

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Blog Tour ~ The Pediatrician's Twin Bombshell - Medical Romance by Juliette Hyland


The Pediatrician’s Twin Bombshell
Juliette Hyland
Published by: Harlequin Medical Romance
Publication date: May 25th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

The wrong time…
…to meet Mr. Right?

Why is pediatrician Tessa all work and no play? Well, she’s far too used to people not believing in her. Still, Tessa can’t resist one—incredible!—night in nurse Gabe’s arms…and the chance to feel wanted. But it’s not just Tessa who is battling her past. Widower Gabe has his own scars to heal. So when Tessa discovers she’s pregnant, he’s determined to look after her! But is Tess ready to trust Gabe?

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“The snow is not that bad.” Gabe didn’t directly answer her question, but the response was safer.

At least he thought it was, until Tessa playfully shivered and drew a millimeter closer to him. Her full lips were tinged with red wine, and the urge to dip his head to hers made it hard to breathe. Gabe lifted his glass, never taking his eyes from Tessa. “What is it with Texans and hating snow?”

“It’s cold.” Tessa held up a finger as she continued to tick off her reasons. “It’s slushy. It makes driving difficult. It’s cold.”

“You already said that one.”

“It bears repeating!”

Tessa’s hand tapped his knee, and Gabe pinched his wineglass to keep from laying his hand over hers. What was wrong with him? He yearned to make her laugh, to see the hint of a dimple when her lips tipped up. To pull her close.

A small voice in the back of his brain wondered if he should take his leave—chalk the evening up to nostalgia and move on. But it was easy to ignore when Tessa smiled.

He leaned closer. “What Texans don’t understand is that snowy weather just means you have to cuddle closer.” The flirtation escaped his lips. Gabe watched an emotion he wanted to believe was desire flash in Tessa’s eyes.

“I guess that could be true.” Her tongue ran along the edge of her lip as she closed a bit more of the distance between them. “But the heat can be—” her gaze darted behind him before she pulled back “—sensual, too.”

“True... Gabe’s tongue refused to form any more words as he stared at the woman across from him. This wasn’t catching up, and discussing Maine’s snow versus Texas’s heat shouldn’t make him want to kiss her. Shouldn’t make him want to run his hand along her waist...shouldn’t make him want so many things.

“I missed you when you left the theater. After we...” Her cheeks bloomed as she tilted her wineglass back. “You were my first kiss.”

The words were so soft that Gabe wondered if Tessa had meant to say them out loud. “You were mine, too. I even went to the Trinity versus Bell football game senior year, hoping you’d be there. I wanted to apologize for vanishing. To explain that the job I got paid better and started immediately. To ask for your number.” Gabe grinned. “If only every teen had had a cell then.”

“If only...” Tessa took another sip of her wine, then set it on the table.

“If only...” Gabe repeated, setting his wineglass next to hers. Without the glass in his fingers, his palms itched to reach out to Tessa.


Author Bio:

Juliette Hyland believes in caffeine, hot drinks and happily ever afters! She lives in Ohio, USA, with her prince charming, who has patiently listened to many rants regarding characters failing to follow the outline. When not working on fun and flirty happily ever afters, Juliette can be found spending time with her beautiful daughters, giant dogs or sewing uneven stitches with her sewing machine.

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