Saturday, November 30, 2024

Book Blitz ~ Forever We Fall - Pieces of Us by Meg Everly


Forever We Fall: A Dark MM Romance
Meg Everly
(Pieces of Us, #2)
Publication date: November 26th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Dark Romance, LGBTQ+, Romance

A love worth dying for.

Hotaru Kido

Leaving Japan was bad. Leaving sh*tty London is worse. Why? My destination. Willoughby Ridge Boarding School.

It smells as old as it is. No one can find the place on a map. And it’s boys only. Did you hear that last bit? No. F*cking. Girls.

Even the teachers. Male. The only pair of t*ts for kilometers belong to the headmaster’s hot little secretary. That’s why I got myself in trouble and am sitting in the office when he walks in.

This guy is new. He’s gaunt and terrified of the big man behind him. No one seems to notice the wince when he sits or the way he catalogs the guy’s every move. I do.

If I’d stayed in class that day, my life would have been a billion times easier. If given the chance, would I have chosen to keep it simple or put myself between him and his tormentor?

Arlo Judge

When your parents and brother die in a freak accident, you certainly think that’s the worst that could happen. It’s not. I’ve seen the depth of h*ll. Felt the burn. Lived the agony.

When I’m deposited in the middle of nowhere boarding school, I’m relieved for the first time in a long time. Only my suitemate sees too much. He gives me hope when I know there is none.

In him, I find comfort and friendship that can’t last. My tormentor won’t allow it.

With his care and kindness, I see a way out. I have to finish my journey through h*ll to get there. I don’t know what will be left of me, of us, when I get to the other side.

Goodreads / Amazon


“To the headmaster’s office.”

“Thank you.” I stand and reach for my bag.

“Thank you?” he scoffs. “Why on earth are you thanking me for that?”

One day, he’ll learn not to speak to me in front of the class. If he has any semblance of a brain, it’ll be today.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and head for the door. When I’m on his level and standing several inches taller than him, I grin.

“It will give us, Bridgeport and me, a chance to discuss your subpar teaching skills and your nightly visits to a certain student’s room.” The class gasps. “Plus, the headmaster’s office has to be more interesting than this class.”

Before he can formulate a response, I’m out the door and headed for the main office. The classroom erupts into chaos behind me.

I’m smiling for the first time since I arrived at this awful place.

Have I actually seen him visiting another student’s room? No. But he doesn’t know that. And I like to fuck with people. They’re pretty easy to manipulate. I don’t know why, but people always have been. Easy to read. Easy to influence. Puppets, most of them.

No one is in the hallways. All the tenth through thirteenth years are in class. They separate us from the first through fifth, sixth through ninth, and then the rest of us. I haven’t seen the whole school come together, but I heard they do for the beginning and end of the year celebrations.

Can’t wait.

I exit our building, head across campus, and shove through the main office entrance. The place is bustling. A lady behind the desk is on the phone. Or should I say the lady, as in the only one? I sit in the waiting area, put my backpack on the chair beside me, and drink her in.

Blond hair pulled back at the nape. Glasses sit on the bridge of her nose. A cardigan hugs her shoulders and meets with little buttons at the center of her chest. Her breasts aren’t large, but they’re the biggest in these parts. They’re big enough to fill my mouth and tempt my tongue.

She clocks me and automatically gives me the hold-on-a-minute finger. Then her gaze meets mine.

Her pink lips part. Her throat works on a big swallow. She turns in her seat and faces the wall. A blush creeps up the side of her neck, and she fidgets with her hair.

Yeah, she remembers me. I chatted her up real good while my father signed my life away. She made things bearable. She can make things better than bearable. Just the warm, wet spot I need to forget about this horrid place for a bit.

My smile is back.

It’s a good day.

The door opens, and Headmaster Bridgeport enters. He holds the door for a big man with wide shoulders and a civil smile on his lips. A smile that I don’t buy. Not for one pence and not for one second.

There’s evil behind his gaze.

Now I’m the one swallowing. Gulping really. The hairs on the back of my neck go up. My pulse thrums in my stomach.

“Sit there.” The man’s fat index finger points toward me. I fight the urge to squirm, and I don’t fucking squirm for anyone. “I’ll speak with the headmaster.”

