

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Cello Friday May 18, 2007 to Monday August 1, 2022 Rest In Jesus' Arms

Cello is now safe in Jesus arms and running and playing once again but most of all his beautiful face with the soft fluffy white and brown fur and his little pinka nose and mouth are whole again and he is cancer free.

He went so peacefully and So perfectly! Just beautiful and he was cradled in my arms and given all the love I could give! The same as when I held him as a kitten so he went to Jesus from my embrace to his. There was no struggle, no harsh breath or jerk of his little body, no he simply was lovingly picked up into Jesus arms and it was so sweet and quiet I hadn’t even fully realized he’d passed.
He rested in my arms for another 20 minutes or so and then Dr Ashley carefully wrapped him in a blanket and placed him in a beautiful brown whicker basket and lovingly carried him out. Yes, she did get some pictures of me holding him that I will treasure forever and his face radiated Christ and was so soft and I could see the pain was gone for he just glowed. Thank you Jesus for loving and giving Cello the most beautiful passing ever!
He was and always will be my very best friend and I’m so blessed to have had him all these 15 years and especially honored to have been able to care for him so lovingly and closely these past almost 2 years when I first saw that blood in his stool on November 20, 2020. Cello was one of the toughest fighting warriors I’ve ever known and he fought to the very end and I know I and many wonderful vets gave him the best care and chance possible! He has been surrounded by so much love and care and I’m forever grateful to our Lord and the amazing medical teams who fought with us! Even so blessed with a beautiful hospice vet in the end who also cried yesterday, even in Cello’s last moments he was still touching lives! But praise God for there were so many odds he beat along his journey, he should have been gone a long time ago but God blessed him with 1 year and almost 10 months of life with 2 aggressive cancers and congestive heart failure. Wow, praise Jesus for this little warrior!

I will miss him dearly but I’m also at deep peace knowing he’s no longer in pain and I know it was how God planned him to go, he was already dying and God found me a hospice vet who literally just started in my area and Cello was able to be in the comfort of his home surrounded by all of his toy and animated friends, his Charlie Brown Christmas cd playing and at the moment of his passing Hark the Harold Angels played!
I was able to video journal many moments with him these last weeks and especially yesterday. I could not have asked for a more beautiful day and I know in my heart he’s with Jesus because all day it was gloomy and overcast and about 6pm the sun came out and I knew Cello was telling me he was in heaven for he so loves the sun! Then later while upstairs I heard his meow in the back of my head as clear as a bell and when going down the stairs I smelled his sweet smell and knew he was with me but at peace and out of pain. He’s still talking to me and I’ll always talk to him!

Thank you all for the love, support and many prayers during Cello’s journey! He still sends you all kitty hugs! He loves you all so much and so do I!

My sweet Cello I’m so at peace knowing you are no longer suffering, thank you for these amazing 15 years of deep love, joy and just your beautiful presence in my life! Thank you for being there for me on my own medical journey and I’m so grateful I have been able to help and care for you on your journey! You rest now my love and we will always be together but one day I will see and hold you again! I love you more than life itself! You run to Jesus and you and Lucy girl can play your attack the tail game again! Your beautiful face is now whole again! I love you my sweetheart and I’ll keep your beautiful legacy alive! Hugs and kisses from mommy, I love you! 🐾💛

Cello Francis Greaves
Birthday: May 18, 2007
Adoption Day: August 11, 2007
Angel Wings: August 1, 2022

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