Friday, February 5, 2016

Sexual Confessional by Nicole DelaCroix ~ Book Blast

Everyone wants to peek under the covers, be a fly on the bedroom wall, or read someone’s diary...

Genre: Non-Fiction/Humor/Adult
Publication Date: November 13, 2015

Discovering secrets is titillating.

Everyone wants to peek under the covers, be a fly on the bedroom wall, or read someone’s diary. The juicier the secret, the more people want to know it, and sex is the most taboo of all subjects.

It’s human nature to be curious about what everyone else is doing. What do people like about sex? What are their fantasies? How far are they willing to go to please the one they love? These questions and more are explored, where everyday people offer up their most intimate secrets about sex.

One part social experiment – one part personal journey mixed with a little shock value, a whole lot of confession, laugh-out-loud comedy, deceptively thought-provoking questions and answers, all in the name of self-awareness. A foray into the inappropriate Sexual Confessional is a brash, unfiltered look at sex in the new millennium as seen by social media. A cautionary tale that warns “be careful what you ask the internet for, you may just get it…”


Would You Rather Make Your Internet Browsing History For The Past 12 Months Accessible to Anyone Or Live Without The Internet – In Its Entirety – For A Full Year?

I could almost hear the screams from the Internet trolls on this one. I, myself, had serious problems with this question. Did I really want people to see the bizarre and twisted things I look up on a daily basis or did I want to live without Internet. I decided a little experiment was in order to help make my decision clear. Living without Internet seemed the easier of the two and in the South, especially where I happen to live, we have tremendous thunderstorms. I just needed a storm large enough to kill the power and I could gauge my reaction. I figured I’d start at four hours and measure my tolerance from there, but I was pretty sure I could live without the Internet. As luck would have it, I didn’t have long to wait, a huge storm rolled in, so all I needed to do was note what time the power went off and note my reactions. I know, not very scientific, but I live alone, what can I do?
I’m happy to relate that the experiment was a huge success. Power died at 1:47pm EST. I decided to read a book to pass the time, unfortunately the candle glow wasn’t enough so this pursuit was quickly dropped. Music, television and even writing were out of the question, so I searched for something else to pass the time. I gave in to my more primitive urges. I admit, at this point it turned into a little more monkeys at the zoo flinging poo than gorillas in the mist. And yes, there was a copious amount of alcohol involved, but no actual poo.
Finally, after what seemed an eternity without civilization, the power flickered and things started humming back to life. I thought, ‘how will I ever go back to civilization’ after being in the wild so long. I eagerly anticipated the clock loading the time. It felt like hours, surely more than the allotted four I had given. And then the time lit up, 1:58pm EST… Eleven minutes?? Hmm… Browsing history it is. I’m sorry Mom… people are going to think I’m a psychopath, deal with it; I really can’t help the weird things I look up online.
It’s safe to say I’m not the only one addicted to technology, as a whopping 72% of the 565 respondents preferred to share browsing history over giving up the Internet.  
<Please note chapter has been truncated as sample chapter>

Final Thought

It’s easy to see from the simple experiment we have grown into a society too addicted to technology. I fear the day the Zombie Apocalypse is upon us. Not due to Zombies, but because I fear there will be a large number of Zombie-selfies posted to Twitter and Instagram. And if they are Zombies, do we still call them Internet Trolls?

Raised with a deep love for words and literature. With a strong will and precocious nature, she is the atypical Texan Southern belle, preferring the fantastical, science and reason.

A blogger and author, she is consistently sought out to provide guest blogs and receives many requests to review from fellow authors. She believes life is about possibilities, which challenges her to write outside her comfort zone, trying new projects and meeting new people. 

Fiercely loyal to friends, family and pets, she is a proud member of the Atlanta Writer’s Club, avid Tweeter, and closet Anglophile with addictions to British Tea, Doctor Who and Soccer. Above all, she maintains sarcasm is a legitimate art form and strives to challenge conventional thinking.

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