Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Book Tour ~ North Star Rising by Darielle Mac


Teen and Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: August 10, 2022

Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc.

Amber Emrys is coming of age. She lives on the mystical isle of T’ir Na Nor in the North Sea.   Preparations for her Nest Naming Celebration are in the works. Pavarotti, a Puffin who has been  “Guardian of the air” on the island for centuries, has watched over Amber as she’s grown from chick to fledgling.

On her adventures, Amber braves trolls, befriends fantastical beasts, beguiles hooligans, outwits  malevolent creatures of the earth and sea, and discovers buried secrets about herself and her Ma’s family.

This is a tale filled with fun, whimsy, twists, tears, magic, music, and heart for YA readers and friends and family of all ages.


The Nest Keeper






I burst through the clouds. Fun. Grand. Delicious. I love this free-fall feeling. Glorious. I’m the luckiest of beings. Truly, I feel sorry for those who can’t do what I do. I fly. I swim. I hunt.

Gumph, that was a delicious sardine. Pardon me. Where was I?

Ahem. I eat mostly fish. I do have a tooth or two for seeds and nuts as well, but plump sardines, one juicy bite, is a favorite delicacy.”


Sea spray stings my eyes. I shake off, gliding above the jade-shimmering surface of the sea. There! What is that gangly long-legged auburn-crested female chick doing? She’s closing in on our nesting place. Sound the alarms! Danger! Danger alert! 

About the Author

Darielle Mac has collaborated with numerous notable figures in the industry and has written largely for theater and movies.

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Book Tour ~ Startup - A Novel by Riko Radojcic


Techno Thriller

Date Published: 03-14-2022

Publisher: Open Book

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A high tech AI startup, the Russian mafia, and the downfall of a 'resident adult.'


Professor Andrija Krstic is a bright man―some would say brilliant―with a stellar and secure career at one of the best universities in the country, teaching electronic engineering and pursuing leading edge research in semiconductor technology. But when an opportunity for financing an Artificial Intelligence high tech startup presents itself, he embraces the offer even though the seed money comes from an odd and somewhat suspicious Armenian oligarch.

It all seemed to be too good to be true, but the professor and his cofounders take all the right steps and successfully grow their startup. However, in parallel they also discover the truth behind the roots of their benefactor’s wealth.

Krstic finds himself trying to balance two disparate worlds―that of a high-tech Silicon Valley startup racing toward the twenty-first century's technological future, and that of shady wealth rooted in the collapse of the Soviet empire.

The professor knows he must do the right thing for his company. His reputation and legacy depend on it, not to mention the livelihoods of his colleagues and employees. And yet he must fend off the pressure from the Armenian oligarch who has probably told him far too much.

Here and now, I feel safe. This might be due to the effect that this place has on me more than the reality of my situation. Hiding in this old house, with its thick stone walls, double windows and wooden shutters, I feel secure as a mouse in its den.

Outside, I can hear the rhythmic sound of the waves lapping against the stony shoreline, some twenty feet from my window, and I can discern the sea, the mountains and the night sky, all blending into blackness along the Bay of Kotor.

And inside my head, I can also hear the now distant echoes of excited children—the sounds of my cousins and myself romping through my grandparents’ seaside home. But that was more than half a century ago, so far away both in time and experience.

By way of introduction, my name is Andrija, but my Anglo friends, as well as my colleagues and neighbors, find the Serbian name hard to pronounce (it’s that ‘j’ toward the end that always confuses) so they have long ago changed it to Andrew. By now I am quite used to it, or perhaps I am now truly more of an Andrew than an Andrija.

I am originally from what used to be Yugoslavia, but my compatriots managed to screw up that nation, and I was lucky enough to get out before the worst of the bloody disintegration. I was truly fortunate and after getting my EE degree at the University of Belgrade, I stumbled into a scholarship that funded my graduate studies in America. And I have lived there ever since, other than visits to the Montenegro coastline every couple of years to catch up with family.

And if neither Andrew nor Andrija works for you, then call me Professor. Everybody does, because I formerly taught at one of the top engineering schools in the world. But that seems like another lifetime, even though I left academia only a few years ago.



