

Friday, January 17, 2020

Cover Reveal ~ To Plant A Single Seed - Young Adult Short Story by Kelsey Ketch

To Plant a Single Seed
by Kelsey Ketch
Genre: YA Short Story
Release Date: February 2020


“Each of us has a seed of our own, each as diverse as the person that carries it.”

Raised in an isolated world of strict rules, one young woman questions what is the purpose of the seed she carries in the palm of her hand. What is its purpose in a world that already seems perfect and is basically untouchable? Railing against her society, she decides to travel toward the distant tree line to discover her purpose.

About the Author

Kelsey Ketch is a young-adult/new-adult author, who works as a Wildlife Biologist in the state of North Carolina. During her free time, she can often be found working on her latest work in progress or organizing the New Adult Scavenger Hunt, a biannual blog hop. She also enjoys history, mythology, traveling, and reading.

For more information, please visit her site at

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