Threat coats the man’s words. No one else seems to pick up on it, though. Not the secretary. Not the young office workers in the back. Not the dumb-as-dirt headmaster. His dog, that ugly motherfucker, diverts from his master’s office to cower behind Miss Booth’s desk. The only smart one of the lot. He can sense the bad coming from that guy and gets the hell out of Dodge.

While the two men continue to the headmaster’s office, a guy materializes from behind the nightmarish man.

His spine is ramrod straight, and his chin is high. He looks strong and regal and also scared out of his fucking mind. No one else could probably tell, but I’m sneaky and stupidly good at reading people. It’s a gift…and a curse.

His eyes are intent on the man, hyper-focused, even as he sits with perfect posture. He releases a small bag gently on the floor. It’s a ratty duffel the size of a carry-on. There’s a wince as his ass meets the chair two away from mine. He favors his right side as though sporting an injury on his left. His hands are fists, and his jaw is screwed so tight it looks like he’s about to crack a molar.

The door closes, and the evil man disappears.

It’s as if the guy next to me takes his first breath of the entire day. It practically shakes the damn room. He blinks as though just taking in the world around him. He clocks the secretary first but doesn’t really see her and all she has to offer. Maybe he doesn’t yet know that she’s the only slice for miles.

Looks like he’ll learn soon enough.

This is for sure the new kid everyone’s buzzing about. He’s wearing a bespoke suit that’s two sizes too big for him instead of the school uniform.

If I’d seen him before, I’d remember.

His isn’t a face I’ll forget.

Author Bio:

Meg Everly writes stories with sentiment, smut, and love with no bounds.

Website / Goodreads / TikTok / Instagram / Booksirens


Book Blitz ~ Vampire King's Consort by M. J. Sweets



Dark Vampire Romantasy

Date Published: October 25, 2024


When forbidden love ignites, ancient rivalries threaten to consume them all…


With loved ones exiled to memory, the three species were left with strained relations and an ever-growing hatred. For over a century, Humans, Vampires, and Lycans remained isolated from one another. Only the occasional meeting of the three leaders brought any sort of interaction between the species. That was, until one night…

With the horrors of her past descending upon her, Livia finds herself face-to-face with the castle of the vampire king, Orion. Despite the king’s desire to rid his castle of this human intruder, something compels him to keep her close, no matter what. Unfortunately, whereas fate can bring two souls together, it can also force them apart, but a forbidden love will not be broken so easily.

Enter a world of passion and peril in this dark romantasy vampire series.


Bound by fate, torn by prejudice—can love bridge centuries of enmity? Get your copy of Vampire King’s Consort today and witness a love that challenges fate itself!


 About the Author

M.J. Sweets is an aspiring author that writes dark romantasy paranormal novels. At a young age she started her journey by filling notebooks with ideas and creating different worlds, leading all the way into her adult life. At first this was a hobby where she would decompress and relax but after many supporting figures in her life she gained the courage to put her work out there in the world.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Friday, November 29, 2024

Book Tour ~ The Cadieux Murders by R. J. Koreto


The Cadieux Murders by R.J. Koreto Banner


by R.J. Koreto

November 4-29, 2024 Virtual Book Tour


The Cadieux Murders by R.J. Koreto

The ink is still wet on the contract, but Wren Fontaine is already running into trouble as she renovates Cadieux House, a modernist masterpiece on Long Island's exclusive Gold Coast. The home's architect was the brilliant and eccentric Marius Cadieux, her father's mentor, and Ezra doesn't want Wren to change as much as a doorknob.

And the home itself comes with a dark past: In 1955, it was the site of the never-solved murder of its owner, Dennis Blaine. Cadieux himself was alleged to be having an affair with Dennis's wife, the stunningly beautiful Rebecca. It seems like yesterday's headlines, but then someone starts killing people with a connection to the house. The home's new owner—bestselling novelist Bronwyn Merrick—may be using the house to launch a fictionalized account of the 1955 crime. But someone may not want to her to. Just how far will Bronwyn's armed bodyguard go to protect her?

