Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Release Blitz ~ To Gamble on an Earl - The Men of Waterloo: Book 2 by Diane Dario

To Gamble on an Earl Tour Graphic
To Gamble on an Earl
Series: Men of Waterloo Book 2
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Nazzaro and Price
Publication Date: January 18, 2019
Can Phoebe and Foxington overcome the odds against them to gamble one more time for love?
Evan, The Earl Of Foxington, had only one mistress, Lady Luck. When she deserted him at the Battle Of Hougomont, he was left scarred in more ways than one. Lady Phoebe Collins has loved Foxington since she and her best friend, his sister, dogged his footsteps as children. When she received a request from him for a tryst at a ball, what seemed to be the answer to her dreams turned out to be a nightmare. Will Foxington be able to overcome the thrill of gambling to earn Phoebe’s trust? Will Phoebe ever learn to feel safe enough to live again?

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Lady Phoebe Collins backed into the alcove, stopping when she bumped against the floral wallpaper. She was safely hidden in the shadows, away from the ballroom and its dancing couples. She took the note from her reticule and her heart skipped a beat as she read the words written in a strong hand, “Meet me in the sitting room, two doors beyond the stairs, at half past eleven. —Fox.”
Putting the note back into her reticule, she smiled at the familiar form of address in the signature and moved down the hall to the specified room. Why did Foxington want to meet her? Was he having regrets about what had happened when they’d been snowed in on Christmas Eve? Or was he planning to continue what they’d started on that magical night? His nickname, “The Fox” implied an intimate relationship, and her pulse fluttered again at the thought. She walked down the hall, her mind going over every detail of the night they were trapped together by a snowstorm one year earlier.
Foxington approached offering to escort her home after a dinner party where Ravenstone had surprised everyone by asking Lady Lettice Durham, Foxington’s sister to marry him. The trip home had gone terribly wrong, an unexpected storm piling so much snow on the road that they’d had to unhitch the horses and finish the journey to Elkhorn Hall on horseback.
Foxington had taken her up behind him, and the intimacy of the situation had encompassed them, lingering after they’d arrived and been cared for by the intrepid housekeeper, Mrs. Brown. Food and dry clothing had been provided for everyone, including Foxington’s aunt, who had also been in the carriage as chaperone.
After Foxington’s aunt departed the room, Phoebe walked around the space, picking up pillows from the sofa and fluffing them, only to put one down before picking up another.
“I would say this evening was a success in regards to Lady Lettice and Lord Ravenstone. You accomplished what you set out to do. Your sister is now betrothed, and to a fine gentleman.” Phoebe looked up at Foxington with a smile.
The earl moved swiftly toward Phoebe, reached for the pillow she was holding to her chest, and threw it back onto the sofa before placing one arm around her waist. He cupped her cheek, bent down, and kissed her.
The urgency in his kiss surprised them both, and for a moment she didn’t react. Then, as if giving in to some inner debate her body relaxed against his, she returned the pressure of his lips, and her legs moved against the confines of her gown to arch slightly against him.
He paused slightly, then kissed her once more, gently. He set her back from him with his arms stiff and his breathing ragged.
“Phoebe?” he asked softly, his deep voice thick. With concern, she’d thought.
She stared at him, realizing he was just as shocked as she at their encounter.
“You—you kissed me,” she whispered.
“I certainly did.” A devilish grin quirked at his lips. “And by all accounts you kissed me back. Care for another one?”

Other Books by Diane Dario

Be sure to also check out Book 1 in the Men of Waterloo series.
An Earl's Christmas Embrace
An Earl's Christmas Embrace (Book One)
The Earl of Ravenstone, is haunted by memories of the war. When he agrees to help his friend find a husband for his unconventional sister he is spellbound by the paintings he sees when he comes to call.
Do the answers lie in Lettice’s paintings, or in An Earl’s Christmas Embrace?
Buy Link: Amazon.com

