

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Book Blitz ~ Glitter & Greed - Brooklyn Brothers: Book Four by Melanie Munton


Glitter & Greed
Melanie Munton
(Brooklyn Brothers, #4)
Publication date: August 31st 2021
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

We are the Rossetti’s.

The exiled “sixth family” of the New York mafia. We’re the good guys.

People don’t fear us…much. They respect us.

The five of us? We’re the Brooklyn Brothers.

And we protect what’s ours.

Don’t ask me what made this girl different, what made her stand out. I’m not proud of it, but it wasn’t exactly my first ever lap dance. The last thing I expect is for the same woman I’ve been obsessing over for two months to waltz right into my gym.

Catalina “Cat” Vasquez is the most alluring, sensual woman I’ve ever met. She has secrets, and I want all of them. It’s the only way I can protect her. Because it seems I’m not the only one who’s been looking for her.

Just my luck that I would fall for a woman who has connections with the Mexican cartel. Who would have thought her stalker would be the same man who’s about to wage an all-out war on my turf?

I’m a fighter by nature.

I fight for what’s mine.

And I’m not about to lose to someone who wants to steal Cat away from me.

If he thinks his guns will save him from my fists, he came to the wrong city.

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Cat hadn’t seen me sitting at the bar yet, and I had no clue what to expect when she eventually did. I had no say in anything she did with her life, so she’d have every right to have my ass kicked out of that club. There had only ever been one outcome by showing up there.

That I’d be one step closer to insanity.

An arm belonging to one of the rowdy drunks near the stage suddenly shot out and wrapped around Cat’s middle. She had to quickly balance her tray of empty glasses when he roughly yanked her onto his suited lap.

I immediately looked toward the security guys standing near the entrance, but the two bouncers were trying to break up a heated altercation between two customers and were distracted by their shouting to pay attention to her. There was a no touching rule at this club, even if it wasn’t always strictly enforced. If they threw out every single guy that patted one of the girls on the ass, they wouldn’t have any customers left.

This was a whole lot of goddamn touching.

Cat tried to push to her feet, but he pulled her right back down. It was the first time I’d ever seen her smile waver with uncertainty. She normally wore a mask of indifference—or numbness—when she worked at Rumors. It was like nothing got to her. Nothing made her wobble.

This motherfucker was bothering her.

You could see it stamped all over her face. The way her mouth tightened, her shoulders stiffened. She was gripping her tray like she was seconds away from whacking him over the head with it.

I’d had enough. The dumbass was lucky I’d restrained this much and hadn’t already dropped him.

Downing the rest of my beer in two gulps, I slammed the glass onto the bar and moved in their direction. Even the nearly obliterated guys who were a few sips away from passing out on the floor got out of my way. They knew by the look on my face not to fuck with me. I was still several feet away when Cat’s head jerked in my direction, as if she sensed my presence.

Her eyes widened in fear.

The action irritated me. The last thing I wanted was for her to be afraid of me. But then I realized…

She was afraid for him.

She’d already seen me in action. She knew what kind of damage I could inflict.

I came to a stop right next to the son of a bitch in the rumpled suit. His four buddies around the table were just as sloshed as he was but all shrank back in their seats at the sight of me. His hand still had a firm grasp on Cat’s waist as his glazed eyes slowly ticked up to me.

“The next dance is mine,” I grated in a menacingly low voice.

He glared through half-lidded eyes. “Oh, yeah? You already pay for it?”

He reached into his pocket and threw down a one-hundred-dollar bill.

I snorted in both disbelief and fury.

Did he really think that was all she was worth? A measly hundred bucks? As padded as my bank account had gotten over the last year, I’d never possess enough money for what she was worth. Her value went beyond money anyway. To reduce her to a dollar sign was fucking insulting.

I pulled out my entire money clip and threw it on top of his bill. It was thick and heavy, and all you could see were hundreds.

His eyes widened. He swallowed nervously.

Yeah, motherfucker. And I’ll keep going.

Hell, I’d bankrupt the asshole before I let him think he could ever have a moment of Cat’s time. In fact, he had approximately three more seconds to get his fucking hands off. And that was me being generous.

Luka Rossetti was not fucking generous.

Author Bio:

Melanie grew up in the Midwest, but she loves living in the Southeast (where the beaches are!) now with her husband and daughter.
Melanie's other passion is traveling and seeing the world. With anthropology degrees under their belts, she and her husband have made it their goal in life to see as many archaeological sites around the world as possible.
She has a horrible food addiction to pasta and candy (not together...ew). And she gets sad when her wine rack is empty.
At the end of the day, she is a true romantic at heart. She loves writing the cheesy and corny of romantic comedies, and the sassy and sexy of suspense. She aims to make her readers swoon, laugh out loud, maybe sweat a little, and above all, fall in love.
Go visit Melanie's website and sign up for her newsletter to stay updated on release dates, teasers, and other details for all of her projects!

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