As Wren untangles the threads, she finds they all lead back to the house. Rebecca apparently inspired the strange, yet alluring residence, and both the home and its mistress may have caused uncontrolled emotions that led to tragedy. Wren uses all her architectural skills to decipher the hidden message Cadieux cunningly wove into the home's design. She must think back 20 years to when, as a little girl, she met Cadieux. Deeply impressed with Wren, he gave her a clue about the house—and his unusual friendship with Rebecca. With her girlfriend Hadley at her side, Wren eventually solves the mysteries of the home and the people who lived there, develops a grudging respect for modernist architecture—and learns something about the difference between love and obsession.

Book Details:

Genre: Cozy Mystery
Published by: Level Best Books
Publication Date: October 15, 2024
Number of Pages: 237
Series: The Historic Homes Mysteries, 3
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Audible | Goodreads | Level Best Books

Read an excerpt:

From Chapter 1

Wren stood on the shore and stared, trying to sort out her feelings about the ineffable house in front of her. She was only vaguely aware that while she looked at the house, her companion looked at her.

"So, Ms. Architect—what say you?" Bronwyn finally asked. Wren saw her wry smile. She knew she'd have to answer, and Bronwyn would expect it to be clever.

"Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness," Wren said.

"Is that an original observation?" asked Bronwyn.

Wren laughed. "You flatter me. It's the great modernist architect Frank Gehry. This house is very much of its time and place. Look at the white stucco walls, the glass and steel, the absolute cleanliness of lines. The geometric arrangement of the layers is mathematically perfect."

"Why do I sense a 'but' coming?" asked the woman, arching an eyebrow.

Wren knew there could be no softening the message. "I don't find it welcoming. There is something very self-aware about modernist homes. A look-at-me arrogance about them, as if they are doing you a favor of letting you inside." She paused, wondering if she had gone too far. "But maybe I'm being unfair. I haven't been inside it yet. And there's no doubt that it's stunning." She looked at Bronwyn, waiting for her reaction.

"Are you saying I may have made a mistake buying it?" asked Bronwyn. Wren heard the teasing in her voice.

"No. Nobody ever made a mistake buying a house that spoke to them." Yes, even if they spent $30 million for it. "If you are honest with yourself about what you want, you will be happy here. And if you are honest with me, I guarantee I can give you what you want with the renovation."

"Fair enough," said Bronwyn. "Was that Frank Gehry again?"

"No, that was entirely me."

"Ah. But as Gehry said, it should yearn for timeliness. Has this succeeded in that?"

"We'll need to give it another century."

Bronwyn nodded. "Maybe it's because I'm a writer. I become obsessed in making sure my books, the plots and subplots, are exciting. This house looks exciting. I was happy in my nice, simple co-op, and then my financial advisor told me I could do better. Much better. I fell in love with this right away. The more I walked through it, the more I liked it, the idea that I will be able to stay in it a long time, and keep finding something new about it."

"Then you absolutely did the right thing. Indeed, that is the very purpose of a house like this," said Wren. She mulled over her next statement. "When I was a girl, however, I wanted to live in a Victorian manor house, with a great hall with a huge hearth and handmade wooden furniture. I'd wear long dresses and be attended to by maids in starched uniforms." Did I just sound silly?

"That's very romantic," said Bronwyn, and Wren wondered if that was a criticism, a put-down for a flighty young girl. "But then again, I feel romantic about this, about men in classic tuxedos and women in Chanel dresses, with cigarettes and dry martinis and Dave Brubeck playing in the background. I guess we're both emotional that way, so despite our differences about favorite eras, I'm thinking hiring you is going to turn out to be a good decision as well."

Wren felt relief wash over her. She felt confident building houses but closing a deal—that involved people. She still didn’t trust her abilities when people were involved. Of course, there was still one more feature of the house they needed to discuss: The "tragedy." That's how the papers had described it.

But Wren wasn't going to bring it up first.

Bronwyn hugged her leather jacket. "It's a great view, but it's getting cold. Let's go inside."

Yes. Wren always looked over the outside first, but she was especially excited about seeing the interior. Until Bronwyn had bought it a few weeks ago, no one had been inside the house since the 1950s, except for the caretaker staff.

The house overwhelmed Wren despite herself. Oh yes, she thought, Marius Cadieux knew it would. He would be so amused. So very proud. No—smug. Even if it wasn't to her taste, there was no denying what Cadieux had achieved here: the soaring ceiling, the clever use of windows filling the house with light even on a dreary day, the unexpected curves and angles, the steel staircase, which also served as a sculpture. Wren just stared. There really was nothing to compare it to—a Cadieux house was always unique. She could see him standing over her, "Very nice, isn't it, little one? And of course, your client is overwhelmed by it, as she should be."

