Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Language of Love - To Love a Wildcat Series, Book 5 by V. L. Locey ~ Book Blitz

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Title - Language of Love
Series – To Love a Wildcat Series - Book 5
Author – V.L. Locey
Genre – 4 Flames Erotic Romance
Publisher – Gone Writing Publishing

Naked man in hockey helmet and skates


Life was so much easier for Margarite Lancourt before she had set eyes on Petro Shevenko. Her diploma to teach hearing impaired children would be in her hand within a year. Then she would find the right man, the right neighborhood, and bear the right children. Her deafness was not going to get in the way of her aspirations. But were they her dreams or her mother`s? Now that she has met Petro, the Wildcats sexy new acquisition who has an unquenchable thirst for the wild side of life, Margarite`s nicely mapped out life is in chaos. Can she tame this unruly Russian Wildcat? Or will his family demons drag him, and Margarite, back into the darkness the couple have struggled to break free from?



There he sat on a bench, outside the PECO Primate Reserve main entrance. When his dark brown eyes found me among the crowds, he smiled and stood up. My breathing got funny for a moment. Petro was a big man, even by hockey standards. While not as large as our former captain, our new forward stood three inches over six feet tall, and weighed roughly around two hundred and thirty pounds. He played center, and while he had good puck handling skills and some speed, he would never be Alain Lessard. His role was to supply grit, muscle, and the occasional goal. It seemed odd to me, a gal who had grown up with hockey, that he wasn`t a defensive player given his size and disposition. I had to wet my lips as I looked him over. No one wore jeans and a dress shirt like Petro Shevenko. 
The plain blue shirt was loose, unbuttoned to the middle of his chest. Just enough to allow several curls of dark brown hair to peek from within, of course. The shirt sleeves were haphazardly rolled up showing off his thick forearms. His legs. God almighty, even cased in denim his legs made me moist. His thighs were thick, as most hockey players were, but they were perfectly proportioned to hold up his magnificent body. Long, muscular, strong, he walked toward me like a prowling tiger, one shoulder just slightly lower than the other, his scruffy hair blowing over his soulful brown eyes. Several women, including mothers with kids as well as zoo employees, paused just to watch this man strut his stuff. I ran my tongue over my lips again. My dress felt tight across my breasts. That familiar tingling sensation began between my thighs. 
"Privet, blah, blah, blah." He said. Or, I think he said. I had learned that privet meant 'hello' in Russian. The rest? Not one damned clue. I signed hello to him, which is a salute of sorts. He took the hand that was coming down from my brow, lifted it to his lips, then placed his soft, pouty lips to my knuckles. And there we stood. Amid hundreds of people outside the primate center, his mouth resting on the back of my hand. I felt the faint tickle of his tongue touching my flesh. My body reacted with incredible wanton speed.

Author Photo - VL Locey


V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a flock of assorted domestic fowl, and three Jersey steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and GoodReads.


Gone Writing Publishing Backlist Books and Upcoming Releases
Pink Pucks & Power Plays (Book One of the To Love a Wildcat Series)
A Most Unlikely Countess (Book Two of the To Love a Wildcat Series)
O Captain! My Captain! (Book Three of the To Love a Wildcat Series)
Reality Check (Book Four of the To Love a Wildcat Series)
Language of Love (Book Five of the To Love a Wildcat Series)
Final Shifts (Book Six of the To Love a Wildcat Series)
Clean Sweep (Book One of the Venom series)
Twirly Girl (Book Two of the Venom series)
Coming June 6, 2016…Wingers & Wands (a standalone M/F erotic hockey romance novella)
Coming Aug. 3, 2016…Tape to Tape (Book Three of the Venom Series)
Coming Nov. 16…Roster Addition (a To Love a Wildcat hockey romance novella)

Torquere Press Backlist and Upcoming Releases
Two Guys Walk Into an Apocalypse (Part of the He Loves Me For My Brainssss anthology)
Two Guys Walk Into an Apocalypse 2: It Came From Birmingham
Two Guys Walk Into an Apocalypse 3: He's a Lumberjack and He`s Undead
Love of the Hunter
Goaltender`s Penalty
All I Want for Christmas - A Toms & Tabbies Tale
Early to Rise - A Toms & Tabbies Tale
Every Sunday at One (Part of the 2013 Charity Sip Anthology)
Night of the Jackal
An Erie Halloween
An Erie Operetta
Back to the Garden (Also part of the Mythologically Torqued Anthology)
Coming April 13, 2016 . . . An Erie Garden Party

Ellora`s Cave Backlist and Upcoming Releases
Bound, Boarded and Bagged
Two Man Advantage
Game Misconduct
Coming May 6, 2016 … Shutdown Pair
Coming July 2016 … Full Strength

Independent Releases
Coming October 5, 2016…On Broadway (part of the Changing on the Fly M/M hockey romance charity novella)
Coming Dec. 20, 2016…Holly & Hockey Boots (a gay erotic holiday hockey romance)

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