Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Release Blitz ~ Mated and Scarred - Stark Creek Shifters by Barb Shuler & L. Firminger


Mated & Scarred 

Stark Creek Shifters, Book 2

By Barb Shuler & L Firminger 

Now Available

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Marked. Scarred. Broken.

Tyson Michaels, pack beta, is the strong and silent killer entrusted in keeping Dalton from killing his pack of misfits—or stopping him from going too far at least. After their move to North Carolina he finds his mate. There’s a problem though. She’s broken, fighting her animal and a total mess. It won’t be easy to get her to see him as a mate and not someone who will hurt her. 

With the help of his shifter power he will do what he can to help her heal. His biggest hurdle—can he take on the demons of her past and make her free once and for all. 

Jayden Lawson, Mia’s best-friend and bar manager, has been living a life in hiding. Her body is marked with scars from her past. To deal with the pain she’s covered herself in ink and tried to push her animal away. But, ignoring  her inner beast doesn’t end well. 

She’s been looking over her shoulder, waiting for the ones that hurt her before to find her again. When Tyson comes into her life, he’s the strong man she’s been needing but she's leery. Can she trust the one fate put in her life or will the demons of her past win? 

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~ Find the Playlist on Spotify ~

Dance With The Devil - Breaking Benjamin

Fight Song - Rachel Platten

Hear Me Now - Bad Wolves ft. Diamante

Hurricane - I Prevail

I want You - Savage Garden 

Killing Me Slowly - Bad Wolves

Made That Way - Jordan Davis

Monster - Skillet

Perfect Insanity - Disturbed

Rescue Me - Marshmello and A Day to Remember

Scars - I Prevail

The Mechanic - Rascal Flatts

The Sound of Silence - Disturbed

The Way You Love Me - Faith Hill

Victorious - Skillet

… See where it all started ...

Sacrifice. Loyalty. Magic. 

Dalton Reid, pack alpha, savior of misfits, has to make the hard choices like moving his pack in order to keep their secret. This means not only moving his family but his security business. He made a living keeping people safe and nothing would change that. 

When his pack moved from Colorado to North Carolina he never expected to have to fight to keep the one person closest to him safe. It was supposed to be a fresh start. Nothing to bring them down but someone close to him and his pick was a snake in the grass. 

When his little witch is under fire, Dalton will do what it takes to keep her safe, even if that means spilling blood.

Mia James always followed her heart. After saving her best-friends life, she knew her life would never be the same. When Dalton moves his pack, she moved to keep them both safe. He was the only other person she could trust. A new city meant a new beginning for them all. 

When someone she considered a friend sent hell her way, she had to learn to put her stubbornness aside and let Dalton help. With him by her side she could overcome anything. She had no other choice. 

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Barb is a Carolina Girl by right and a Texan by birth. By day she’s a desk jockey for a rural transportation company and a book lover -  reading through as many books as she can. At night, though, she turns into her alter ego: a writer. Cape, optional, depending on her mood.

Her stories are a mix of real life events, her own personal experiences, the crazy workings of her imagination, and the imaginations of her best friends. And with their imaginations together, it can get a bit nutty at times. Barb writes in multiple genres, encounters new adventures, creates new worlds and has a fantastic time breathing life into new stories. Creating something she hopes inspires anyone who reads them to fall in love with them as much as she has.

Barb lives by one little rule, tomorrow is never guaranteed so make sure you live each day to its fullest.

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L. Firminger has had a love affair for books her whole life. From the fairy tales that were read to her as a young girl to the stories of love and loss that would distract her as a teenager. 

It wasn't until attending her first signing as a reader, in Sydney, that she discovered the world of Indie authors that would ignite her spark of writing once again. 

Taking a leap of faith, Lauren published her debut novel, Learning to Fly. From there, the characters continued to speak with her and three years, seven books later, the words continue to flow. From military romance to motorcycle clubs, Lauren tests the boundaries of them all and hides inside the worlds she creates. 

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