

Friday, November 13, 2020

Book Tour ~ Her Inconvenient Christmas Reunion by Nina Singh


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Her Inconvenient Christmas Reunion
By Nina Singh
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 256 Pages
November 1, 2020 by Harlequin Romance

Can a mistletoe kiss…

…heal the past?

When Zayn walks back into Izzy’s life, years after he was forced to walk out of it, she’s faced with the undeniable attraction that’s never faded. Finding themselves co-owners of the vineyard that means so much to Izzy makes tensions run high! But then she’s seduced into a kiss under the Parisian Christmas lights… Can Izzy find it in her heart to forgive the man who once broke it?

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She sat slowly, the note still cradled in her hand. Her eyes fell to the other two objects on the surface of the table. She’d been so focused on the note, she hadn’t noticed them until now. Folded in a neat square was the scarf he’d let her borrow so often to ward off the chill over the past few days. He’d left it for her. On top of the scarf there was a small cardboard box with a satin ribbon tied around the center. Her hand trembling, she reached for it and loosened the bow.


Her breath caught when she lifted the lid.


Inside, wrapped in delicate tissue paper, was a small, handcrafted tree ornament made of clay. A miniature elf complete with floppy hat and pointy shoes—reminiscent of the ridiculous costume she’d been wearing when he’d first walked into the winery a few days ago. He must have gotten it their first night here when they’d visited the Christmas market.


The whimsical expression painted on the little guy’s face wrangled a small laugh out of her.


“Oh, Zayn,” she whispered aloud, her breath shaky. Emotion and loss threatened to shatter her heart.  She gripped the ornament in the palm of her hand and held it close against her chest.


When had he planned to give this to her? She would never know.


Excerpt From: Nina Singh. “Her Inconvenient Christmas Reunion.”


About the Author

Nina Singh lives outside of Boston with her husband, children, and a very rambunctious Yorkie. When not at her keyboard, she likes to spend time on the tennis court or immersed in a good read.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive an ebook of Her Billionaire Protector by Nina Singh and a $20 Amazon eGift Card
Four Winners will receive an ebook of Her Billionaire Protector by Nina Singh

US only
Ends November 18, 2020

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