Good Old Days


Yes, I was a professor, tenured at a university that many of us believed to be equal or better than the famous Ivy League schools. Holding the coveted Alfred S. Harris endowed chair since 2001—an amazing achievement, if I say so myself, for an academic who at the time had not yet turned forty and with what then seemed like sufficient funding to pursue leading edge research in my chosen field: semiconductor technology. I had a state-of-the-art research lab, which at its zenith was staffed by half a dozen permanent technicians, a couple of associate professors, two or three visiting researchers, up to eight Ph.D students, a handful of MSc grunts, and a number of operators and administrators.

Yes, I was flying high back then. I could happily hand off most of the boring teaching chores to my TAs and concentrate on research. And my team was churning out some excellent work. We were publishing dozens of papers each year that routinely won awards and recognition at many industry events and conferences. Our grant applications were frequently funded by DARPA, or SRC, or NSF or even by various private foundations or corporate programs. Attracting talent was not an issue. The best and brightest were vying to join my team.

Back then I was like a rock star in the business, and invitations for keynote talks, review papers, contributions or simply introductions to various technical books were often extended. I could happily turn down all sorts of speaking engagements, even the private corporate invitations that offered those obscene, but so very tempting, honorarium fees—$10,000 plus expenses for a lecture and a two-hour-long round-table chat—evidently a small price to pay for an opportunity to nourish the egos of a few corporate bigwigs who enjoyed grandstanding in front of a famous professor.

Yes, it looked like the millennium had brought good things for us, and the sky was the limit.

And not just professionally…

Bev and I had met back in the ’90s in one of those combined interdepartmental undergrad classes—something like ‘Science, Technology and Society.’ I got involved with the course because it was trendy, and an easy way of earning an extra teaching credit. A feather in a cap for a newbie, especially because such courses were shunned by the more senior professors who did not have to worry about burnishing up their teaching rep. I thought that teaching science to non-scientists would be easy and would not require much prep work—something that I could easily do off-the-cuff. But as fate would have it, the class held something much more significant than teaching credits. The moment I walked into the first lecture, I noticed her, and everything changed. It was not just the deep azure eyes that were such a contrast to her jet-black hair, or the tight jeans that showed off all her beautiful curves, or… It was the dimples in her cheeks that seemed to amplify the sparkle in her eyes whenever she smiled. And the tiny furrows between her knitted eyebrows whenever she raised a question. And the insidious acuteness of the questions she would raise.

I must admit, with all the brilliance of hindsight, it was lust at first sight—certainly so for me. Ethics be damned!

“But, Professor Krstic, why…?”

Sounding awkward and tongue-tied, I tried to focus on the question rather than on her.

“Please explain…” With dimples framing a most enchanting smile, her eyes dared me to impress her.

So I had to be stellar in that class, just to keep up with her questions. I mean, how does one explain magnetism or electricity to a non-engineer without sounding stupid or condescending?

But as we got to know each other, the relationship deepened, we fell in love, moved in together, and…well…lived happily ever after. A couple of years later we married. We bought and renovated a perfect house in a good neighborhood. Summer breaks in Europe—often in Montenegro where we congregated with my family. Winter or spring breaks in Mexico. Fall weekends camping in New England… A few years later Lara came, our wonderful daughter, which of course changed everything. All for the good, though. Diapers, pre-school, play dates, kindergarten, school. We settled into a family routine of two professional careers and a kid and looked forward to the continued bliss of middle-class existence in modern America.


But then Moore’s Law caught up with me.


About the Author

Riko Radojcic is a lucky man who has been blessed with a fulfilling life rich in its diversity.  He was born in what was then a poor post-war Yugoslavia and enjoyed a very happy and secure early childhood there. When he was twelve his father took a job with the UN World Health Organization, and Riko spent his teen years in East Pakistan (Bangladesh now), Nigeria, Kenya and Tanzania, observing both, the demise of the colonial Raj, and some harsh Third World realities.  He completed high school in Swiss private schools - a polar opposite of the Third World - which gave him a peek into the lives of the one-percenters. He then moved to Manchester, UK, where he witnessed the bleak circumstances of the working class in the heart of the then-decaying industrial England. He earned his BSc and PhD degrees in Electronic Engineering and Solid-State Physics there, and after a couple of years of working in England he immigrated to the US. Riko and his then-wife settled in the San Diego area, where they brought up their three wonderful children, and he got to experience the American Dream – yet another polar opposite. He enjoyed a rewarding and a very stimulating career in the semiconductor industry, working in a variety of technical, managerial and business development roles. His professional life exposed him not only to the amazing wonders of the silicon chip technology, but also gave him an opportunity to travel internationally and to interact with smart and talented people from very diverse and multicultural backgrounds.  After 35+ years in the world of high tech and engineering management, Riko retired and is now trying to be a writer.   Always more comfortable as an observer than the observed, as an analyst than a participant, he is trying to bring to life the magic of technology, the reality of the  high-tech industry, and some of his diverse life experiences through storytelling…