"I'm glad I bought a house that even knocks the socks off another architect," said Bronwyn, grinning.

"It certainly does," said Wren. "I've seen pictures, but they're not the same as really being inside it." Wren took in Bronwyn, with her attractive, angular face and the matching pixie haircut. Did the author indeed have a modernist personality, a match for this home, a connection with Cadieux? Indeed, did Bronwyn know how perfect she looked in her new house?

Wren walked among the rooms, taking note of the artful ways Cadieux had divided the house—very few true walls and doors, just a series of levels and passages, rectangular pillars clad in stone. Cadieux loved granite and marble, quartzite and sandstone, and merged them with oak and walnut, teak and lyptus. Wren saw Bronwyn marveling over it, even though she had already visited her new home several times. That was the thing about a Cadieux home, that Bronwyn had already realized: You could live there 40 years and marvel over it every day for the rest of your life.

"I'd like to see upstairs." Wren smiled. "But as you no doubt noticed, 'upstairs' is relative in a Cadieux house, with its intersecting layers. It just flows. That was a hallmark of Cadieux, but none I've seen are quite as…" She let her voice trail off.

"You can't find the word?" said Bronwyn.

"You're the writer—can you? Architectural journalists struggled to describe him. But here we go…'intriguing.' No other Cadieux house is as intriguing as this one. It may take me a while to figure it out."

"You mean, how it's put together?" asked Bronwyn.

"Oh no. That's easy. I meant what is its personality? Marius Cadieux stamped a personality on this house. It has a reason, and I will find out what that is. For now, we look at it: See the extraordinary flow of the house, the ways the rooms are separate and yet merge into each other, the way the light plays along the floors and walls. The materials blend into each other, and Cadieux is taught in every architecture school—as if you could teach this."

"It sounds like you studied him," said Bronwyn. "It sounds like you knew him. Did you?" She fixed her eyes on Wren, who gave that question some thought.

She didn't want to go there, not yet.


Excerpt from The Cadieux Murders by R.J. Koreto. Copyright 2024 by R.J. Koreto. Reproduced with permission from R.J. Koreto. All rights reserved.


Don't Miss The Previous Historic Homes Mysteries

The Greenleaf Murders by R.J. Koreto

The Greenleaf Murders

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads
The Turnbull Murders by R.J. Koreto

The Turnbull Murders

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads


Author Bio:

R.J. Koreto

Over the years, R.J. Koreto has been a magazine writer, website manager, textbook editor, novelist and merchant seaman. He was born and raised in New York City, graduated from Vassar College, and has wanted to be a writer since reading The Naked and the Dead. In addition to his novels, he has published short stories in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, the 2020 Bouchercon Anthology and Paranoia Blues: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of Paul Simon. His current series features Wren Fontaine, an architect who finds mysteries in the historic homes she renovates. He and his wife have two grown daughters, and they divide their time between Rockland County, N.Y., and Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.

Catch Up With R.J. Koreto:
BookBub - @rkoreto1
Instagram - @RJKoreto
Threads - @RJKoreto
Twitter/X - @RJKoreto
Facebook - @RJKoreto



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Book Tour ~ Death and Ham - Life is A Real Trip by Bobby Evers


Memoir / Humor / Essays

Date Published: November 16, 2022


Bobby Evers never takes himself—or the world—too seriously. Death and Ham: Life is a Real Trip offers twenty-three new essays that weave together the funny and tender aspects of life, death, and the world around him. The flair for storytelling that Evers premiered in his first book (Shoes and Cheese: The Boonetown Chronicles) is alive and well in this follow-up that travels beyond Boonetown, a journey full of interesting people and heart-felt discoveries. He even lets the reader glimpse his own apprehensions about turning sixty—while also revealing that he’s not too worried about not being the most tech-savvy one at the office. Meet some of his favorite people, and some of the most outlandish people he’s ever met. Death and Ham is a fun, wacky, sometimes-nostalgic journey that may leave you a little wistful for the past, and will surely lend you some laughs for your days ahead.




At a certain age, you take off the rose-colored glasses. You see things for what they really are. I think that’s why I prefer watching Dateline and Forty-Eight Hours over CSI. I want the real stories, not fictionalized ones.

