Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ryder by LA Casey ~ Blog Tour

Title: Ryder
Series: Slater Brothers (#4)
Author: L.A. Casey
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult, Romantic Comedy
Release Date: February 23

Branna Murphy is broken. For months now she has been a part of a one-sided relationship to a man she loves more than life itself. She prayed for a miracle, and hoped something would change, but found that was wishful thinking.
Talking didn’t work. Shouting didn’t work. Crying didn’t work. Nothing bloody worked.
Ryder Slater is furious. For months now he has been lying to a woman he would take a bullet for in order to protect her. He is involved in something that goes deeper than his old past, and if he strays off target, people will start to die. People he loves.
He couldn’t talk. He couldn’t slip up. He couldn’t lose focus. He couldn’t do a damn thing.
Things between Ryder and Branna are at rock bottom, and Ryder knows it. Not only will he be taking on a force that could destroy his whole family, but he will be battling tooth and nail to save his relationship and keep the love of his life by his side.
Ryder targeted Branna from the first moment he saw her, and what Ryder targets, Ryder dominates.


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“Just tellin’ you like it is,” I smirked. “Kid.”
Ash growled. “You have five-seconds.”
Oh, shit.
I stood up and quickly scurried around to the other side of our work counter, and placed my hands in front of my chest.
“Ash,” I warned, my voice low. “Don’t even think about it.”
He rounded the station and advanced on me, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Don’t!” I said firmly, hoping my no-bullshit-demeanour would give him reason to stop.
It didn’t, if anything, it only fuelled the freak to come at me faster.
“No!” I shrieked and made a move to dive behind the counter but Ash was too fast, and caught me mid-air.
He set me down, and full on assaulted my sides with his fingertips as he tickled me. I laughed, shrieked some more, and did the strangest moves known to man as I made my bid to escape the terror.
“Mercy!” I laughed. “For the love of God, mercy!”
Ash pulled back on his tickling but kept hold of me as I steadied myself and came down from my laughing high. I was about to playfully sucker punch him and make a run for the break room when I heard my name being… bellowed.



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L.A. Casey is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who juggles her time with her mini-me and writing. She was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She enjoys chatting with her readers, who love her humor and Irish accent as much as her books.
Casey’s first book Dominic, was independently published in 2014 and became an instant success on Amazon. Now a hybrid author, she is both traditionally and independently published and is represented by Mark Gottlieb from Trident Media Group.

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