About Diane Dario

Diane Dario
I have been reading romance novels since the age of fourteen and never turned back. I have my Mom to thank for my interest in romance novels and my Dad for my love of history.
Regency romances have always been my all-time favorite era to read (grand ballrooms, dinner parties while sitting next to a grand duke or war hero just returned from fighting against Napoleon and the French, hey I girl can dream, can’t she).
When I am not reading (or writing the stories which dance around in my head) I enjoy the joyful moments with my growing family, the ballet, long walks, travel and romantic movies.
Writing has always been a great passion of mine and I am glad to be doing what I like best. Connecting with readers is a bright spot and always a happy moment for me knowing my books touched someone and they took the time to let me know. Each and every reader is the reason I continue to write Regency Historical romances and you are the ones who keep me at it.
Social media links: Facebook | Goodreads


To Gamble on an Earl Giveaway Graphic
Prizes up for grabs:
Contest runs from Feb 26 - Mar 3, 2019.

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Release Blitz ~ What the Parrot Saw - High Seas No. 4 by Darlene Marshall

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Historical Romance
Publisher: Eve D. Ackerman
Release Date: February 26, 2019

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Hijacking an Englishman from a brothel is all in a day’s work for Captain Mattie St. Armand. She needs protective coloration, and a naïve (and expendable) white man will keep the eyes of the authorities off her as she smuggles slaves from the Florida Territory to freedom in the Bahamas.

Oliver Woodruff wanted a spot of travel in the Caribbean before he settled down, but he never expected “Marauding Mattie.” He’ll help her, but he knows there’s no place in his world for the bastard daughter of a pirate and a freedwoman.

As Mattie trains him for their ruse, she comes to realize he’s a man she can turn to for support and companionship, and Oliver grows to love the commanding and daring woman who refuses to fit society’s mold… but both are sure their relationship is doomed by society’s taboos.

It will take danger and adventure (and Roscoe the parrot) to convince them that the passion between them is more than an island fantasy.

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“I don’t need a useless white boy. Find someone else to take him off your hands.”

“Not a boy, a man. The sort you favor, captain—golden curls, pouty mouth. He’s quite pretty, I know you’ll agree.”

Captain St. Armand stretched out long legs clad in close fitting buckskins, admiring the shine on boots freshly polished. The brothel on St. Martin offered a variety of services to its clients, from excellent meals to boot-blacking, along with the usual amenities one expected from such establishments.

“If I bring a pretty lad aboard ship, everyone will want one. I don’t share my toys.”

“You’ll take him,” the madam said. “I’m calling in my marker for the incident last year.”

“That wasn’t my fault!”

“Your ship, your crew, your fault, St. Armand.”

“Really, that man needed some excitement in his life.”

“That’s not the excitement Mr. Carlson sought at this house. He never expected a goat.”

St. Armand snickered at the memory. “I still say what you’re asking is excessive.”

“I thought you’d turn me down.” Barbara Simpson took a sip of the sherry she’d served herself. Her guest was drinking Jamaican rum, as usual. “You should know though, the young man in question is Bunny Rathbone’s relation.”

“Bunny Rathbone! How is the dear old boy?”

“He’s well, moving up in the world. He wrote me to say his cousin was touring the islands and if he came here I should treat him as an honored guest. Bunny implied Mr. Woodruff needed to experience more of life. To put it bluntly, he called the young man a ‘stuffy, boring stick.’ I invited him to the house, but first he ran into a spot of trouble and I brought him here for safekeeping.”

The doors to the parlor were open to catch the afternoon breezes rustling through the bougainvillea—a restful pause before business commenced for the evening. Comfortably rounded and middle-aged, Mrs. Simpson was a shrewd businesswoman whose motto was to give the clients what they desired—within reason—and to treat her girls as she’d wanted to be treated when she’d worked there. She’d miss Captain St. Armand, a favored customer setting sail for Nassau after a stop to provision and catch up on mail and messages from home. A packed valise waited near the door.

“The two of us have fond memories of Bunny’s visits to this house, but I’m sailing on the tide, so bring your package out here and let me see for myself.”

The madam’s bully boys were summoned and returned a short while later with their “package” struggling between them in a futile attempt at freedom. It was a young man in his mid-twenties, and, as promised, he had bright gold hair and sky-blue eyes. One of those eyes was blackened, and a bruise discolored the left side of his face. He was also gagged with his hands tied in front of him.

