

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Release Blast ~ Beaten Paths by Stephie Walls

One stone creates a ripple with the power to change destiny.

One horrific mistake… 

After a near-fatal accident, Sarah Adams was left hospitalized and faced months of grueling surgery and rehab—alone.

One chance encounter… 

Charlie Burin walked in when the rest of the world walked out. He refused to let her quit, vowing to hold her up until she could stand on her own.

One unexpected twist…

When a new obstacle arises, can two people who have been through hell keep fighting for love when the odds are stacked against them?

Available on amazon 
(in KU)
US : UK : CA : AU 

Bestselling author, Stephie Walls is a lover of words--the more poetic the better. She lives on the outskirts of Greenville, South Carolina in her own veritable zoo with two dogs, three cats, and Magoo (in no preferential order). She would thrive on coffee, books, and Charlie Hunnam if it were possible, but since it's not, add in some Chinese food or sushi and she's one happy girl.

Connect with Stephie:

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