

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Book Blitz ~ Defender by BJ Wayne


BJ Wane
(Doms of Mountain Bend, #3)
Publication date: August 31st 2021
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense, Western

Clayton Trebek doesn’t know what to make of the woman he finds sleeping in her car on his property. After ensuring she doesn’t need help, he thinks he’s seen the last of her until he catches sight of her around Mountain Bend after she said she was headed home. It’s not until she wanders into his club and shows signs of a submissive streak along with a wariness of answering personal questions that he suspects she’s dodging trouble.

Skye Anderson remembers nothing prior to rousing with a throbbing, bleeding head, a dead man sprawled on the bed next to her, and a woman claiming to be her best friend telling her he was her husband. Her blank memories send her fleeing the house in fear and she spends the next few weeks hanging around Mountain Bend. When there is no news about a murdered man, she grows more confused, and more drawn to the rancher intent on helping her.

Loneliness, worry, and fear draw her closer to Clayton, but the time comes when she has to return to the scene of the crime if she wants answers. Clayton isn’t about to let her go and enlists his friends’ help to find her, hoping he isn’t too late to save the woman he’s fallen hard for.

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At least an hour must have passed when she came across a flowing stream and saw a doe and her fawn getting a drink. It was such a calming sight, she paused at the edge of the trees so as not to startle them. The last tension eased from her tight muscles as she listened to the rush of water, birds trilling, and squirrels and who knew what other critters scampering among the trees. Once the deer left, she found a grassy spot, sat down, removed her shoes, and rolled up her pant legs.

“Holy crap!” Skye exclaimed the moment she stuck her feet in the water, never expecting it to be so cold. To amuse herself, she lifted them out then dipped back in, over and over until her lower legs and feet were pink and she’d grown accustomed to the chill. With the last rays of the descending sun beating down on her shoulders, she set about splashing like a kid, hard enough for drops of cool water to hit her face, replacing the damp sheen of perspiration her long trek had produced.

Skye was having so much fun acting silly, giggling like a teenage girl, she didn’t hear the approach of a horse until an amused voice interrupted her reprieve.

“We meet again, sweetheart.”

With a startled gasp and annoying return of tension, she jumped up and spun around, staring at the man sitting astride a beautiful tan mare, leaning forward on one corded forearm braced on the pommel. A brown Stetson shielded his eyes but not his dark-shadowed jawline, a sexy contrast to the sandy blond hair curling around his tanned neck.

“So we do. I’m not your sweetheart,” she answered tartly, finding the generic endearment as irksome as the interruption of her first relaxing moments since rousing to a dead man and memory loss.

His heart-tripping grin widened and did something to her insides despite her annoyance. “I call all the girls sweetheart.”

That flippant reply grated as much as his intrusion on her fun. Gritting her teeth, Skye narrowed her eyes. “I’m not a girl.”

He straightened and nudged his hat up, revealing his slow, nipple-tingling, pussy-dampening bright blue scan up and down her body as he drawled, “I have to disagree there, sweetheart.”

Author Bio:

Author of sizzling hot romance with a touch of suspense. Long and Short Reviews erotic romance of the month winner for Hannah and the Dom Next Door and gold star recipient for Amy's Redemption. I live in the Midwest with my husband, love dogs and enjoy reading and working puzzles. We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I now much prefer being homebody. My favorite genre to read is suspense.

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