

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Blog Tour ~ The Edge of Reason by J. Saman

Today we have the blog tour of THE EDGE OF REASON by J. Saman! Check it out and be sure to order your copy today!


Author: J. Saman

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About The Edge of Reason:

I have a certain set of rules I try to live by. Rules that have always served me well. Until now…

Rule one: Don’t have sex with someone you work with.
Rule two: Don’t have sex with your friend’s ex-boyfriend.
Rule three: Don’t have sex with your best friend who also happens to be the same ex-boyfriend of your friend.
Rule four: Don’t ever, under any circumstances, fall in love with your best friend.

I guess it’s safe to say, I officially broke all four of my rules.

Doctor Andrew Albright. Sexy, arrogant, insanely gorgeous, and eternally off-limits.
Not only is he still in love with my friend, his ex, but he’s my rock. My perfect best friend.
The one person I cannot lose under any circumstances.
Especially when my life has a habit of falling apart on a regular basis.

But one mercy kiss later, to save me from an awkward situation, and suddenly everything changes. He flirts relentlessly. Corners me in dark hallways. Throws me panty-melting stares that render me helpless.
I crossed the uncrossable line. Broke every damn rule.
Now our perfect friendship is falling apart.

And he’s doing everything he can to keep it that way…

THE EDGE OF REASON is a funny, sexy, and emotional best friends to lovers, STANDALONE romance.

Grab Your Copy Today:

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Goodreads TBR | Goodreads November Vote

 Excerpt – Copyright J. Saman 2019

“You don’t really think I look like him, do you?” He holds up the card, facing me as if I’m meant to compare the two of them side by side.
“You don’t not look like him.”
Drew chuckles, rubbing his jaw and smiling like he’s got me all figured out. I just bet he does. “You’re blushing, freckles.”
“It’s from the wine. And the bath,” I tack on. “Hey, do you want to watch that documentary I mentioned to you the other day?”
“Come sit with me and tell me all about how this lie came to be.” He pats my couch with his open palm to a heavy beat, and my heart thunders along with it. “It’s because you think I’m hot, right? You think I’m hot and you didn’t want anyone to know about your deep-seated, overwhelming attraction for me.” He’s mocking me now and enjoying the hell out of making me squirm.
I snort, then scoff, rolling my eyes as I pour him more wine. “Overinflated ego, party of one.”
I set the now empty bottle on the table and Drew grabs my hand, tugging me down, half onto him and half onto the couch, so I’m at a somewhat odd angle. He grabs my chin and lifts my face up to his before his hand drops, wrapping around my lower back. My breath hitches.
“You’re not going to tell me, are you?” he asks, searching my eyes, and from this distance, I’m assaulted with visions of our kiss only a few short weeks ago. Maybe a couple of dirty add-ons thrown in. “You don’t have to. I just pretty much guessed why you did it. Didn’t I?”
“You do have similar hair to him.”
His crooked grin turns into a full smile, complete with white teeth and sparkling gray eyes that see right through me.
“I think you’re hot too, freckles.” That would have been a great line except for the use of my nickname. Freckles and hot don’t quite fit together. It makes it sound like he’s teasing me again, and I can’t help my frown followed by the twinge of embarrassment and self-loathing. Yes, haha, you just figured out poor pathetic Margot. Aren’t you clever?
At least he didn’t push it beyond the hot thing. He didn’t ask, hey, do you have a secret crush on me you’ve harbored for years? Because if he did, then I’d blush for sure.
We stare into each other from mere inches away and I wonder if either of us is going to address what’s been happening between us over the last few weeks. How we’ve been way more touchy-feely than we ever were before. How we’re spending more time together, if you can wrap your head around that truth, than ever before. He watches me and I watch him and we play it off like we’re not actually doing that.
Because we’re Drew and Margot.
I’m too young and he’s too serious. He loves another woman and I’m incapable of being with a man without it crashing down in a pit of flames. We work together and are the perfect best friends.
Because in reality, we could never work together. If you know what I mean.
That’s how our dance goes.
But that doesn’t mean I haven’t noticed the change. Haven’t felt it, even though I’m treating it and him like a deadly virus. Because if he breaks down my resistance and infiltrates my immune system, he’ll kill me dead.
There is no surviving Drew. Not for me. Not for the girl he affectionately calls freckles and best friend.
His eyes dip to my lips, his sweet breath fanning across them like a dare. “You are,” he whispers, the mood shifting drastically from playful and teasing to tension-filled and smoldering. I can practically taste it. Feel the hum of it vibrate between us. “Hot. Beautiful. Sexy.”
That last one sends a jolt of lust-filled adrenaline surging through my blood straight to my core. I need to bring this back into safer territory. Ask him if I look like his brothers or something lame, but I can’t make the words come out. Probably because my gaze is bouncing back and forth between his lips and eyes like a racquetball, unable to decide where it would rather stay.
“Do you ever think about it?” he asks, his voice so light it floats over me. “Our kiss.”
“Yes,” I answer honestly.
He’s fearless with me. How can he be so fearless when all I feel is afraid?
“Me too,” he hums, inching in even closer. “Margot?” he questions, his voice tight, strained.
That question, my name on his lips, is everything. The line in the sand. The divide between sense and chaos. It’s the edge of reason.

About The Author:

J. Saman loves all types of novels, but finds herself always going back to writing/reading romances. She's addicted to Diet Coke and sour candy, and swears way too much. She's an admitted lover of picking at old wounds, second chance romances, love triangles and the perfect amount of angst . She writes smart, strong women and sexy alpha (slightly nerdy) men who have a softer side.

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