Monday, April 4, 2016

Book Blitz ~ The Sons of Gyges by Philip J. Gould

The Sons of Gyges (The Girl in the Mirror #2)

by Philip J. Gould

Genre: YA Action/Adventure, Sci-fi

Release Date: March 29th 2016

Summary from Goodreads:

With her mother murdered and her traitor father taken by the CIA, could things possibly get any worse for Sophie Jennings?

In her quest for the truth Sophie travels to America in search of the bio geneticist father responsible for the genetically enhanced DNA that has given her super-human abilities.

Wanting an explanation for recent tragic events and a cure for her invisibility, Sophie finds herself in Washington DC. With the help of the British Secret Intelligence Service and her own unique deadly skills Sophie uncovers a terrible truth. Plunged into the middle of a battle involving the American army, Sophie is faced with a task that threatens both her morality and sanity - save her father or save thousands of lives. 

The Sons of Gyges is the explosive, action-centric second novel in The Girl in the Mirror series.

Buy Links (US $3.99 & UK £2.99):

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Porter felt like she’d barely had time to take a breath as she followed Sophie’s
voice at a run through the corridors, down flights of stairs and eventually out
of the hospital.
  Armed police heading into the building gave
her little notice, assuming her haste was due to fear and the continuing racket
of the alarm system.  An invisible hand
occasionally grappled with hers, leading her in directions less obvious.
  Street lighting illuminated the paths
surrounding the hospital buildings.
Running to the left of the Critical Care Centre, passing the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer and the Pasquerilla Health Centres, Sophie
brought her to a stop outside the garage entrance of the Georgetown University
   Out of breath, Emily doubled over in her
standing position, trying to recover.
She looked up to where she imagined Sophie was standing, just a step
away from her.  “I guess...” she started,
“... I owe you one...”  Her words were
punctuated by gasps for oxygen.
  “What were you and Ryan thinking?” Sophie
scorned.  “You could’ve died in there!”
  “I...” Emily couldn’t think of an
excuse.  She stood upright.  Her heart was still pumping fast.  Instead she said:  “I know.
We are trying to help you!”
  “And I appreciate that.”  Sophie sounded quite the opposite.  “Just do it from the end of a phone.  I can do without these... distractions...”
  “I think you are forgetting something.”  Emily held up Agent Roberts’ shoes.  “Without me we wouldn’t know how important
these are.”
  “Size nine brogues...  Classy.”
  “He hid something in the heel of one of them.”  Emily turned the shoes over to inspect the
soles.  Not seeing anything obvious, she
put one shoe down and paid closer attention to the one still in her hand.  With a finger she probed the inside, feeling
the lining for any signs of a secret compartment.  She turned it back over and tapped the sole
with the nail of her index finger.  It
sounded solid.  She discarded the shoe in
favour of the other.
  “It’s beginning to look like you nearly died
for nothing...”
  Emily repeated her actions from the first
shoe.  Probing the lining inside the shoe
again, she turned it over and ran the flat of her hand over the surface of the
sole.  The treads were rough for the most
part but worn smooth in others.
  “Just ditch the shoe and let’s go...”
  Emily tapped the sole with the nail of an
index finger once again.  Solid... until
the heel.  The sound of the tapping
changed pitch slightly ─ more dull, hollow.
  “You were saying?”  Emily noticed a very minute line of an
indentation just above the surface of the flat of the heel.  She tried prying it off with her nail but it
seemed stuck down fast.  “Do you have a
  “Do I look like someone who carries a knife?”
Sophie countered.
  “Um, yes... actually you do!”
  Sophie ignored the comment.  “Here.
Give it to me.”
  Emily held the shoe out.  It abruptly disappeared into thin air as
Sophie snatched it away.
I see,” Sophie made a few more noises of affirmation.  “Yes.
Got it.”  She placed the shoe back
into Emily’s hand where it suddenly reappeared.
  “A sliding compartment,” she grunted
satisfactorily.  “Should have guessed
that.”  A thin piece of hard rubber at
the base of the heel had been pushed from the centre outwards to the back, to
reveal a small square compartment big enough to hide any object the size of a
small matchbox.  Whatever was hidden in
the secret compartment was steeped in shadow.
Emily upended the shoe and gave it a gentle tap with the flat of four
fingers.  A small flat piece of plastic
the size of a thumbnail came dislodged and fell out into the palm of her
hand.  Carefully, she examined it under
the soft light of a neighbouring streetlamp.
  “A flash card,” she said with an air of
bewilderment, turning it over one handed with her thumb.  In her head she heard Agent Spencer Roberts:

  “In my... shoe... you’ll find... what you...

