

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ The New World Series by Andy Skrzynski

Step Backward
New World Series Book 1
Andy Skrzynski

SciFi Action Adventure 

New World" book series, by Andy Skrzynski, is a creative,
science-fiction adventure depicting the life-and-death struggles on
Earth after an apocalyptic period between 2019 and 2025. If you enjoy
a thrilling tale full of suspense, action, a touch of romance, and a
crazy twist here and there, "The New World: A Step Backward"
and the sequel, "The New World: Blue Moon Generation," will
help you escape your current world worries. The action's so real and
descriptive you'll feel as if you're alongside Thoruk, his loyal
friends, and the younger generation as they fight the warriors and
vicious creatures stalking the villagers of Ukkiville in the nearby
forests, lakes, and mountains before the turn of the next

more to get a taste of what's to come in, "The New World: A Step

2075, following the World Annihilation Period and Earth's 50-year
transformation, the detested Skalag clan periodically pillages
Ukkiville to murder and enslave its inhabitants. Dangers intensify as
vicious, mutant beasts lurk in the shadows, preying on villagers. At
the heart of this evil, the twisted scientist, Zolokt, creates killer
combinations of animals, plants, and insects to inflict his acts of

by the savage attacks, a young leader, Thoruk, and his two lifelong
friends pledge their lives to protect Ukkiville. The determined ruler
aims to forever put an end to Zolokt and his followers, for only then
will true freedom reign in The New World.

Moon Generation
New World Series Book 2

peaceful years have passed since the devastating battle of 2075. The
new generation, conceived under a mystical blue moon, is about to
awaken to the vicious attacks unveiled through their parents' tales.
Once, living only in youngsters' nightmares, ferocious mutant beasts
now stir in the shadows of Ukkiville — even during the light of
day. Blood-thirsty predators with glowing eyes, gnashing teeth, and
razor-sharp claws prey on unsuspecting victims.

the brave but brash young daughter of Ukkiville's ruler, fears
nothing. Trained by the best and possessing powers of the mind
greater than her father's, she leads her two lifelong friends into
the teeth of intensifying perils.

in enemy caverns on the other side of the mountains, descendants of
the evil Zolokt prepare as well, cloning savage creatures from DNA
combinations of animals, insects, and plants. Only time will tell how
many of the deadly muclones get released.

New World Series Book 3

the verge of winter in 2105, a vicious attack soaks a pasture with
blood and crushes Ukkiville's serenity. Ominous premonitions haunt
Hoot while similar dangers surge across Old North America. Tormented
by nightmares, the courageous young warrior recruits her friends to
join her and hunt the demon of her dreams. Before long, they
encounter a beast far more ferocious than any discovered

fall squarely on the village's nemesis, as Hoot and the leaders of
Ukkiville fear Zo and his Skalags have advanced their DNA process to
create monsters nobody can control. With little choice but to ready
themselves to thwart increasing slaughters, Hoot, her brother,
Skeeter, and a precocious android named Andralec hone their skills
and special powers. Until the inhabitants of Ukkiville and the
surrounding territory halt this growing threat, survival remains all
but uncertain.

on June 18th & 19th!!**

writing The New World trilogy proved to be one of the most exciting
challenges of my life, if anyone had told me six years ago I'd be
writing science fiction action-adventure novels, I would have
declared them bonkers! For most of my life, I had been an engineering
and programming nerd whose main reading materials included technical
scientific articles and books with little time to read novels of any
sort of fiction.

few dreams I experienced during my lengthy career as a Sr. Software
Development Manager at IBM mostly focused on conjuring solutions to
tough technical issues at work. Never did sleep delve into imagining
some fictional adventure. But that all changed after I retired from
IBM in March of 2007 at age 53 with 30 rewarding years of service.
The extra time on my hands provided plenty of hours to devote to more
creative endeavors.

initial attempt at writing capitalized on my 30 years of investing in
all sorts of financial assets. I wanted to share my knowledge with
our children to aid their financial planning. After completing more
than 400 pages of the manuscript, I joined a writers' group. The
members liked the technical content but advised me to liven it up to
make in more attractive for my younger target audience of high school
and collage graduates getting a start on life. I came up with an
fictional world and a couple of quirky characters to weave into my
investing lessons.

members loved the improvements, but an unexpected problem bared
itself: my brain refused to churn out nightly ideas about
investments. Instead, my dreams gushed with captivating characters
and an intriguing new world with plenty of vicious beasts lurking in
the shadows of my mind. I had no choice but to follow the fate which
unfolded night after night, providing oodles of exciting material to
more than fulfill any writing desires. I provided my financial
manuscript to my daughters, and from that exhilarating change of
direction in 2014, I've been creating a fascinating new world at the
turn of the next century!

began writing my first novel, The New World: A Step
 in June of 2014 and published it on June 28, 2015.
A little over a year later, on October 1, 2016, I published Book 2 of
the series, The New World: Blue Moon Generation. After a
bit of a delay due to the challenges of a serious family illness, I
completed the final novel of the Trilogy, The New World:
Crimson Winter
 and published it on November 6, 2018.

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

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