

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ Love Defines Us - Winning At Love Series: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

Defines Us
at Love- Series 1
Contemporary Romance Anthology
stories by
Collins, Angela Stevens, Bonnie Edwards, Jude Ouvrard,
Shriver, Chantel Rhondeau, Kimmie Easley, Stacy Eaton 

award-winning, bestselling authors and/or USA Today Bestselling
have joined forces to create
this collection of contemporary romances to get your blood pumping.
Each author included in this boxed set lives and breathes romance and
loves the joy of falling in love and crafting a swoon-worthy story to
make hearts flutter and bring joy.

the tingle of a stolen moment, the passion of a first kiss, and the
joy of winning at love. From eight award-winning and bestselling
authors this collection of contemporary romances is sure to get your
blood pumping and your heart racing. From first glance to second
chance, follow these couples on their journey to love. Take a chance
on love and settle in for eight wonderful romances that all lead to
happy endings.

Me in the Middle
Kelly Collins
knows sinfully sexy Miles Stevenson’s face. He’s the most famous
movie star in the world… and every woman’s dream. When he
unexpectedly pulls perfect stranger and grade schoolteacher Rachel
Parks in for a passion-filled kiss, he ends up doing more than
fooling the press.

Rachel is used to the opposite sex throwing
themselves at her. What she isn’t used to are handsome strangers
pulling her aside and covering her mouth with burning hot lips. But
she decides to play along with Miles’s little

Incompatibility screams at every turn, but passion
paves the way. Sometimes the road to each other is far too long, but
the path is shorter if you meet in the middle. Will Miles’s
worldwide fame get in the way of Rachel’s under-the-radar life, or
will they find what they didn’t know they were looking for… each

Angela Stevens

one woman ever stole Nate Chase’s heart– it’s just a shame she
is off limits.

Biker and owner of Hard Core Hogs, Nate Chase, can
take women or leave them–and he usually does both. But then there
is a reason that Nate has never committed to any woman and that
reason is his business partner’s sister, Maxine Gordon.

here lies the problem...

With a shady past and an intimidating
reputation, Jack Gordon has vowed to protect his sister from all
men–and he certainly isn’t going to make an exception for Nate

Catching Nate is a forbidden lover contemporary
romance, written for readers who love emotional romantic fiction with
a side of suspense. Known for her heart-warming, and heart-wrenching,
romance series, Angela Steven’s third standalone story in the
Thrill of the Chase Series will have you anticipating the next book
before you finish this one!

So, get your fix, buy Catching
Nate and binge-read your way to a happy ever after.

An Angel
Bonnie Edwards

A runaway New York
heiress lands in the middle of a Canadian prairie…it might as well
be OZ…
Andi Morrison needs to
unplug and unwind, but this farm is not where she wants to hide out.
Being forced to stay and pretend she’s a foster mom is way out of
her comfort zone.
sexy foster dad Brice Logan needs a woman bad and even though Andi is
a rebel in high heels, she’s the only woman he’s got. He has to
make her stay long enough to be able to keep his foster family
children are sweet, their foster dad is sexy but Andi has never been
needed a day in her life. How can she cope with all the things they
need? She’s not a cook, not a mommy, and certainly not the saving
grace they seem to think she is.
soon, Brice sees he needs more than Andi’s help. He needs her
in a sweet, sexy romance neither of them expected Brice and Andi
learn that opposites attract. For Andi, being polar opposites makes
love hard and staying in the Great White North even harder.

Jude Ouvrard

believes in true love so much that it blinds her. Set to marry in a
month, her suspicions about her soon to be husband, Justin, are
driving her wild with anxiety and self doubts.
on a business trip with fears that her man falls in the arms of a
bombshell, her best friend promises to keep an eye on him.
away from home, Willow is as lonely as can be. She tries to keep her
mind busy and have a true Las Vegas experience when she meets Travis.
A divorced and flirty man from the other side of the country.
Temptations have never been stronger but will it be enough to make
her break her promise to the man she loves?

Michele Shriver

league pitcher Killian Moss wants a family. What he needs is a
steadfast woman who can handle long separations during the season.
The kind of woman who will always be there for him and their
actress Lorna Richards is an independent, publicity-shy, single mom
who hides in Texas whenever she’s not on a shoot. Home and family
is everything to Lorna and when she meets Killian, it seems that they
want all the same things.
passion between them flares bright and hot, but when Lorna decides to
pay back a favor for a man who saved her career – a life-altering
favor – then Killian may have to cry foul and back away. Everything
between them hangs in the balance as Lorna must choose between giving
a new life to her best friend or losing her dream of love and a happy
ending with Killian.

Contracts – Opal
Chantel Rhondeau

married in a hurry? Millionaire Partner, Inc. is here for you! Find
the perfect companion to fulfill your needs, whether you’re looking
for love or something else.

saved myself for true love. I nearly had it before an accident
irrevocably changed everything. A marriage broker is my only hope of
survival. The man wanting to marry me, Byron Laserata, is intense,
but I’m out of options. If I refuse his offer, I’ll be on the
streets tomorrow. I can do this, right?

insists I marry and produce two heirs before inheriting the family
business. Even though I’ve been running it for years, there’s no
chance he’ll budge on this demand. Without a proper wife and kids,
I’ll find myself outed in favor of my cousin. Olivia’s sweet and
incredibly innocent. She’ll be perfect—easy to control and no
chance she’ll demand things I can’t give. It’s the perfect
solution. All I have to do is keep myself from developing feelings
for my new bride. I can’t afford it. The business demands my full
attention. However, there’s just something about her…

Content Warning: The
Blissful Contracts Series is about overcoming past adversities
and finding true love through those trials. Sensitive readers may be
triggered by discussion of past traumas including mental or physical
abuse, rape, or mental illness. Reader discretion is advised.

Kimmie Easley

you know you’re in love with the right person, and you know why,
and you know it’s for all the right reasons, and you know they’re
all good…
you just know.
at least you think you do.
not me.
don’t recognize good. It’s too few and far between. It’s been
that way my whole, entire life.
unfortunately for him, it’s also become Avette’s new version of
normal, thanks to his unyielding love for me. My husband’s blinded
to all of the yuck and disgust that fucks me up from the inside out.
a talent or a gift. Maybe a curse. Whatever it is, it’s not one I
the worst part is I see what he wants.
wants me to feel the same. To see him in the same light. But that’s
not how my heart was created. I can’t feel or love the same way
that he does.
doesn’t mean the same to me as it does to him.
not until my entire world changed.
I’m Trini Baker, and I’m an addict.

You Win
Stacy Eaton, USA Today Bestselling Author

Rosewood’s life has never been easy, especially not with a class-A
jerk for a boss and a marketing job that barely pays enough to
provide a roof over her daughter’s head and food for the table.
Every day is a struggle, and the thought of being romantically
involved with anyone is a dream she doesn’t dare indulge.

Carrington is the type of man to give the shirt off his back to
anyone in need, and when he finds Haley struggling through a bad day,
he does everything he can. In return, he asks that she help him pick
out lottery numbers and tells her that if he wins, she gets

When the winning numbers are drawn and Devon and Haley
learn that they have won, can the two of them put their one-night
stand behind them and build something for the future? Find out in
Sometimes You Win.

.99 cents!!**

through the slideshow to find out more about the authors!!**

the tour HERE
for special content and a giveaway!


  1. Replies
    1. You are most welcome! Such a delight having you on Teatime and Books!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing our boxed set! We appreciate it!!