Book One:
The Girl in the Mirror

Genre: YA Action/Adventure, Sci-fi

Release Date: October 27th 2015

Summary from Goodreads:

Abduction. Theft. Murder. Betrayal.

Created as a prototype for a soldier of the future, sixteen-year-old Sophie Jennings possesses abilities like no other. With exceptional strength, intelligence, endurance, longevity and the ability to become invisible, she is a force to be reckoned with, but many will try.

Her father, a bio-geneticist with a murky past, has ties to a corporation whose motives are questionable. His unease with their intentions, prompts him to run, taking Sophie with him.

Their journey unleashes a malicious chain of events that will pin Sophie up against a sadistic and equally powerful opponent and force her into a position to utilise every skill necessary to outwit and outrun her pursuers.

Fight or flight? Hide or seek?

For Sophie, the decision is simple.

Unbeknownst to her, taking out two armed men will only be the beginning of what she’ll face during the next forty-eight hours.
Will Sophie, inexperienced and untested, prove to be their worst enemy?

The Girl in the Mirror is a gripping action adventure that twists and turns, and twists some more. Like Sophie Jennings, you won't see the end coming...

Buy Links (Sale price - US $0.99 & UK £0.99):


was now standing in front of the fallen soldier.  He slowly reached up to his ear and removed
the earpiece, electronic voices continuing to whisper commands and
instructions, oblivious to what had concluded in the apartment.  He pulled the microphone out from his jacket
and tossed it aside.
  “I’m done,” he repeated hoarsely, then spat a
globule of spit and blood out.
  Sophie reached down and picked up the ear and
mouth piece, holding it up to her ear.
Team, what’s going on
Back up team will be with you
shortly.  Do you copy
  Sophie walked over to the place where the
window had been, the curtains billowing in like an unfurled flag.  She peered out just as her father had done
  “Why won’t you leave us alone?” she asked
into the microphone.  “We’ve done nothing
to you!”
  At first the radio went silent.
  In the distance the sound of sirens wailed as
they fast approached in answer to all the gunfire and an elderly neighbour who’d
been crudely woken from a nap in his armchair from all the hullabaloo.  A small gathering of nosey onlookers had
gathered at a safe distance down the road, their macabre fascination for blood,
death and destruction fuelled their appetite to watch, no matter the risk to
not what you’ve done
what you are programmed to do
.”  An
electronic voice secreted from the earpiece now held in the palm of Sophie’s
right hand.
  “You should stop.  Whilst you have the chance.  Stop now, I’m warning you.”
  A police car appeared at the end of the road,
tyres screeching, siren blaring, flashing lights splashing blue translucent colour
urgently as it drew closer, coming to a halt outside the apartment block.  Another police vehicle arrived moments later
and still more sirens sounded in the background.
It doesn’t have to be like this.  We
could be friends, you and I
  Sophie knew the voice at the end was playing
with her, stalling for time, time which she didn’t have.  She had to leave, and leave immediately, but
before she did there were things she had to retrieve, things essential to her
(and her father’s) survival.
  Speaking as she worked, Sophie replied: “I
doubt that very much.”
  Retrieving a backpack and a large sports
holdall, she filled the backpack with things she absolutely needed; spare
clothes; provisions, water, food; the iPad which had miraculously survived the
gunfire and violence; a mobile phone; a torch; her fluffy kangaroo from the
safe room.  What she couldn’t fit into
the backpack, she placed into the holdall.
She then emptied the refrigerator of every vial of serum, not forgetting
to pack the jet injector.
  From one of the fallen soldiers she
unholstered a handgun and collected all the ammunition she could find (from
them both), six magazines in all.
need to meet Sophie.  I’m sure we can
come to a mutually beneficial arrangement
  Lastly, Sophie located the place where her
father’s floor safe was, hidden beneath a section of carpet that was easily
lifted.  She pulled up the floorboard,
exposing the digital combination lock of the safe.  She keyed in her date of birth − a
combination, or version thereof favoured by her father:
  The latch clicked as the door from within was
released.  Sophie opened the door and
reached in; removing her father’s laptop and two thick A5 envelopes which she
knew each contained a thick wad of fifty pound notes.  These last items she dropped into the holdall
without much ado, and zipped it closed.
  “Nice talking to you creep.  Let’s do it again… not!”  Sophie dropped the ear
and mouth piece back to intruder number two, and unseen she left the apartment
carrying the big holdall in one hand and the backpack over the shoulder of her
opposite arm.  She passed the policemen
who were busy marking their territory, some armed and taking up strategic
positions, rifles aimed ahead of them; others cordoning off the area at a safe
distance, trying to assess the situation.
  She passed further the group of bystanders
who’d gathered into a very large force of spectators, busily gleaning and
gloating at the theatrics now playing out ahead of them.  Ignoring them, she continued at a pace
putting distance between her and the Chelsea apartment, passing the black car
that had gained her father’s attention but which hadn’t quite convinced him
that there was an occupant staking them out, despite the possible sighting of a
riflescope or the glass from a pair of binoculars.
  She paid the car little more than a sideward
glance, deep in concentration as she tried to make sense of what had just
happened and formulate some ideas as to what next to do.
  Sophie knew there was only one place she
could really go, one place where the people who lived therein she could
honestly trust.  Although angered to be
leaving all her worldly goods and her home behind, she was equally excited at
the prospect of seeing her sister again, the only friend she knew.
  The rear window of the black car, now behind
her, electrically wound down.  The
passenger watched from a safe distance, night vision binoculars held against
his eyes. For all intents and purposes he looked like a Peeping Tom.  He watched the girl religiously, unseen by
all she passed, her dishevelled appearance and determined look concealed to all
except one.  The man picked up a walkie-talkie
and spoke into it.