I also prefer reading biographies over novels. And I always choose live theater rather than seeing a movie or video because it’s happening right there, in front of you, without edits and camera angles and Photoshop. Theater is not TikTok, and that’s fine by me.

But most of all, I like people who are the real deal. No fake personas or wishy-washy types for me. I like to know where I stand and who I can trust. I want to know who I can call when I need to hide the body or when I find one in my air vent.

I like that I’ve been around long enough to know a few things about myself too. I know that I’m only

going to be happy if I’m doing something creative and juggling a few projects. I also know that some people will get my humor while some will glaze-over at hearing one of my stories—and I’m good with that.

My tolerance for nonsense is much lower these days, and I really like that as well. Life is just too short to deal with a bunch of crap. I hate serving on committees and going to meetings too, because they generally involve the aforementioned bunch of crap.

For me—at sixty—the ironies really start to add up. As my list of doctor appointments grows longer, my memory only gets shorter. I have more time to go on trips, but less energy to expend on those trips. And there is new technology to help me do just about anything but, sadly, I can’t figure out how to use most of it.

And it’s also sad that it takes most of our lives for many of us to get comfortable in our own skin.

Maybe that’s why we sag and wrinkle as we age. All that squirming around inside—trying to figure out exactly who we are—does tend to stretch out the skin a bit and leave some marks.

That’s ok, though. I’ll take some wrinkles in exchange for all the wisdom gained, and I’ll try to smile when I look at my older self in the mirror. Because really the only good way I’ve found to combat aging—other than death, and that kind of defeats the whole purpose—is to laugh at it. What other choice do we have?

In my stories you’ll find some of the people and places that have inspired me and kept me smiling.

I hope they leave you with a smile too.

About the Author

Bobby Evers is a life-long Tennessean, a theater enthusiast, and avid traveler. Being a keen people-watcher, he has always been a storyteller, and now he brings those stories to the page in his first book. He has worked in the construction business, and as an interior designer and architectural consultant for over thirty-five years.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Book Blitz ~ Love At Last Series by A. S. Kelly


Last Call
A.S. Kelly
(Love At Last #1)
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Niall Kerry. I’m almost forty years old, and I’m drowning in something that begins with ‘S’ – it doesn’t quite seem appropriate to write it down here.

After a lifetime out on a sports field, living as a champion – as someone who never had to ask for anything – I’ve suddenly found myself starting from scratch. I’m living in the middle of nowhere with my parents, I’m jobless, and I have a teenage daughter who hates me. Oh, and I have to try and regain the trust of everyone I know.

It’s not easy to convince people that, deep down, you’re not so bad; that you’re no longer that troublesome kid they once knew. It’s not easy to work my way into the heart of my favourite headmistress, Jordan.
It’s especially difficult when she wants nothing to do with me.

But you know what? I’m not the kind of guy who just sits back and accepts defeat, or who stops at the small print at the bottom of the page. I’m someone who plays right until the final whistle.
And when her heart is on the line, I’m ready to make my strict, sexy headmistress an offer she can’t refuse.

Each book in the Love At Last Series is standalone:

Goodreads / Amazon


Last Call, Love At Last #1

“Please, Jordan. Tell me there won’t be any more contracts to sign.”
I slowly open my eyes and turn my head a little.
“As long as you tell me there’ll be no need for them.”
“Do you really need me to say it?”
“I just want you to be honest.”
“About what?”
I gather my courage. “About us.”
His eyes widen, his hands moving onto my hips.
“Skylar is in the other room,” I remind him. “She might see us.”
“You’re lucky she’s here,” he teases, “or no one could save you from me.”
“I’m not scared of you.”
He grins smugly. “I like that you’re not scared of me. And I like that you used that word.”
“What word?”
“It’s actually more accurate to call it a personal pronoun.”
“Don’t make me close that mouth for you.”
My body shivers at the thought of his mouth on mine.
“Even though something tells me you’d like it.”
I part my lips instinctively, as he gazes at my mouth.
“I know you’d like it, Headmistress.”
“Oh, shut up,” I manage, miraculously.
“Or what?” he teases, pressing his chest against mine. “Will you put me in detention?”

