Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Lexington and 42nd by Kim Carmody ~ Release Day Launch

Today we have Lexington and 42nd by Kim Carmody! I’m so excited about this sexy new debut about set in the exciting world of the NFL. Check out the giveaway Kim is sharing and make sure to grab you copy today!

Lexington and 42 RDL Banner

About Lexington and 42nd:


It was meant to be the job opportunity of a life time.

It turned out to be so much more…

At the age of twenty five, Emma Lexington takes off to New York on a once in a life time twelve-month job exchange with the New York Warriors. Determined to make the most of the opportunity, she prepares herself for life in the big apple—fast paced, exciting and a whole lot of fun. What she hasn’t prepare for though, is meeting him.

The charming Will Jensen is in the prime of his playing career. As the star quarterback for the Warriors, his carefree, football centric life is thrown into disarray when he meets Emma, the beautiful, easy going Australian girl who joins the Warriors staff.

Unwilling to throw her professional reputation away on a fling with the playboy quarterback, Emma turns down Will’s advances, even though she can’t deny the attraction she feels for him. Their pull toward one another grows, but it takes a near disaster for Emma to finally give Will a chance.

Getting together might have been hard, but figuring out how to stay together will prove even more challenging as Emma must decide between conflicting loyalties.

Lexington and 42nd is a fun, sexy romance, set in the exciting world of the NFL in the fabulous city of New York.

But it now!

Amazon | Barnes and Noble


Exclusive Excerpt:

I jumped as Will’s hand brushed across my back.

“Hey, calm down. I’m not planning on groping you in here.” He shrugged, frowning. “I just wanted you to relax…you seem nervous.”

My shoulders fell, tension seeping from them as I shook my head. “I’m sorry, I am a little nervous. Today’s a big day for me.” I took a deep breath. If I wanted to clear the air, it was now or never. “And I’m sorry about last weekend. Things got a bit out of hand.”

Will leaned back against the desk, crossing his ankles. “No, you’re not the one who should be apologizing. I was out of line, and what I said wasn’t fair.” He shrugged. “I’m not saying I don’t find your reasoning frustrating, but if that’s how you really feel, I’ll back off.”

I nodded, finding it hard to meet his eyes. I hated the idea of him backing off but that was the very thing I’d asked him, no yelled at him, to do.

“I like you Em. We should be able to be friends. We get along well.”

I smiled, thinking how right he was. We did get along well. “Friends would be nice.”

He nodded. “Good, friends it is.”

“Yes, friends who refrain from dancing with each other.”

Will frowned. “We should still be able to dance together.”

I laughed. “Not the way you dance.” I felt my face go red just thinking about it. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little embarrassed about…you know…” my voice trailed off, unable to even consider verbalizing our last encounter. Innocent phrases like Texas or nightclub or dance floor felt like they should exist alongside other dirty words in some adults-only dictionary.

Will bent his head to meet my eyes. “If it helps, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about…you know…” His eyes ran down the length of my body and back up before widening deviously, and I had to lean against the desk to stop from sliding to the floor.

This man was going to destroy me and the worst thing was I was powerless to stop him.

About Kim Carmody:

Kim Carmody Headshot 1Kim Carmody lives in Australia with her husband, in a sunny little part of Melbourne that she never wants to leave. Except for frequent trips to New York, she is happy to leave at least once a year for those.

She holds a Masters in Commerce Marketing and while she spent her younger years training to become a professional dancer, she somehow ended up working in the sports industry, where she met her now husband. Never a participant or spectator of sport growing up (she was too busy flitting around in a tutu), she has grown to appreciate, if not love many sports and eventually found herself writing about them too.

As an avid book lover from the moment she was introduced to The Babysitters Club as a seven year-old, Kim never expected to be able to call herself an author, but is beyond excited that she now can.

Lexington and 42nd is her first novel.


Website | Facebook |Goodreads | Instagram: @kimmycarmody | Email | Newsletter link



Enter Kim’s Giveaway:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Blog Tour Schedule:

March 9th

LucyLicious Reads Review

What Is That Book About Excerpt

Aaly and The Books Review

March 10th

Reviews from the Heart Review

An Aussie Girls WILD Book Addiction! Excerpt

Adventures in Writing Excerpt

March 11th

Collector of book boyfriends Dreamcast

Wild Wordy Women Excerpt

Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous Review

March 12th

Triple B's Badass Book Boyfriends Excerpt

Alpha Fangirl Book Blog Excerpt

Vagabonda Reads Interview

March 13th

Garden of REden Review

A Brit & A Yank Review

Jen's Reading Obsession Excerpt

March 14th

Have Words Will Scribble Review

Ellesea Loves Reading Excerpt

Reading Addict Excerpt

March 15th

Kimmy Loves to Read Excerpt

Liz's Reading Life Playlist

She's a Lip Biter Review

Southern Belle Book Blog Excerpt

March 16th

Boundless Minds Guest Post

SnoopyDoo's Book Review Excerpt

Delish, Devine and All Mine Review

March 17th

Books Over Sleep Review

Naomi’s Reading Palace Review

March 18th

Silly, Sexy, Sassy and Occasionally Classy Review

mignon mykel : reviews Review

March 19th

Curled Up and Cozy Review

StarAngels Reviews Review

March 20th

Majorly Delicious Review

Shelf_Life Review

March 21st

Alpha Book Club Review

Chelles Life In Books Review

shawna shauntia Excerpt

March 22nd

The Phantom Paragrapher Review

The Power of Three Readers Review

Crawling Over the Pages Review

book review virginia lee Review

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