  “Bravo Team, stand down.  Do not engage; repeat, DO NOT ENGAGE.”

About the Author
Philip John Gould, was born during the hot summer of August 1974 in Suffolk, England. From an early age he escaped reality by spending many hours daydreaming and aspiring to be an author. It's owing to positive feedback on the back of a short story when, aged 13, Phil's English teach wrote an encouraging phrase at the end of his assignment, that inspired him to persevere with his ambitions deep into adulthood.

In 1990, Phil left school and took a job in shipping, where he worked as an Export clerk for a very abusive manager. He changed careers in 1993, joining a large insurance company, where he undertook a number of positions, including training guide writer, and culminating in a junior manager role which he maintained until he was made redundant in 2003. A day after the announcement of losing his job, he had blood tests in relation to a growth in the side of his neck. A month later he was diagnosed with having Hodgkins Lymphoma.

In 2002, work on The Book of Alternative Records had begun, written with the assistance of Ralf Laue who owned the second largest database of achievement records in the world, behind the Guinness behemoth. Together, the book was compiled and completed in 2003 and published in 2004 by John Blake Publishing. In 2005 a German translation of the book was produced. Phil's ambition to be published was fulfilled, but his health and personal circumstances thwarted any hopes to pursue an immediate career in writing. 

In fact, it wasn't until 2011 that Phil got the itch to write again. Having been working back in insurance for a while, he decided that he would leave his paid day job early the following year to fulfil two things. One, to spend more time with his family (his wife had given birth to a son in October 2011 and Phil wanted to be more hands-on with his newborn's upbringing, an opportunity he'd missed with his two daughters), and two, to start working on a new writing project. Actually, an idea for a series of novels had been at the back of his mind for some time, but it wasn't until September 2012 (after an extended holiday), that Phil finally sat down and started working on what would be The Girl in the Mirror.

Still spending too many hours daydreaming, Phil continues to live in Suffolk with his wife, Beth, and three children, Rebecca, Sophie and Matthew. 

Author Links:

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