyler. Clearly, I’m an Ann(e) Freak.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?
  • Laundry, mostly. J

Do you listen to music when writing? If so, what type?
  • I need, desire, and never get absolute SILENCE when I write. My dog Lucy loves to annoy me by sitting at my feet and licking her paws. Same with my husband. (Kidding!)
Any advice you have for a blossoming author?
  • Try really hard not to take feedback personally. While your story may be super clear and glorious in your head, the only thing that matters is the final product on the page.

Just for Fun:
Do you like tea or coffee?
  • Strong black coffee. Sorry, Teatimers.

Do you have any pets?
  • Lucy, my Catahoula rescue, is currently sitting at my feet licking her paws. I’ve read that it may be allergies, but I think she just likes pawdicures.

What’s your favorite color?
  • Wedgewood Blue

What’s your favorite season?
  • Winter…but only the first day of it.

What’s your favorite movie?
  • Currently, The Leisure Seeker starring Donald Sutherland and Helen Mirren. Funny, touching, beautiful.

This was so much fun. Thank you, Mary, for joining us.  We wish you all the best on your continued writing journey and we are looking forward to your next book.

It started as a dream vacation in Spain, with Fay and Paul Agarra enjoying all the delights of a European holiday. A respected New York City judge, Paul has always been the man Fay can rely on, no matter what. When he inexplicably disappears from a Barcelona street corner, Fay knows something is terribly wrong. Once reunited, Paul shrugs off the episode as a simple misunderstanding—but Fay suspects her almost perfect life has taken a dark and sudden turn.

Soon there are more signs that Paul is beginning to change. Bouts of forgetfulness lead to mistakes in the courtroom. Simple tasks cause unexplainable outbursts of anger. Fay’s worst suspicions are realized when she learns her husband—her rock, her love, her everything—is succumbing to the ravages of dementia. 

As her husband transforms before her very eyes, Fay copes with her fears by retreating into a fantasy life filled with promise instead of pain. In Fay’s invented world, she imagines herself living a glamorous life free from heartache, with a handsome neighbor she barely knows rescuing her from a future she can’t accept. 

Poignant and beautifully crafted, Left is an unforgettable tale about life’s aching uncertainties—and a woman who discovers that somewhere between hope and reality, an unexpected future will find its way forward.

Be Sure to Grab Your Copy

Trade Paperback ISBN:9780062678379; Price: $15.99

Ebook ISBN:9780062678386; Price: $10.99

Digital Audio ISBN:9780062850515; Price: $17.99

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HarperCollins Publishers

*All images and text are the sole property of HarperCollins Publishers: permission granted by the publishing company for their use in this promotional venue.

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