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Book Tour ~ The Assholes Guide to Everyday Living by James Pravasilis


Humor / Nonfiction / Self Help

Date Published: July 24, 2022

Publisher: Mindstir Media

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A satirical yet real perspective on individualism, sovereignty, spiritualism and social discourse through the eyes and ears of the every-man/woman/they/it/them/mammal that hates the taste of kale, has no time or patience for kundalini breathing exercises and is just trying to get through life with as minimal damage as possible in the "New Normal."

Humor is the best medicine and this book provides a nice dose of haha's for those of us who are fed up and aren't pulled into the manufactured polarity and manipulation that is high jacking our individual consciousness.

About the Author

If being a defiant independent free thinker who won't bend to divisive narratives and polarized ideologies aimed at high-jacking people's consciousness makes me an Asshole..... then so be it! Join me and allow me to be your guide .

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Book Blitz ~ Poopie Suits & Cowboy Boots by Frank & Charles Hood


6 book Poopie Suits Series

Cold War Biography - Non Fiction

Date Published: 01-17-2018


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Poopie Suits and Cowboy Boots is a story of a young man volunteering to serve aboard a US Submarine, and the life changing journey he had to take to even get on a submarine.  Then, once aboard, you go through the day-to-day life while on the front lines of the Cold War at sea.  The scary incidents, the wild times in ports of call, the ongoing testing the men were subjected to by the crew.  Historical touch points anchor the story in the mid to late 60's, a time of the nascent space program and the Vietnam War.   Frank's story serves as a frame work to explain how submarine systems operate, in simple easy to understand terms.  There is a lot packed into this true story, and we hope that those who read it will come away with an enhanced understanding of what these men went through, the sacrifices that had to made, the unrelenting pressure of zero mistakes in an always potential deadly environment. An deep insight into the Silent Service.

About the Author

Frank Hood received a NROTC Scholarship to Purdue and started his formation to being commissioned as a Naval Officer.  For his Senior Cruise, he was assigned to a WWII era submarine and he saw, first hand, the loose rules coupled with the cool and professional execution of duties, along with the great fun they crew had when the pressure was off. He greatly appreciated the tight camaraderie they had, and he knew that is what he wanted when he graduated.

This is the genesis of this book.  For over 1 year of Nuclear Power and Submarine Officer training, to 3 years of keeping the Soviet Submarine Force at bay, this experience was one of the most impacting of his life.  Post Navy, he worked as an Engineer, Sales Person, and Business Owner.  Retired to New Hampshire and enjoying life. Active in the submarine veteran community, the deep bond formed 50 years before is even stronger and more appreciated.

Charles Hood is a physician practicing in South Carolina. For years he was intrigued by his older brother Frank’s service on a hot running, fast attack submarine, but could not get Frank to ever talk about it. Finally, he convinced Frank by saying, “Even without the secret mission details, your day-to-day life is a unique story, and if you don’t tell it so others can appreciate what you went through, who will?”  With that Frank dictated his story and Charles word smithed it and add additional research.  Vetting by many other sub vets helped reduce the errors caused by 50 year old memories.  The resulting story has been acclaimed by submarine veterans and civilians alike.  It is in its 5th Edition, have had other details and stories added to the original content.

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Book Blitz ~ The Wrong Kind of Magic - A Trevor Made Christmas Story by Hilary Hanck



Book one of Trevor Made Christmas Stories

Middle-Grade Fantasy

Date Published: 09-27-2022


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The house is shaking, colors are sparkling, things are starting to break... and did that toy start moving?

Thirteen-year-old Marley is convinced that Christmas is just for little kids and that magic doesn’t exist, but when she and her siblings tiptoe downstairs in the middle of the night to take a sneak peek at their stockings, she’s about to discover that magic is more real than she ever imagined...

When the children’s toys start coming to life, Marley will need to think fast if she’s to protect her siblings from rampaging dinosaurs and wild monkeys. The fate of them all depends on whether she can find the right kind of magic.