Author Bio:

A. S. Kelly writes Rom-Com, Romantic Fiction and Family Saga.
Avid reader, hopeless romantic, lover of yoga, knitting and home baking.
She was born in Italy but lives in Ireland with her husband, two children and a cat named Oscar.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / X / Instagram / Bookbub / Newsletter


Book Blitz ~ How Well Do You Know Your Husband? by M. Q. Webb


How Well Do You Know Your Husband?
M.Q. Webb
Publication date: November 15th 2024
Genres: Adult, Psychological Thriller

Aria’s seemingly perfect life begins to unravel when she suspects her husband, Ethan, is having an affair.

As she navigates her feelings of betrayal, Aria starts to notice someone is following her. When her best friend Isla is murdered in a dark bar bathroom, Aria is left grappling with the chilling possibility that Isla’s death was meant for her.

Amidst the police investigation, rising paranoia, and Ethan’s increasingly suspicious behavior, Aria is forced to question everyone around her, including herself.

In this gripping psychological thriller, the lines between trust and deceit blur, leaving you wondering: how well do you really know the people closest to you?

Goodreads / Amazon


I’ve been watching her for three weeks now. She hasn’t noticed, perpetually focused on herself, lost in her thoughts. Not for the first time, I struggle to understand what he loves about her. I suppose it could be the obvious things. Anyone can see she’s beautiful, but so are a million other women in New York City. She’s caring, but everyone cares about something. What makes her so special?

Her gray knit dress moves with her as she walks, accentuating the way her slim waist curves into round hips. He wasn’t supposed to fall for her, but I think he has. She was supposed to be temporary, a fleeting chapter in his life, but she has become a permanent fixture.

I watch her as she lines up at a street vendor and orders a pretzel, refusing the change offered by the mustached man who delivers the freshly baked knot with a smile that reaches his eyes. She doesn’t appreciate the life she has been given. She spends his money as if it’s hers to waste, buying new things for their home. Treating herself to expensive clothing.

People who do bad things shouldn’t get away with it. There are meant to be repercussions. I’m not superstitious enough to expect justice, but she did what she did, and now there should be consequences. Order maintained. Rules followed.

Tonight may be the night I end her life, like she ended mine.

I slip a hand into my pocket and feel the smooth metal, imagining what it would be like to sink it into her side. I would leave her there for everyone to see who she really is instead of the perfect avatar of a loving wife she’s created. She’s hiding her true self now, but all she needs is a nudge for her real nature to surface. He won’t love her once he sees that.

The smell of unemptied trash in the alleyway fills my nostrils, growing more pungent, but I press on. I curl my fingers around the knife and increase my pace to catch up. She’s fast, but I’m taller, lengthening my strides so I don’t lose her.

I’m close now. Much closer, and I risk being noticed. I promised myself that if that happens, my choice will be made, and I will kill her.

Author Bio:

M. Q. Webb writes psychological thrillers and suspense novels, including the Oscar de la Nuit series. Her books have hit the Amazon best seller chart in the US. She studied psychology and business.

How Well Do You Know Your Husband is a stand alone psychological thriller, and her third release.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / X / Instagram


Book Tour ~ Death By Blood by Kerrie Biehl


Paranormal Romance

Date Published: January 26, 2023


Shawna Davies, a relentless South Beach narcotics detective, is hell-bent on taking down a sinister drug lord infiltrating the club scene with a lethal designer drug, La Petit Mort. Tormented by an insatiable longing for something more in her existence, she grapples with the maddening absence of a vital piece of her soul. Unsure of how to escape the void in her life, a flicker of hope emerges with his arrival.

Eric Black, a formidable vampire enforcer serving the council of elder vampires who govern the paranormal realm, is assigned to assist Shawna in her treacherous quest. However, Eric faces his own agonizing demons and dreads the prospect of a partner in his shadowy world. As fate intertwines Eric and Shawna's destinies, he must confront the possibility of entrusting her with his darkest secrets while attempting to resist an undeniable, fiery attraction. Unbeknownst to him, Shawna harbors concealed mysteries of her own.

Bound together under dire circumstances, an intense passion ignites between them. But as their entwined worlds unravel further, Eric's cryptic past threatens to obliterate any chance of love. Can they overcome the dangers lurking behind hidden truths, or will their buried secrets ultimately consume them both?

