

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Relrease Blitz ~ Is this Me? by Tricia Copeland



Title: Is This Me?
Author: Tricia Copeland
Genre: NA Romance
Cover Designer: Dark Unicorn Designs
Publisher: true bird publishing llc
Publication Date: Feb. 1st, 2021
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Reviews & PR


She had it all planned out. But her freshman year goes off-course on the very first night…


New student Amanda Avery would rather have her nose in a book than a drink in her hand. So when her best friend drags her to a frat party, she knows her GPA will appreciate the hot guy giving her the cold shoulder. But when their paths collide on the volleyball court, she’s left with a debilitating injury that jeopardizes her studies.


With her scholarship on the line, Amanda has no choice but to accept recovery aid from the same hottie who turned her down. Though she endeavors to keep up appearances, she struggles with academic pressure and a growing friendship with her dreamy caregiver. And it doesn’t help that his buddy is trying so hard to win her over…


Can Amanda survive the turmoil of college and come out with her heart intact?


Is This Me? is the first book in the fun and fresh Being Me clean new adult series. If you like believable characters, emotional coming-of-age stories, and sweet romance, then you’ll love Tricia Copeland’s poignant tale.


Download Is This Me? to figure out this love triangle today!


“I love it!!! I found myself wanting to kick Doug, or shake Amanda, or just give Zack a hug …I can't wait to find out what happens next!!!

-Frances, Colorado


“It was remarkably easy to get caught up in Amanda's world. … Through the authors' use of vivid details and imagery, the reader truly feels the joy, as well as the agony that Amanda experiences…”

-Sara, Atlanta, Georgia


“I seriously could NOT put it down! The writing was so impressive it really felt like I was on the journey with Amanda through the beginning of her college life. This book was funny and angsty. I really enjoyed it.. I read this book in one sitting, I was up til 2am reading! …I love that I can really feel her pain, heartache, joy and happiness. A very easy 5 stars given!”




An avid runner and Georgia native, Tricia now lives with her family and four-legged friends in Colorado. She believes that magic infuses every aspect of our lives, whether it is the magic of falling in love, discovering a new passion, a beautiful sunset, or a book that transports us to another world. You can find all her titles from contemporary romance and fantasy, to dystopian fiction at

Author Links:

“I need to change?” I looked at my outfit as we got off the elevator. I’d just changed before dinner, and I thought I’d done a pretty good job.

“Tomorrow they have to clean for the alumni barbecue, so this will be one of the biggest parties of the year. All the brothers and potentials will be there.”

I had no clue what potentials were, and my hope for an intimate hang out with Mark, Lila, and Ross vanished like a puff of smoke.

In my room, Lila browsed through my closet. Finding something awesome to wear really meant she would choose what she wanted me to wear. This was a long tradition in our friendship, and I didn’t fight it. She always looked great, although sometimes a little risqué for my tastes. I’d learned how to make her happy without sacrificing my standards. Picking an outfit from the many choices Marissa had added would just give me a headache anyway.

Lila held up a pair of jeans and a skirt. I pointed to the jeans and she frowned. She was constantly trying to get me to wear more skirts. Pants helped my legs look longer. Only reaching five-two, looking taller always equaled better in my book. In the end, Lila threw a dark pair of skinny jeans, a spaghetti-strapped blue top, and strappy wedge sandals at me as she walked out the door. I dressed and touched up my makeup and hair. She returned not minutes later, in a short dress and wedges. Looking in the mirror, she added darker liner and shadow to my eyes.

Taking the elevator down to the lobby, she opened an app on her phone. “You have to get on this. It’s the best way to get a ride.”

After sitting in the car half the day, walking was more appealing to me. In my heels I’d probably only make it two blocks, so I followed her lead. “Are you sure about this? Is it safe?”

“Sure, I’ve been doing it forever.”

“You never did it in Champaign.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay, well since I came here. We’re not going to end up in a dumpster. Well I’m not, you’re the one with bad luck.” She handed me her phone with the company’s safety information.

“If we’re going by the superstition that bad luck comes in threes, I’m done.”

“You’re counting Law?”

“Course.” These days I was counting every incident I could to believe I was finished with my run of bad luck. I scrolled through the safety information and realized it was totally legit. I passed her phone back to her.

“See, your dad’s got you paranoid.”

“Isn’t it expensive?”

“How much do you make tutoring? Twenty-five an hour, right? This is five bucks and the bus will take an hour on the weekend.”

A car pulled up, and she opened the door and waved me in. The driver routed through the deserted main campus. The streets and lawns grew more crowded as we neared the Greek houses.

I fidgeted with my necklace, and Lila batted my hand from my neck. “You met a good number of the guys this summer. You remember Bill, right?”

“Sure.” I reminded myself that one reason for coming to school here was to meet new people.

Lila paid the driver, and we took a narrow path that ran along the side of the building to the back of the house. Mark and Ross were playing volleyball in the sandpit, and we greeted them with a wave. Mark was a great player and loved the game. He’d tried, mostly in vain, to improve my skills over the summer.

As we sat on the grass to watch the match, a yellow lab lumbered over to me and rubbed against my legs. I patted her head and she curled up at my feet. If Kate counted, I’d made my second new friend.

The guys made the game look easy, expending little effort in lofting the ball back and forth over the net. I recognized Bill from this summer. Two exceptionally tall guys on his team stood out, and I could’ve watched them play all night.

Defeated by Bill’s team, Mark and Ross sauntered over to where we were sitting. Mark collapsed on top of my outstretched legs, displacing the dog who circled behind me.

“Eww, sweaty boy!” I tried to push him off, but it was like pushing against a brick wall. I gave up. “Decent game, you only lost by three.” He rolled off, standing to replace his shirt.

Bill and the taller guys from the other team approached us, retrieving their shirts from the lawn. Mark motioned them towards me. “Hey, you guys should meet Amanda.”

I stood quickly, fighting the urge to brush away any grass that might be clinging to my pants.

“Hi, I’m Bill. We met this summer.”

“Right, good game.” I shook his outstretched hand.

“Thanks.” He motioned towards the house. “Sorry, I need some water.”

“This is Doug, our president,” Mark continued.

Still shirtless, Doug held out his hand towards me. Purposely making eye contact, I slid my hand into his.

“Avery, right, your dad’s an alum.”

With olive skin and dark wavy hair, my Bubbe would’ve said he was Greek. But she had a thing for Greeks. He sported a perfect five o’clock shadow, and his deep blue eyes were focused on me. I forced myself to concentrate.

“Right.” I nodded not knowing what else to say. My face felt like it was engulfed in flames. Seriously, couldn’t Mark have waited to introduce us until after they had their shirts on?

“And this is Zack,” Mark pointed to the super tall blond beside Doug. “He’s our VP.”

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