This thrilling and heartwarming adventure is a beautiful tale of a big sister who has forgotten the joys of Christmas.


About the Author

Christmas has always been Hilary Hauck’s favorite time of year. Growing up in the United Kingdom, Christmas meant family gatherings, turkey and stuffing, crackers, mince pies, charades, and the Queen’s speech in the afternoon.

According to Hilary, every child should have magic in their life, and stories enlighten us with the endless ways magic is all around. Why did she write this story about the wrong kind of magic? Well, because sometimes we need to feel the wrong kind of something before we know what the right kind looks and feels like.

Hilary is also the author of From Ashes to Song, inspired the true story of three Italians who immigrated to Pennsylvania ninety years before she did. She has written short stories for Like Sunshine After Rain and anthologies in the Mindful Writers Retreat Series.

She grew up in the UK and has also lived in Italy. She lives on a small patch of woods in rural Pennsylvania with her husband and a cat with a penchant for laundry. Visit her at www.hilaryhauck.com.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Book Tour ~ The Story of Trunks Maloo - Written by Kurt Jay Betels & Illustrated by A. Halionka


Illustrated By: Anastasiya Halionka

Children's Book

Date Published: March 1, 2022

Publisher: MindStir Media

Trunks Maloo is a mighty elephant that roams the savannah thinking that because he is so big and strong he can do as he pleases. He soon gets himself into a bit of trouble, and quickly discovers that everyone needs help from time to time. It takes one of Africa's smallest animals to help him realize that we are all connected and that we all need to be kind to each other.


Look out for more adventures from Trunks Maloo!


- Kurt Jay Bertels, Author -


With a deep love for nature and wildlife, Kurt came up with the idea of Trunks Maloo and his friends to help introduce his two sons to the wonderful characters that coexist in our world. The stories came about when Kurt was waiting in the dark for his boys to fall asleep, and were completed while on safari as a way to keep in touch with his family.

Having worked on safari for many years, Kurt is a new author and The story of Trunks Maloo is his first book in a series of four.


- Anastasiya Halionka, Illustrator -


Originally from Belarus, and now living in the quaint and cozy town of Wroclaw, Poland, Anastasiya is a self-taught artist with immense talent. She has, to date, worked on several children’s books, and has helped Trunks Maloo and his friends come to life in spectacular fashion.

She says, ‘When I was a child, like all children, I loved to draw and create different images and characters - it was a place my imagination could run free! I was not sure though if I could turn my passion into a profession, so when I finished school I first studied law. It didn’t take long for me to realise that I had to follow my dreams, and at 27, I went back to my first love: drawing. This is what excites me; makes my heart beat faster!’

Anastasiya now gets to create characters and stories that make people happy, and leaves a lasting mark on their hearts. Her positivity in life shows in her work, and we are very happy to have her on the Trunks Maloo team.

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Release Blitz ~ Mistletoe and Holly - The Desert Flowers by Judith Keim



The Desert Sage Inn Series, Book 4

Contemporary Romantic Women's Fiction

Date Published: 11/15/2022

 Publisher: Wild Quail Publishing

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A boy who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus and a woman eager to help him discover the joy of giving to others.


When Juanita Sanchez and the Desert Flowers—Willow Sanchez, Rose Bowers, and Lily Walden —open Juanita’s Kitchen, the food kitchen Alec Thurston and they formed as a charitable organization, a young woman named Ivy Barrett and her seven-year-old son, Benjy come into their lives. Ivy is appointed head of the kitchen staff and they all work together to open the kitchen before the holidays. But when Christmas decorations are hung and talk about Santa Claus begins, Ivy makes sure Benjy understands that Santa Claus has never been in their lives and he shouldn’t dare hope he ever would. Distressed, Juanita and her husband, Pedro, set out to show them the spirit of giving is still alive and well, even for those who don’t believe.

Readers of the Desert Flower Series will delight in meeting young Benjy and his mother. A sweet holiday story.

Other Books in the The Desert Sage Inn Series


The Desert Flowers - Rose

The Desert Sage Inn Series, Book 1

The power of love and the strength of women working together are proved once again.


The Desert Flowers – Lily

The Desert Sage Inn Series, Book 2

Three talented women brought together by a man’s love…


The Desert Flowers - Willow

The Desert Sage Inn Series, Book 3

The power of love and the strength of women working together are proved once again.

