

Friday, March 18, 2022

Book Tour ~ Stolen Heart - A Victorian Robin Hood Retelling by Clarissa Kae


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

A Stolen Heart
(Victorian Retellings #3)
By Clarissa Kae
Historical Romance, Fairy Tale
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 264 Pages
January 29, 2022 by Carpe Vitam Press

A Victorian twist on Robin Hood.

The Earl of Rochelle, Nikolas Whitworth, is handsome, charming. And a traitor.

He can outwit and outcon any Englishman—and any Englishwoman. When his debts are called in a savior appears, the criminal mastermind known only as the Tailor.

Nikolas is bought and sold, his future no longer his. But when a beguiling thief picks his pocket, Rosalyn Devereaux steals more than his coin. Orphaned as a child, Rosalyn trusts no one. She picks the pockets of lords and ladies alike, donating her spoils to the poor. The Tailor notices her skills and demands Rosalyn enlist in his cause.

With every moment beside Rosalyn, Nikolas changes from a life of lies to a man with a conviction. She occupies his every thought but can Nikolas outcon the Tailor and secure Rosalyn’s heart before the Tailor steals his love?

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Stolen kisses and secret embraces swarmed her mind. The loss of him, the grief she’d thought was long healed, ripped open—a gaping wound. He’d promised to return to her—and yet, here, in the center of London, Nikolas stood.


He was free of the Tailor.


Her hands gripping the fence post, Rosalyn’s body shook. She had searched for the elusive criminal for months, finding no evidence he still existed. She’d thought she find the Tailor and free Nikolas, but here he was. Nothing was keeping him away. He’d chosen to stay gone. Nikolas was free from everything, including Rosalyn.


Long after the house had swallowed Nikolas, Rosalyn stood, her heart hammering away. She felt for the stethoscope hidden inside her dress, the only source of comfort. Movement from the corner of her eye pulled Rosalyn’s focus. A dark brunette peered at her through the curtain, her face aged and haunted stared at Rosalyn.



Excerpted from A Stolen Heart by Clarissa Kae, Copyright © 2022 by Clarissa Kae. Published by Carpe Vitam Press.

Bookstagram Tour

Check out the Bookstagram Tour here, which has its own giveaway!

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Clarissa Kae is a preeminent voice whose professional career began as a freelance editor in 2007. She's the former president of her local California Writers Club after spending several years as the Critique Director.

Since her first novel, she's explored different writing genres and created a loyal group of fans who eagerly await her upcoming release. With numerous awards to her name, Clarissa continues to honor the role of storyteller.

Aside from the writing community, she and her daughters founded Kind Girls Make Strong Women to help undervalued nonprofit organizations—from reuniting children with families to giving Junior Olympic athletes their shot at success.

She lives in the agricultural belly of California with her family and farm of horses, chickens, dogs and kittens aplenty.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

Three winners will receive a $25 Amazon gift card (US only)

Ends March 23, 2022

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