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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Book Blitz ~ Serpentina - An Ancient Power Reborn by Faith Consiglio


Faith Consiglio
Publication date: June 27th 2024
Genres: Science Fiction, Young Adult

Driven to find a cure for her brother’s illness, Emma embarks on a research trip to the island of Crete, a land brimming with tales of the gods. There, she is drawn to the myth of Medusa, a beautiful priestess turned monster, cursed at the hands of a jealous Athena.

Her exploration leads to a dangerous encounter with a mysterious serpent in the forest, and after the snake’s venom nearly kills her, Emma slips even deeper into the myth, her own fate intertwining with the woman at its heart.

She returns home, eyes set on attending Columbia University after graduation, but it isn’t long before she notices changes to her body and mind… changes that are nothing short of serpentine.

As she pulses through Medusa’s memory, she unlocks an unexpected truth that alters her world. She discovers the scope of her new abilities, including her blood’s power to cure illness, but with a cost. When Emma is betrayed by those closest to her, she finds herself hunted by an enemy hungry for her blood. And she is not the only one in danger; a horrifying plan unfurls as young girls disappear from the streets.

Emma must embrace what she has become to fight an enemy more ancient and evil than she imagined, for the chance to heal her brother, save the girls, and avenge the mythical source of her power.

Free For A Limited Time

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“Dark leaves rustled in the forest, their dried tips rubbing against each other like the slow rattle of a snake. Emma paused, a warning echoing in her mind. Since her arrival to the reptile research base on Crete, she had ventured into the palm forest alone each afternoon, wandering deeper each time.

Never enter the forest alone. It was the rule her research mentor emphasized most during orientation. But there was nothing truly dangerous on the island. Hercules had cleared away all the deadly creatures to honor Zeus’s birthplace. She smiled, recounting the myth the airport taxi driver had told them. Emma knew, out of all the snakes there, only the cat snake had venom, and it was too mild to hurt a human.

Still, if Dr. Belken discovered her sneaking out at dusk, she might as well kiss a Columbia University recommendation letter goodbye. Yet the forest called her in, beckoning her to explore its ancient grounds.

She stepped over sandy soil, glancing over her shoulder at the wooden stairs and scanning to see if anyone was watching before turning into the trees. She savored a breath. The air was dry and the heat tame, with an endless breeze carrying wisps of sea salt and the spice of wild herbs through the dancing shadows of leaves.

A rustling halted her steps.

Her eyes darted to catch a beige, reptilian tail slipping into the nearby shrubs.

She held her breath and crept toward it, afraid to scare it off. It would sense the vibration of even her lightest step.

She peered through a thicket of narrow, glossy leaves and clustered pink flowers. Her heart pounded, instincts heightened, but she reminded herself that even a bite couldn’t kill her.

At first, she didn’t see anything. Then scales materialized among the leaves on a thick, coiled body. Only now they were green and pink. She squinted. Was it a different snake, or had it changed?

Its serpentine head emerged through the leaves, forked tongue flickering. She froze.

This was not a cat snake.”

Author Bio:

Faith grew up in Sloatsburg, NY, and finished medical school in Stony Brook to become a psychiatrist, with a passion for storytelling. When she's not writing or seeing patients, Faith enjoys traveling, taking her cat for walks, trying different types of green tea, and seeing how many plants she can fit in her apartment.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Book Tour ~ The Sun's Secret - Energy for All Living Things by Eric Bornstein




Energy For All Living Things


Children's Nonfiction / Science

Date Published: September 3, 2024



Discover the Sun's Mysteries!


Dive into the enchanting world of the sun with this magical children's book, perfect for curious kids aged 5-8! Feel the sun's warm rays as they light up our days, bringing heat and energy that makes all life on Earth possible. Watch in awe as the sun's golden glow helps plants grow tall and strong, creating the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe. Every leaf and flower reaches up to the sky, painting our world with vibrant life and color. Join in this exciting journey to uncover the sun's magical secrets!

Through the fascinating process of photosynthesis, plants work their magic by transforming the sun's energy into food that animals and humans can use. This book takes young readers on an exciting journey to discover how plants become tiny factories, creating energy-packed food that fuels our bodies and keeps us healthy. It's a delightful adventure into nature's incredible power and the sun's vital role in our lives. Join your child in uncovering the wonders of photosynthesis and the sun's magic!