Available on Amazon


About the Author

Judith Keim, A USA Today Best Selling Author, is a hybrid author who both has a publisher and self-publishes. Ms. Keim writes heart-warming novels about women who face unexpected challenges, meet them with strength, and find love and happiness along the way, stories with heart. Her best-selling books are based, in part, on many of the places she's lived or visited and on the interesting people she's met, creating believable characters and realistic settings her many loyal readers love.

She enjoyed her childhood and young-adult years in Elmira, New York, and now makes her home in Boise, Idaho, with her husband and their two dachshunds, Winston and Wally, and other members of her family.

While growing up, she was drawn to the idea of writing stories from a young age. Books were always present, being read, ready to go back to the library, or about to be discovered. All in her family shared information from the books in general conversation, giving them a wealth of knowledge and vivid imaginations.

Ms. Keim loves to hear from her readers and appreciates their enthusiasm for her stories.

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Cover Reveal ~ The Walk-On - A Novel by Richard Podkowski



Commercial Fiction

Date Published: February 23, 2023

Publisher: Acorn Publishing

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In the twilight of his NFL career as a middle linebacker for the Chicago Storm, Mike “the Steelman” Stalowski masks his physical pain and mental anguish with alcohol and painkillers. The fan favorite has a rebel image and a notorious reputation, and he plays a violent gridiron game fueled by inner rage. 

While estranged from his wife and living in the fishbowl environment of professional sports, he unexpectedly meets the fresh-out-of-college Kim Richardson. She sees through Mike’s star persona to who he really is—a kind guy from the Southeast Side of Chicago who has never forgotten his humble blue-collar roots. The lives of the star-crossed, seemingly mismatched couple collide during a whirlwind romance that culminates in a tragic series of events.

The Walk-On is a timeless tale of love and loss that explores the consequences of personal decisions and the rewards of faith, redemption, and hope.


About the Author

Richard Podkowski, a native of Chicago’s South Side, began writing fiction while studying criminal justice at Loyola University Chicago.

As a United States Secret Service special agent, Richard protected U.S. presidents and foreign dignitaries and investigated major domestic and international financial crimes. After retiring from the Secret Service in 2003 as a supervisory special agent, he became a management member of a Fortune 100 company's global security group. For the last several years, Richard has been a private sector strategic security consultant.

Inspired by professional athletes who lived in a fishbowl under constant media scrutiny and made life-altering mistakes, Richard wrote The Walk-On. Other projects include a holiday rom-com manuscript and a crime story. In his free time, Richard enjoys riding his road bike, working out, and making Christmas ornaments. He currently resides with his family in Los Angeles.


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Teaser Tuesday ~ Stripes - Devil's Boneyard MC by Harley Wylde


Devil’s Boneyard MC, Book 12

Motorcycle Club Romance, Age Gap, Action & Adventure

Date Published: 11/18/2022


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Melina -- Men have never given me a reason to trust them. The Bratva taught me men are brutal. Selfish. And take what they want. Death would be better than tying myself to one ever again. Then a Russian biker swoops in to save me. As much as I want to believe everything he says, how can I? I’ve only known pain at the hands of men. I want him to be different… but any hope I had died long ago.

Stripes -- She thinks she’s broken. I see a survivor. A strong woman who’s still standing despite what’s been done to her. It will take time, but I’ll help her heal. Prove not all men are evil. I’ll give her a reason to keep living. Never again will someone cause her pain. If they do, they’ll answer to me. My hands are already stained with blood. What’s a little more?

WARNING: Recommended for readers 18+ due to language, violence, and adult situations. Stripes is part of the Devil’s Boneyard MC series and contains darker content some readers may find objectionable. Stripes can be read as a stand-alone story, even though it’s part of a series


All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2022 Harley Wylde

“What intel did Wire send us?” I asked.

Gator shrugged, which meant he’d been as pissed as I was and hadn’t paid close attention. We’d parked about a block away and observed the place from a distance. I leaned against a building, smoking a cigarette, in the hopes people wouldn’t be suspicious. So far, we’d seen a few customers go in and come out not too long afterward. I highly doubted they were getting their money’s worth.

“I wish Specter would show the fuck up,” I grumbled.

“We’ll be lucky if he does.” Gator scanned the area. “Can I ask you something?”

“If I say no, will it stop you?”

