Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ Tales from the Storm - A Collection of Horror Stories: Volume One by C. R. Langille

Tales From the Storm: Vol 1
A Collection of Horror Stories 
by C.R. Langille 
Genre: Horror

The storm rages on, leaving death and destruction in its
path. With the chaos comes strange tidings and wicked ordeals.

From C.R. Langille, author of the Dark Tyrant Series comes a collection of
weird and horrifying stories spanning all across history: the Spanish Conquest;
the Old West; present day; and even a desolate, apocalyptic future.

Haunted hotel rooms, mysterious, mind-bending spots, infernal cargo, and
misplaced wishes abound in this collection.

Stories Included:

The Spot

Brine & Blood

The Deep Well

All Aboard


The Scratch

Horishi Tom

Only one thing is certain when the storm passes by--nothing will ever be the
same again.

Goodreads * Amazon
**Read FREE with Kindle

C.R. Langille has been searching the darkness for the
ultimate scare for over a decade. Deciding to take matters into his own hands,
he began crafting nightmares for others to enjoy. He and his family live in
Utah. His stories can be found from Dark Fantasy Press, Dark Moon Books,
Griffin Publishers, Fictionvale, Sirens Call Publications, and
He's an avid hunter, martial-artist, table-top gamer, and amateur survivalist.
He is an affiliate member of the Horror Writer's Association, a member of the
League of Utah Writers, and received his MFA: Writing Popular Fiction from
Seton Hill University.

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$20 Amazon Gift Card
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  1. An awesome cover for a collection of horror stories. Can't wait to read. Thank you for sharing the book and author details.

  2. Such an eerie cover. Perfect for a horror read. Love it
