

Friday, July 16, 2021

Blog Tour ~ The Sword in His Hand - The Darcentaria Duology by J. J. Fischer


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

The Sword in His Hand
(The Darcentaria Duology #1)
By J.J. Fischer
Christian Historical Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 496 Pages
February 9, 2021 by Ambassador International

“One is an opportunity. Two is a threat. Three is an invasion.”

For hundreds of years, strange things have been washing up on the shores of Darcentaria. But when a young foreign woman named El is found unconscious on the beach amidst the burning wreckage of a strange metal craft, the villagers of Odessa are immediately suspicious—is she an agent of the Dalriadan Empire, their cruel oppressors for as long as they can remember? Or does she come from the Outside, the vast and legendary lands beyond their borders from which no man or woman alive has ever returned?

Torsten Eiselher, a talented young swordsman, has spent the last nine years of his life wrongfully imprisoned by his uncle, the Empire’s ruler. Betrayed and deceived at every turn, Torsten has survived by keeping a firm grip on his sword—and by staying well away from anything to do with the Outside. But when his young sister is murdered, Torsten finds himself irrevocably drawn to El despite her Outsider heritage—and he begins to question everything he has been told about her world.

Intrigued by the existence of a powerful and dangerously advanced world within his reach, the Empire’s ruler, Jurien Arminius, launches a hunt for El and the two Outsiders that arrived with her—the ones who could help him win his war against Torsten and the rebellion that threatens to topple his Empire.

Suddenly, Torsten is forced to choose between defeating his long-term enemy or saving the woman he has come to love . . .

(Affiliate links included.)


His expression hardened. “Don’t pity me, El. I don’t need it.”

“You say that like pity is a choice.”

“Everything is a choice. I learned that in the camps. The chief business of

life is deciding how best you are going to be unhappy. You can choose to feel

or not to feel; you can choose to exist or not to exist; and you can choose if

others live or die.” He laughed again, even more abrasively. “So long as others

don’t choose first, of course.”

“Maybe it’s not that simple.”


“You tell me that man chose to work for Arminius. And that he chose to

help murder your sister.”

“He wasn’t forced to do any of the things that he did,” said Torsten

darkly. “He did it because he wanted to.”

“Perhaps he did,” replied El quietly, “but what about you? Are you the man

you are today because you spent eight years in the camps, even though you

were innocent, or because you just chose to be this way? Would you apply

your harsh logic to yourself?”

His jaw tensed. “He deserved to die for what he did. That’s all that matters.”

El hesitated before answering. Who was she to challenge him? “You can’t

be so selective, Torsten. If you say that man chose to do certain things in his

life, then you must say the same about yourself.”

“And what’s that?”

“That you are the product of your choices and not of your circumstances.

But I think you know that that isn’t the whole truth. The forces at work outside

you can be as powerful as the forces at work within you. And both are

responsible for the darkness.”


Other Books in the Series

The Secret of Fire
(The Darcentaria Duology #2)
By J.J. Fischer
Christian Historical Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 352 Pages
July 13, 2021 by Ambassador International

Only one can save them.

The Rebellion has fallen.

The door to the Outside has been opened.

And the one who opened it—Jurien Arminius—is now the most powerful man in Darcentaria.

But everything they have known is about to change forever.

Separated by Arminius but fighting to get back to each other, El and Torsten encounter unlikely allies that reveal stunning truths about each other, the Outside, and the very beginnings of Darcentaria itself.

(Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

Jasmine (J.J. Fischer) is living proof that it is possible to be addicted to tea and coffee simultaneously. Both made it possible for her to complete her Bachelor degree in English Literature and Creative Writing in 2012.

Jasmine is married to David, and together they are the proud owner-parents of five warring pet chickens who tolerate each others' existence—most days. When tempted away from the keyboard, she enjoys reading, thinking about lasagna almost as often as Garfield the cat, and working towards her black belt in karate. She vows to one day write the perfect fight scene. Jasmine makes her home near Sydney, Australia, where most animals want to kill you and drop bears enforce a daily reign of terror. If you're reading this, please send help.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive print copies of The Sword in His Hand and The Secret Fire, a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card and a $5 discount code to Ambassador International's store (US only)

Ends July 21, 2021

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