

Friday, March 25, 2022

Blog Tour ~ Blade of Ash - Scepter and Crown: Book One by C. F. E. Black


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Blade of Ash
(Scepter and Crown #1)
By C.F.E. Black
Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Hardcover & ebook, 363 Pages
January 25, 2022 by Hillcity Press

The only way to beat death is to chase it. 
Newly crowned, Red blames one person for his father’s murder: the secret sorceress sworn to protect the king. Alyana Barron, Royal Sorcerer to the throne of Tandera, fears her magic is weakening. For reasons they don't fully understand, a powerful enemy twisted by dark magic wants them both dead. 
When Red is cursed, his life entwines with Aly’s in ways neither of them expected. Together, they chase after a cure that will heal the king and restore her magic, but the closer they get to a cure, the nearer they step toward death, for the path to the cure is as dangerous as the curse itself. 
Blade of Ash is the first in a new, epic YA fantasy series perfect for fans of clean enemies-to-lovers romance packed full of royal intrigue, legends, and plenty of ballgowns. If you like female bodyguards and forced proximity with life-and-death stakes, check out Blade of Ash.

(Affiliate links included.)

He shuffled toward the door that would send him back into the mirrored halls, back into the world where he had to pretend not to be cursed—the world where Aly did not exist, where she was only a cloaked figure with a sorcerer’s mask.

“When do I get to ask more questions?” For an inexplicable reason, he tried to think of a way to extend this conversation a few moments longer.

“That was a question, Red.”

He fought a smile. “Right, but I’m the king, so I can ask questions whenever I want, and you have to answer them.” He stared at her without moving until her eyes began to dart and look anywhere but at him.

Magic might inhabit her veins, flow from her mind, and strengthen her arms to uproot trees, but in that moment she looked broken, fractured by a world she hadn’t created or wanted for herself, but one she found herself in day after day.

For the span of mere seconds, neither of them stepped away. The small space between them might as well have been the Canyon itself.

“Goodnight, Miss Barron,” he said and walked away.

Excerpted from Blade of Ash by C.F.E. Black, Copyright © 2022 by C.F.E. Black. Published by Hillcity Press.

Other Books in the Series

Shield of Shadow
(Scepter and Crown #0.5)
By C.F.E. Black
Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
E-book, 141 Pages
November 2021 by Hillcity Press

Alyana Barron is tired of living a secluded life apart from society, hiding her magic from watching eyes. When a nobleman offers Aly the chance to train as a Master Sorcerer, secrets hidden in her past will come to light and she'll have to fight to keep her safety and guard her heart.

(Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

C. F. E. Black loves to get swept away in books, both reading and writing them. When she’s not writing or chasing her son, she’s teaching high schoolers and trying her best to be a light in their lives. She lives in beautiful north Alabama with her superhero husband, sons, and fur-family. Connect with her and find free stories at

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

A signed hardcover of Blade of Ash by C.F.E. Black, a character art print of Red and Aly, and a map print (US only; $20 Amazon e-gift card will be substituted for INT)

Ends March 30, 2022

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