“As you see, I need your help taking him away, and you could use a cabin boy. You told me so yourself. Mr. Woodruff has an unfortunate habit of speaking intemperately, and there were people who took exception to what he said.”


“Americans. Ah, I thought that would interest you.”

“I am slightly tempted,” the captain said, looking the young man over. “I may have a use for him, other than the obvious one. As always, you have an excellent eye for the goods.”

The captive made a noise muffled by his gag.

“Don’t look so horrified, Sunshine. The work’s not onerous and it comes with special benefits. If he’s annoying the Americans I’m thinking of, it makes him far more trouble than he’s worth, Barbara. I’ll pay you for the goat incident and leave him to his own devices.”

“The goat incident set me back twenty-five pounds, not to mention the free services Mr. Carlson received for his embarrassment. You owe me, but if you take Woodruff with you to Nassau we’ll call it done.”

She directed one of her men to get the captive’s gear. The captain pulled a fine cigar from the mahogany box on the table, taking time to light it and inhale before answering.

“Twenty-five pounds? I don’t care how pouty his mouth is, there’s not a man alive worth that amount.”

The bound man squawked again, jerking against the hold on his arms.

“Untie the gag, James. Maybe Woodruff can convince me of his worth.”

The gag removed, the captive worked his square jaw back and forth, glaring at them.

“I demand you release me at once! I am a British citizen and I will notify the authorities!”

St. Armand looked at Mrs. Simpson, then both laughed aloud. Even the guard chuckled.

“How do you intend to back up that demand?” St. Armand asked. “Did you happen to bring a knife with you? Or guns? Or friends with guns?”

“Friends with guns are good, Captain.”

“Indeed they are, James, but I don’t believe Woodruff has friends here, with or without guns.”

“You cannot hold me here! I did not come to the islands to end up in a bawdy house!” he protested.

“Well, that’s your problem right there, Sunshine.”

Woodruff took a deep breath, then looked at the mistress of the house.

“You are not responsible for me, Mrs. Simpson. I am not unappreciative of your protecting me by keeping me here, but I can take care of myself.”

“You don’t seem to be doing a good job of it so far.”

He glared at the sea captain.

“I do not know what your interest in my affairs is, sir, but I do not need your assistance.” He started to step forward, but James’s heavy hand on his shoulder kept him in place.

St. Armand set down the cigar.

“It’s not up to you. Hold out your hands.”

Almost reflexively the man thrust his arms out. St. Armand’s knife sliced through the knots, but when Woodruff tried to pull his arm back, the captain gripped his hand and turned it over.

“Soft and smooth as a nun’s arse. You’ve never hauled lines or done work harder than holding a pen. Don’t look so astounded. I can tell you’re a scribbler from this callus on your finger.” Cold eyes scanned him from his face down to his feet. “Soft all over. I only take crew and cargo aboard my vessel. You are worthless to me.”

The brothel owner delicately cleared her throat.

“Goats, St. Armand. Remember the goats. You don’t have to keep him forever, like a pet. Take him to Nassau or Jamaica and leave him there. You owe me, and I owe”—she paused and looked at her guest—“our mutual friend, so let’s be reasonable about this.”

Woodruff stared at the sea captain. “You are Captain St. Armand? The Captain St. Armand, of the Prodigal Son?”

Before he could answer, the brothel’s majordomo knocked at the door.

“A note arrived for the captain, ma’am, and it’s marked urgent.”

St. Armand read the rumpled paper, a frown creasing the lean face.

“There’s no time for further debate. I’ll dispose of this person for you, Barbara, and make sure the body’s well hidden.”

“What? You can’t kill me!”

They ignored such a patently ridiculous statement, but Mrs. Simpson shook her head.

“I must insist.”

“Oh, very well. Woodruff, you’re coming with me. Your only choice is whether it’s bound and across your saddle, or riding.”

He appeared ready to argue, but after one look at St. Armand’s set face said, “I’ll ride.”

“You’ll find a way to turn a profit on him,” Mrs. Simpson said, rising to her feet as well, “I know you.”

