

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Release Blog Tour ~ Stressed in the US by Meg Van Deusen Ph.D.

Stressed in the US

Published by Story Merchant Books
Available from Amazon

Seventy-five percent of Americans are moderately stressed. Fifty percent of Americans are lonely. More than 33 percent of us sleep less than six hours a night. In addition, 77 percent of us use social media daily and 81 percent of us own a smartphone. Why are these statistics important? Because loneliness, sleep-deprivation, social media use, tech use, and even gut-imbalance—which the Huffington Post refers to as “the modern plague”—are all causes and results of stress. Stress is the reason for at least 75 percent of today’s doctor’s visits, costing the US billions per year in employee absenteeism, accidents, and illnesses. 
9/11, climate change, a historic economic crisis, numerous mass shootings, an inordinate amount of school lockdowns, a foreign attack on our election, a politically divided country, tech-induced anxiety and addiction, and information overload: since 2000, these unique-to-our-time phenomena have created a petri dish of stress in the US, causing a host of emotional and physical ailments.
Here’s the problem: while the well-researched, psychological theory on attachment tells us that secure attachments to each other and to our nation create resilience to stress, our current American culture is creating barriers, not pathways, to human trust and closeness. Stressed in the US: Twelve Tools to Tackle Anxiety, Loneliness, Tech-Addiction and More investigates current, cultural phenomena that are causing a convergence of increased stress with decreased interpersonal connection from an attachment theory perspective.
Dr. Van Deusen explains why and how our relationships are breaking down at a time when we need them the most. The good news? As a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and mindfulness practitioner, she offers insights and solutions to a complex, pervasive problem.
• Restorative practices protect us
• Nature calms us
• Mindfulness connects us 

Author Bio

Meg Van Deusen, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and mindfulness practitioner in private practice since 1994. In a time of great stress and disconnection in the US she offers insights and solutions to help readers reconnect and live healthier lives. Dr. Van Deusen lives in Seattle, Washington where she enjoys the outdoors, cooking and time with her husband, sons and friends.

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