

Monday, August 12, 2019

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ The Splintered Crown - A Tankards and Heroes Novel by Larry N. Martin

Splintered Crown
Tankards and Heroes Novel
Larry N. Martin

Epic Fantasy, Adventure Quest 

medieval fantasy with a party of adventurers all ready to make a name
for themselves and earn some gold.

and Heroes is set in the city of Kortufan, where spies, assassins,
mercenaries, arms dealers, rebels, smugglers, and informants do dirty
deals dirt cheap.

Poxy Dragon is a rough bar outside the worst part of the medieval
Silk Road. It takes serious courage just to walk into the place, not
only from its reputation but because of the rough clientele,
questionable food, awful beer, and abysmal hygiene. Lots of taverns
in Kortufan are home to ruffians and illegal dealings, but the Poxy
Dragon is the proving ground for heroes - with a cemetery out back
for the ones who don’t make the cut.

Leota, the resident demigoddess at the Poxy Dragon, sends would-be
heroes to different realms on quests. Once committed, there is no
turning back, and if they want their reward, every party member must
return through the portal – dead or alive.

Larry N. Martin
N. Martin is the author of the new sci-fi adventure novel Salvage
Rat, and the new portal fantasy series, The Splintered Crown, A
Tankards and Heroes novel. He is the co-author (with Gail Z. Martin)
of the Spells, Salt, and Steel: New Templar Knights series; the
Steampunk series Iron & Blood; and a collection of short stories
and novellas: The Storm & Fury Adventures set in the Iron &
Blood universe. He is also the co-author (with Gail) of the Wasteland
Marshals series and the Joe Mack - Shadow Council series from
Falstaff Books.

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

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