“There is that,” St. Armand said cheerfully. “He could have an unfortunate and fatal accident aboard ship, and I know a surgeon in Nassau who pays well for fresh cadavers. Don’t look so pasty-faced, boy. If you follow orders, you should survive long enough to keep scribbling. The first order is this… The captain is always right, and when I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed. Say ‘Aye, Captain’ if you understand.”

Woodruff looked at him and swallowed.

“Aye, Captain.”

About the Author

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Darlene Marshall is the author of award-winning historical romance featuring pirates, privateers, smugglers, and the occasional possum. She loves working at a job where business attire is shorts and a shirt festooned with pink flamingos and palm trees. Marshall lives in North Central Florida, a convenient location for putting the convertible top down and researching sites of great historical significance, which also happen to be at the beach and serve mojitos.

Marshall is a graduate of the University of Florida and worked as a broadcast and print journalist, news anchor, radio station owner, obituary writer and a few other odd jobs. She's section leader for Erotic Writing at TheLitForum.com.

Her books have been published in English, German and Estonian. Awards include the New England Chapter RWA (Romance Writers of America) Readers' Choice Award and Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence for The Pirate's Secret Baby; the Denver RWA Aspen Gold award (Castaway Dreams); the First Coast Romance Writers National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award (The Bride and the Buccaneer), and two EPIC awards.

Represented by Barbara Collins Rosenberg of the Rosenberg Group.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Book Blitz & Giveaway ~ A Mistress for Penndrake by Tammy L. Bailey

Mistress for Penndrake
Tammy L. Bailey

Historical Romance

Marquess of Wesley is out for blood. For a year, Lord Wesley has
tried to undo the devastation his father left to Penndrake, their
ancestral home, only to discover the man gambled it away right before
his death. Now Wesley is being blackmailed by the new owner into
marrying a woman he’s never met in order to get it back. But his
intentions are less than honorable…
one and twenty, Miss Kate Holden intends to become a governess,
having sworn off all men years ago. However, her plans are halted
when she receives a daunting letter from her cousin about a Lord
Wesley. Ignorant of the name, and the devilish marquess that wears it
all too well, she nearly ends up compromised. Refusing to fall prey
to Wesley’s skillful seduction, Kate decides to turn things around
on the rake. But the high-stakes game between them soon leads to her
losing the last thing she expected…her heart.

sale for .99 cents!!**

LEO wife, mother, and military veteran, Tammy began writing when the
shows and movies she watched didn't end the way she wanted them to
end. Whether it's historical or contemporary, for her, there must
always be a happy ending.

she's not writing, she's spending time with her husband and two boys
near Cleveland, Ohio. Without their sacrifice and understanding, she
believes she would have never been able to pursue her passion of
writing or her accomplishment of becoming a published author.

the tour HERE
for exclusive content and a giveaway!

RABT Book Tours Presents ~ Valentine's Day Blast - Fall In Love With A Book!

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Click on any of the below book covers to be taken to the page that has more information on the novel as well as the Buy Links!

Before you leave, don't forget to enter the Giveaway!

RABT Book Tours & PR

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Release Blitz ~ The Pirate's Jewel - Pirates of Britannia Connected World by Ruth A. Casie

The Pirate's Jewel Tour Graphic
From USA Today Bestselling Author
Ruth A. Casie
The Pirate's Jewel
Series: Pirates of Britannia Connected World
Genre: Historical Romance, Pirates, Medieval Romance
Publisher: DragonMedia Publishing
Publication Date: February 12, 2019
Deception and family honor are at stake and her heart as well.
Wesley Reynolds will do anything to avenge his family’s banishment from Dundhragon Castle even throw in with the notorious pirate, MacAlpin. His plan, ruin Lord Ewan’s trading network. He has a more devious plan for his father’s ‘best friend,’ the man who abandoned them at the eleventh hour. He’ll ruin the man’s most precious jewel, his daughter Darla. Wesley’s so close to ruining the trade network and succeeding he can almost taste it, but revenge is not nearly as sweet as Darla’s kisses.
Darla Maxwell, beloved by her parents has no prospects of marriage. Her father and Lord Ewan search to find her the right husband. Darla’s special gifts are frightening to many. She has visions that often come true. The murky image of a man haunts her, she’s sure it’s Lord Ewan’s soon-to-be son-in-law, but the vision morphs when she meets Wesley. The meaning couldn’t be any clearer to her, her destiny lies with Wesley.
When revelations surface indicating Wesley has been deceived and his revenge misplaced. Will he find the truth of what really happened to his family in time to stop the pirates? Will Darla ever forgive him? Will he ever forgive himself?

