Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day and a Special Memory about my Dad!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's and those wonderful men in our lives that we love to call Dad, who have been like a father to us and inspired us through the years! (Teacher's, minister's, friends, etc.)
A special memory that I have of my father (and there are so many) but one thing I always loved was sitting on my Dad's lap as he read me my favorite book, This is the House that Jack Built. I loved every evening sitting on one if his knees with my sister on the other, we'd curl our heads in against our dad's chest and listen to the tale. Eventually we had heard it so much that we'd join him in the singsong reading of the book. It was a lot of fun! What is one of your favorite memories of your dad?
From all of us at Teatime and Books, we wish you all a wonderful day and thank you for all that you do! ‪#‎HappyFathersDay‬ ‪#‎Dadsaregreat‬

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