

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Release Blitz ~ Furever Bound - The Pet Shop Seriesby Barb Shuler



Furever Bound 

The Pet Shop Series 

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Cover Designed By: SLM Creations 

Universal Purchase Link

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A missing wolf pup. An alpha on the hunt. A pack in distress. 

There are two things that Bertram O'Connell lives for: his pack and his son. 

The wolves in the Pacific Northwest have been at peace for over a century. When his pack is threatened by a rival, the lines in the sand morph into a brewing war. 

The decisions made next will either solidify the pack's bonds or burn them forever. 

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I followed the sound of giggles and barking around to the backyard. Sadie walked along the fence that blocked the dogs in their outdoor kennels and babbled to each of them. They kissed her hands and took the treats Ang held out for them. I smiled so much wider seeing this. Brutus watched from where he lay in the grass. 

“I’m done. Let me go shower off the yuck then we can go get something to eat.” 

“If we ride her around after maybe she’ll take a—”

“Don’t you dare say that word. I will divorce you right here, right now,” I said, my eyes locked on hers.

“You can’t divorce me.”

“I can and I will.”

“Best friend, remember. You’re stuck with me.”

“If you say that word I will divorce you. I’ll sing the Tammy Wynette song and all.” I called out as I made my way up the back steps. 

“You can’t do that to me!”

“I can,” I sang out before the door shut behind me. 

Barb is a Carolina girl by right and a Texan by birth. By day she’s a desk jockey for a rural transportation company and a book lover, reading through as many books as she can. At night, though, she turns into her alter ego: a writer—cape optional, depending on her mood. 

Her stories are a mix of real-life events, personal experiences, and the craziness of her own imagination and those of her best friends. And when their imaginations blend together, it can be crazy. Barb writes in multiple genres, encounters new adventures, creates new worlds, and has a fantastic time breathing life into new stories, creating something she hopes inspires anyone who reads to fall in love with them as she has.

Barb lives by one little rule: tomorrow is never guaranteed, so make sure you live each day to its fullest.

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