Perfect for curious minds and budding scientists, this book is an ideal way for parents to share the wonders of nature with their children. Sit down together and immerse yourself in the science of how the sun and plants work in harmony to sustain life on Earth. With engaging illustrations and easy-to-understand explanations, this book will surely spark a love for science and the natural world in young readers.


About the Author

Dr. Eric Bornstein is a biochemist, dentist, and photobiologist. He has patented technologies in the areas of lasers, circadian medicine, and biofilm eradication. He is widely published in peer-reviewed journals such as Current Trends in Microbiology and Compendium. Dr. Bornstein currently delivers CE webinars for the Institute for Natural Resources on the subjects of Hallucinogens and Psychedelics, Cannabis, and Opioids. His second novel, The Goliath Pathogen, will be published by Adir Press in Q1 2024.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Book Tour ~ The Start-Up Puzzle by Robert Van Pappelendam


Nonfiction / Business


There’s a lot of over-promises and incorrect advice being given online on starting a successful enterprise. This wrong advice could cost someone their life savings and importantly ruin their life ambition and dream. Therefore, in partnership with the Erasmus University Rotterdam, we decided to pull together a practical how-to guide explaining the process successful start-ups go through: The Start-up Puzzle. It explains the different steps by using real-life examples and has an academic section explaining the theory behind these steps, all augmented by interviews with experts in the field of start- and scale-ups. What makes this guide unique? Real-life examples and expert interviews augmented with a birds-eye overview of the academic theory create a practical guide that is both understandable, practical, and implementable.




GIVEN MY BACKGROUND as a law graduate, let me start with a disclaimer:

This guide doesn’t pretend to cover every element of new

business creation and entrepreneurship. It is also not meant to be an

academic publication or research summary. It aims to give a practical

birds-eye overview of the common factors & deliverables that

successful start-ups seem to have focused on. The pieces of the puzzle

or the academic framework are not meant to become a tick-thebox

exercise but instead offer a holistic view to aid understanding

of the key drivers of building successful enterprises. We have chosen

and named the different pieces of the puzzle as we felt fit based on

our own experiences in the start-up and scale-up world as founders,

board members, advisors, angel investors, or acquirers of start-ups

and scale-ups. We thus accept that our puzzle pieces will stem from

our subjective biases, yet hope the simplification we have tried to capture

will aid the understanding of the whole process of starting a new

venture. We will leave it to academia to properly define the appropriate

definitions, models, and frameworks of the start-up phases. We

hope this guide will help entrepreneurs make choices about where

they want the magic and/or superpowers of their start-up to be. On

top of our own experiences, we held interviews with serial entrepreneurs,

academics, private equity, investment banking, and other subject

matter experts, with jointly more than 300 years of experience

with start-ups & scale-ups. We hope their unique perspective will not

only aid the understanding but also serve as an inspiration from those

who live and breathe start-ups day in, and day out.

We have chosen this condensed practitioner’s format as we ourselves

also would not have the time or patience to read multiple fourhundred-

page business books to get a big-picture overview of what

constitutes a successful start-up journey. Furthermore, we hope the

practical examples will inform and inspire how to overcome certain

challenges and navigate opportunities entrepreneurs will likely be

confronted with during their start-up journey. We believe this practitioner

guide can also offer food for thought for more established businesses,

as most of the reflections and observations hold for businesses

in general, not just start-ups.

About The Author

RvP is known as the go-to person to simplify & break down complex business challenges into understandable questions you can deal with. He has a remarkable 30+ year track record as both a senior leader in a Fortune 50 company in operational regional and local jobs, global marketing and strategy roles, innovation and external ventures jobs - world of abundance of resources, shortage of  entrepreneurship. On the other hand, he was closely involved as an entrepreneur and advisor to many start & scale-ups in FMCG, Luxury, and MedTech, a world that is often dominated by scarcity, and thus the only way to survive is by taking risk, and coming up with creative out of the box solutions that have never been done before. Currently, he is active as a senior consultant, advisor to start & scale-ups, an avid (public) speaker, a University lecturer, and a high-altitude tour skier, Robert strives to make a difference in the lives of those who aspire to be involved in creating new ventures, in starting enterprises as well as big Corporates that want to be inspired by the creativity that a culture of scarcity breeds.


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