

Friday, May 15, 2020

Book Tour ~ Alaskan Dreams - Northern Lights by Beth Carpenter

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Welcome to my tour stop! The author is also running a scavenger hunt with an additional giveaway. Grab a clue from each stop on the tour (including mine below) and enter it here.

Alaskan Dreams
(Northern Lights #6)
By Beth Carpenter
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages
May 1st 2020 by Harlequin Heartwarming

The dream she wants

The love she found

Lauren Shepherd has traded her hectic office job for a quiet life working on an elderly friend’s farm. Risking everything to move to Alaska might just be the perfect opportunity for her—if Lauren can convince handsome and fiercely protective Patrick O’Shea that she’s not swindling his grandmother. But when financial troubles threaten her dream, Lauren and Patrick unite in a hunt for a legendary treasure…only to discover something between them more precious than gold.

(Affiliate links included.)


Spritz dragged her leg back and forth across the straw and gave a sound that was halfway between a bleat and a human groan. A blob appeared. “It’s coming,” Lauren whispered. Several groans later, the blob slid onto the straw, wiggled, and a miniature hoof tore the sac away, exposing a tiny black-and-white goat. It was like a magic trick.
Spritz curled her neck around to sniff the baby, and then gave it a good lick across the nose, like any mom washing her kid’s face. Gran handed Lauren a towel. “If it doesn’t upset her to have you nearby, you can help her dry the kid.”
Lauren stepped inside the stall. She stroked Spritz’s neck and then slipped over and wrapped the towel around the new baby goat, all the while murmuring about what a good mother Spritz was. If Patrick didn’t know better, he’d assume Lauren had done this dozens of times before.
Spritz seemed to welcome the assistance. In fact, Patrick could have sworn she was basking in the compliments about her mothering abilities and her new baby’s beauty.
“It’s a girl,” Lauren announced, holding up the white goat with dark speckles. “What shall we name her?”
“Are you sticking with the pastries theme?” Gran asked.
“Why not? Chocolate Chip Cookie?”
“Chip for short,” Patrick declared.
One of the goats in the pen bleated, presumably in approval. Spritz lurched to her feet and came to lick the baby in Lauren’s lap. A few minutes later, she began groaning again. Before the day’s official end, Chip, Pizzelle and Snickerdoodle crowded under their mother, enjoying their first meal.
“Congratulations,” Gran told Lauren. “You’ve just doubled the size of your herd.”
Lauren laughed. “I guess so.” Covered with dirt and grime, Lauren brushed a strand of hair back from her cheek, leaving behind a smear of something Patrick chose not to identify, but a proud smile lit up her face, and her green eyes sparkled. “They look good, don’t they?”
“Beautiful,” Patrick agreed. “Absolutely beautiful.”

Other Books in the Series

(Books linked to Amazon affiliate links.)

About the Author

Once upon a time ...

when Beth Carpenter was a little girl, she read everything she could get her hands on, and entertained herself on the school bus by making up stories in her head. Not a lot has changed. She's still consuming books like M&Ms, and spends her days creating happily-ever-afters for her imaginary friends.

She lives in Alaska and Arizona with her husband and an aggressively affectionate fifty-pound lap dog. She loves to hear from readers.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a signed print copy of An Alaskan Proposal and a $25 Amazon Gift Card
US only
Ends May 20, 2020

Don't forget to also enter the author's scavenger hunt giveaway by grabbing clues from each stop on the tour and entering them HERE.


Treasure Hunt Clue #17: The number of stomachs a goat has.

Grab Our Button!

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