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FREE for Kindle Unlimited members! 99 cents promo for non-members.
Grab your copy today!


Wesley got a good look. Justin. The man’s clothes were stained, his hair greasy. His sunken eyes were threaded with scarlet so densely they appeared pink.
“Look who’s here. The witch.” Justin said.
Darla didn’t move. She didn’t flinch.
Curses fell from Wesley’s lips as he raced forward.
“Come on. Leave her alone.” Justin’s friend pulled on his arm, but Justin wiggled out of his hold.
“Are you afraid of a little spell? I tell you all we need is a bit of her blood, dab it around the boat, and we’ll be protected. You can’t back down now. You hold her. Justin took out his knife and waved it at her.
“As above so below. As within so without,” Darla chanted her hands raised and fingers stretched toward them. “Let me see, how to finish the curse. I can make you into toads. No, that won’t do. You’d give the little creatures a bad name. Something more particular to you.”
The two men grew paler by the minute.
“Ah yes. I can make your ballocks fall off. Of course, I’m not proficient with this spell, so you’ll never know when it will happen, when you bathe, relieve yourself, or other more intimate moments.”
A well-practiced evil grin spread across her face that left no doubt she enjoyed the torment she inflicted. She stretched her arms and flexed her fingers reaching toward the two men.
“Yes, that will do.”
Justin’s friend took off running down the lane. Darla lowered her arms.
“Oh, what a pity he’s gone. The curse is specifically for two people.” Her brow wrinkled. “Ah, but I’m sure I can refocus it all on you.”
Darla raised her hands again. This time she pointed at Justin’s crotch. Her expression intense.
The drunk squirmed. His eyes lit with fear. Slowly, he lowered his knife.
Wesley took advantage of the man’s preoccupation and worked his way behind him. As soon as he was in place he tapped the drunk on the shoulder.
Justin gave a small yelp. When he turned, Wesley threw a right fist across his chin and laid him flat. Satisfied the man was out, he marched over to Darla and grabbed her hand.
“Where are you going? What were you thinking? And what is this nonsense about casting a spell?”
“You sound like my father. In what order do you want me to answer those questions?”
Her angry tone startled him. Did she think she could stop Justin’s attack with words?
“What I do is none of your concern.” She turned to move on.
Wesley caught her elbow and hauled her around to face him. She stared at him and said nothing. He didn’t move. He could be just as obstinate.
“He thought I was a witch so I obliged him.” She shook her hand free and stormed away.
“One minute, I’m not done.” He caught up with her.
“Ballock,” Wesley’s voice was low. “What do you know about, about ballocks?”
She stopped so abruptly he bumped into her.
“It’s a man’s most valued possession. Threatening that would make him reconsider his actions.”

About Ruth A. Casie

Ruth A. Casie
RUTH A. CASIE is a USA Today bestselling author of historical swashbuckling action-adventures and contemporary romance with enough action to keep you turning pages. Her stories feature strong women and the men who deserve them, endearing flaws and all. She lives in New Jersey with her hero, three empty bedrooms and a growing number of incomplete counted cross-stitch projects. Before she found her voice, she was a speech therapist (pun intended), client liaison for a corrugated manufacturer, and vice president at an international bank where she was a product/ marketing manager, but her favorite job is the one she’s doing now—writing romance. She hopes her stories become your favorite adventures.


The Pirate's Jewel Giveaway Graphic
Prizes up for grabs:
$25 Amazon Gift Card
Contest runs from February 12 - 18, 2019.

In partnership with
Book Unleashed Logo