He snorted and shook his head. As I figured. I motioned for him to go ahead.

“Why did you agree to this? Breaking the woman out of there, I understand. But letting them marry the two of you? Why the fuck would you take a whore as your wife?”

I fought for control, knowing he was genuinely curious and didn’t mean it the way it sounded. Otherwise, I’d have already put my fist through his face. I took my time, trying to figure out how I could word it.

“The woman in there didn’t agree to become a whore. They beat her. Raped her. Forced her into that way of life. If we don’t get her out, she’ll only suffer more. Grimm and the Dixie Reapers are concerned the Bratva will try to take her back. Marriage is the only way to protect her.”

Gator stared a moment before giving a slight nod. “Fine. As long as they didn’t coerce you into this shit. I know how big your heart is, Stripes, even if others don’t always realize it.”

I grinned and put out my cigarette. “Let’s get this out of the way. If Specter shows, great. If not, we’ll handle it.”

Breaking into a brothel wasn’t exactly difficult. I’d expected security, but I hadn’t seen a single man watching over the place. If they’d had electronic surveillance, I knew one of the hackers would have disabled it by now. We walked through the front doors and a woman, most likely the madam, smiled at us broadly.

“Gentlemen, what’s your pleasure today? We can cater to any and all of your needs.”

I curled my fingers into a fist, fighting to maintain control. I wanted to rip this place to pieces with my bare hands. Instead, I took in my surroundings. At a quick glance, I saw the frightened women nearby. A few of them looked completely destroyed. They no longer cared what happened to them, and the woman in front of me was the deadest of them all. Despite her smile, her eyes were vacant. She was little more than a puppet. I doubted she had any real control. The Bratva owned her, same as the other women here. Her greeting us only meant she’d been here the longest. They’d broken her long ago and had no reason to doubt she’d do exactly as they commanded.

I didn’t think any of these women came here voluntarily. Someone had possibly trafficked them. At the very least, they were being disciplined like Melina. I didn’t want them to get hurt, which meant I needed to be careful. And yet, I’d have to get my point across. The thought of scaring them soured my stomach. But fear and pain would be the only way to get their attention. At first, anyway.

“Do you want easy way or hard way?” I folded my arms. I didn’t need them to know I was a pushover when it came to a damsel in distress. With my accent, they might even think I had Bratva ties. And I knew it was thicker than usual right now. Even I could hear the difference. “I want Melina Romanov.”


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Release Blitz ~ Rocky Mountain Yoga - Rocky Mountain Romances by Virginia Fox


(Rocky Mountain Romances, Book 1)



Date Published: 11.15.2022

Publisher: Dragonbooks Publishing House

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A little romance, a dab of suspense, and a whole lot of fun await you in the first book of the genre-skipping Rocky Mountain Romances series.


What’s a big-city girl to do when she finds out her boyfriend is dealing shady business out of the apartment they share in Seattle? She grabs her big standard poodle named Rambo and runs to granny in small-town Colorado, that’s what!

The dog fits in just fine, but Jasmine’s ways of vegetarian eating and yoga are a bit different for this little mountain place. Meanwhile, the hunky sheriff—single, with a reputation as a player—won’t stop poking his nose into Jasmine’s past. Plus, he’s a bit too fond of the way she looks in yoga pants. Her boyfriend isn’t ready to let go, or forget that she knows about his illegal activities. Grandma, the colorful townsfolk, and the pets who populate the town are in for some thrills, chills and romantic double plays until Jasmine sorts her life out. Grab the popcorn!

This is the first book in the romantic, Rocky Mountain Romances series. Set in an idyllic Colorado landscape with a cast of characters who feel like instant friends, the author captures the essence of a life that with stories that mix romance, suspense, some mystery, a whole lotta fun, and lots of pets.

Virginia Fox dazzles with a writing style that brought her thousands of 5-star reviews and bestselling status in the European market. Now it’s your turn to revel in it. So pour yourself a cuppa and settle for a real treat.

Will you fall in love with this Rocky Mountain town like Jasmine and Rambo?


About the Author

Virginia Fox, born in 1978, was already infected at the age of four with her two main passions: the love for books and texts in all forms and the love for horses.

After reading numerous books and writing various short stories and essays, she started her biggest project to date: The Dragon Sisters trilogy. After completing the trilogy, she realized that the writing virus could not be shaken off.


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