

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Pre-Order Blast ~ Welcome to Wonderland - A Short Story Collection



Welcome to Wonderland 

A Short Story Collection

Publish Date: July 14th, 2021

Genre: Modern Day Fairy Tale Retellings

Published by: CMBS Charitable Collaborations

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CMBS Charitable Collaborations Presents...

The Welcome to Wonderland anthology is a collection of short stories from authors who share a love for a childhood favorite, Alice In Wonderland. 

Come and explore where your imagination meets fantasy; explore this world in a whole new light. Fun, sassy and sometimes spicy stories that will bring your favorite childhood characters to light in the adult world. 

The publisher’s proceeds from Welcome to Wonderland will be donated in their entirety to The Ronald McDonald House Charities. Please note that Welcome to Wonderland and it’s authors are not affiliated with or endorsed by The Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Contributing Authors 

L Firminger - Letha Gene - Barb Shuler - Lindsey Taylor


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~ About the Authors ~

~ Lauren Firminger ~

L Firminger has had a love affair for books her whole life. From the fairy tales that were read to her as a young girl to the stories of love and loss that would distract her as a teenager. 

It wasn't until attending her first signing as a reader, in Sydney, that she discovered the world of Indie authors that would ignite her spark of writing once again. 

Taking a leap of faith, Lauren published her debut novel, Learning to Fly. From there, the characters continued to speak with her and three years, seven books later, the words continue to flow. From military romance to motorcycle clubs, Lauren tests the boundaries of them all and hides inside the worlds she creates. 

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~ Letha Gene ~

Letha Gene is a mother of three lovely children and enjoys everything about being their momma. She is a native West Virginian, but has lived in New Jersey, North Carolina, and Florida. She graduated in the year 1990. Letha Gene attended nursing assistant classes and then worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant for 15 years. She also Became an Emergency Medical Technician and taught CPR for a while. 

In her spare time, she makes cheer bows, hairbows and dabbles in sublimation and vinyl creations. She loves to travel and has traveled up and down the east coast. Letha Gene would like to someday be able to travel to all 50 states. 

Letha Gene also loves to read and write paranormal romance with a bit of comedy tucked into various places.


~ Barb Shuler ~

Barb is a Carolina girl by right and a Texan by birth. By day she’s a desk jockey for a rural transportation company and a book lover, reading through as many books as she can. At night, though, she turns into her alter ego: a writer—cape optional, depending on her mood. 

Her stories are a mix of real-life events, personal experiences, and the craziness of her own imagination and those of her best friends. And when their imaginations blend together, it can be crazy. Barb writes in multiple genres, encounters new adventures, creates new worlds, and has a fantastic time breathing life into new stories, creating something she hopes inspires anyone who reads to fall in love with them as she has.

Barb lives by one little rule: tomorrow is never guaranteed, so make sure you live each day to its fullest.

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~ Lindsey Taylor ~

Being a mother of two, wife and full time employee, Lindsey still manages to find time to write. She is passionate about all genres of writing, earning her BA in Journalism and MFA is Creative writing and English. She has been published in many newspapers and magazines nationwide, as well as blogs and online mediums. Lindsey has also been published with Pulse Publishing for her debut fiction novel, The Novel Within. She has also been a part of two anthologies.  Lindsey is currently working on her second fiction manuscript, a poetry memoir and another anthology.

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