Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wish Upon A Kiss by Meara Platt Part ~ Book Blitz

Meara Platt – Wish Upon A Kiss


Meara Platt is happily married to her Russell Crowe look-alike husband, and they have two terrific children. She lives in one of the many great towns on Long Island, New York, and loves it, except for the traffic. She has traveled the world, occasionally lectures, and always finds time to write. Her favorite place in all the world is England’s Lake District, which may not come as a surprise since many of her stories are set in that idyllic landscape, including her Romance Writers of America Golden Heart award winning story to be released as Book 3 in her paranormal romance Garden series, which is set to debut in 2016. Learn more about bestselling author Meara Platt by visiting her website at


Lady Winifred Kingsley’s birthday is almost upon her and her three godmothers have gone off overnight to one of the large market towns to purchase something quite special for her upcoming celebration. But as soon as they’ve gone, odd things begin to happen and Winnie suddenly finds herself alone and her life in peril. Duke Ardaric does not reveal his true identity to Winnie when he rescues her, for theirs is a chance meeting - or so he believes. But as the attempts on Winnie’s life persist, he finds himself drawn to the young beauty and vows to protect her. He will not leave her side until the fiend who seeks to do her harm is captured and Winnie is once again safe. But will his heart ever remain safe?


To my newsletter where you’ll also find a freebie Farthingale novella just for my readers called If You Kissed Me. Download your copy here:

Bestselling Farthingale Series
My Fair Lily (Book 1):
The Duke I'm Going to Marry (Book 2):
Rules for Reforming a Rake (Book 3):

A World of the de Wolfe Pack novella

Wish Upon A Kiss Excerpt:

“What is that sound?”
                “Trouble,” the stranger replied in a husky rumble, speaking to Winnie for the first time. “Run. I’ll hold them off.”
                She turned toward the Kingsley manor house, but he caught her by the elbow and nudged her in the opposite direction. “No, to the May Fair. You’ll be safer amid the crowd.”
                Her heart caught in her throat. “What about you?”
                He withdrew the gleaming steel sword from its scabbard and twirled it as though it weighed no more than a delicate meadow flower. “I’ll find you once I’ve chased the demon away.”
                “Demon, indeed,” she muttered, for peering back at her through the silvery green leaves was what appeared to be a pair of blood-red eyes. In the next moment, she heard the crack and splinter of branches as the wild creature tore out of the woods and lunged straight for her. Why me? She let out a shriek, tripping over her own two feet as she backed away and fell in an unladylike sprawl on the ground.
                I’m a May princess! I can’t die today!
                She tried to roll to her feet and run, but the hem of her gown tangled in her delicate slippers and she was left thrashing on her back unable to get up as the foul-smelling thing came perilously close.
                “Hellfire! You’re a clumsy little thing,” the stranger muttered, obviously exasperated with her, although his voice was deep and remarkably comforting. “Stay down and don’t move.”
                He sliced his sword blade through the air with lethal precision as though experienced in battle. Had he fought against Napoleon on the Peninsula? No doubt he must have participated in several major naval battles or other perilous engagements, for this was a man who understood danger and knew how to meet it head on. Winnie closed her eyes and covered her head as though that alone would protect her from harm.
                The menacing growl suddenly became a chorus of growls as more creatures — a pack of wild dogs, perhaps — lunged at her savior, who now stood in their way. Those growls quickly turned to shrieks as the animals fell upon the stranger’s blade.
                Winnie heard thrashing sounds, and then all went silent but for the soft whoosh of the wind rustling through those silvery green leaves in the thicket of trees. She dared to open her eyes as the silence persisted.
                “Princess, are you hurt?” The stranger knelt beside her to help her up, but must have thought better of touching her and eased back slightly instead.
                Her heart was still racing as she struggled to her feet, and her hands trembled as she began to wipe dirt off the delicate outer layers of lilac and blue sarcenet veiling that adorned her gown. “No, I’m quite well.” Her voice cracked. Fear of being ripped apart by those animals had turned her throat dry, but as she glanced around all appeared serene. One would think the encounter had been nothing more than a bad dream, for there were no injured dogs and no sign of blood. “Thanks to you. Just a bit shaken, that’s all. I’ve never been saved by a pirate before.”


  1. I'm thrilled to be on Teatime and Books today! I loved working with all the authors involved with Once Upon A Regency and hope readers will enjoy these fairy tale inspired Regency romances. Hugs and much love to all! Meara

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by! Am so honored to host you and all of the authors in this wonderful upcoming box set Once Upon A Regency! I can't wait to read and review these amazing works! :)

  2. Thank you so much for hosting Meara Platt and Once Upon A Regency :)

    1. You are most welcome, it's a great honor! :)
