Monday, June 13, 2016

Three Day Book Blast ~ Clinch - A Low Blow Novel by Charity Parkerson

Clinch - Blast Banner


TITLE – Clinch
SERIES (& book #) – Low blow, #1
AUTHOR – Charity Parkerson
GENRE – M/M sports romance
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 240 pages
PUBLISHER – Punk & Sissy Publications
COVER ARTIST – Aeturnum Designs with photography from Furiosfotog

Clinch - Book Cover


Gunnar is one fight away from cruiserweight champion, and one flight of stairs away from true love.
When Gunnar left his ex, the current cruiserweight champion, two years earlier and moved back to his hometown, he knew he was passing up his chance to win the world. The last thing he wants is to meet his ex in the ring while the world dubs it a grudge match. For the most part, he’s content with traveling. Being known as the casino champ isn’t a bad gig. He doesn’t realize he’s missing anything. That is, until Gunnar comes to a stranger’s rescue in the rain.

Liam isn’t a stranger at all. Not only has he been living upstairs from Gunnar for the past two years, they went to high school together. Since Liam’s changed a lot in the past few years, he doesn’t hold it against Gunnar for not recognizing him.



Gunnar scratched his number out on a scrap of paper sitting on his end table. “Here. You’ll need this.” 
Liam took it, but not without question. “I will?” 
Gunnar smirked. “Yeah. You definitely will.” No one in their right mind could miss the sexual promise dripping from Gunnar’s every word.
Stuffing the paper in the front pocket of his jeans, Liam flashed an innocent smile. “You’re right. I’m always doing stupid shit like I did yesterday. It might not be a bad idea to have someone close by I can count on. I’d hate for Kaz to have to drive all the way in from Miami just to bring my keys again. Luckily, he was halfway between there and here yesterday, shopping.” He moved back toward the door. Gunnar watched it happen. His confusion made him slow to react. Liam baffled the hell out of Gunnar. 
He chose a more direct approach since hinting obviously wasn’t working. “Of course, I’m here if you need a dry place again, but I’m even better at giving a wet place. I’d love for you to use my number for other reasons as well. Preferably for naughty pics. Yeah, I wouldn’t turn those down.” 
“Oh,” Liam said, smiling. “I love those memes people post on Facebook. I’ll see if I can find something good for you.” 
This was ridiculous. He had to know if Liam was fucking with him or genuinely uninterested. Gunnar didn’t think he was conceited or anything. Maybe he was. A little. Fuck, he worked hard on his body and tried to always be confident. People liked confident men, right? Something seemed wrong about Liam’s reaction to Gunnar’s every attempt at flirting with him. He focused on the vent in the ceiling above Liam’s head. 
“Damn. What’s up with that vent? I keep opening it, and it keeps closing itself somehow.” Without giving Liam time to answer or figure out what he was talking about, Gunnar crowded Liam’s space, reaching above the other man’s head. He didn’t stop until barely an inch separated them, leaving Liam nowhere to go. Attempting to make his story look good, Gunnar toyed with the vent, opening it all the way and thanking God for the low ceilings in his apartment. He’d have to fix the vent later or it would be hotter than hell in his bedroom, but it was worth it if he could force Liam’s hand. 
Without moving away, Gunnar glanced down. Liam was craning his neck in an obvious attempt at inspecting the problem. His expression hadn’t changed in the least. But goddamn, his blue eyes were even more amazing up close. They were an odd shade of smoky blue. 
“Something probably needs to be tightened.” Liam’s hands came to rest on Gunnar’s sides, as if the man had braced himself to see around Gunnar’s large frame and get at the problem. Nothing separated them. It was skin-on-skin, and Gunnar went hard at the sensation. He couldn’t stop staring at Liam’s face. Liam finally focused on Gunnar. The corners of his mouth lifted in a sweet smile before falling. Liam shrugged. 
“Really. I’m just talking out of my ass. I know nothing about heat and air ventilation.” 
Gunnar tried clinging to a brain cell. It didn’t happen. The words fell from his lips without his permission. 
“Wow. You really are clueless, aren’t you?” 
Liam opened his mouth. Gunnar could see him gearing up to argue. Without giving Liam a chance, Gunnar lowered his head and covered Liam’s mouth with his. He’d meant to make a point. That was all. In all honesty, he expected Liam to shove him away or knee him in the balls. Instead, Liam’s tongue touched his. Gunnar’s mind went blank. He moved an inch closer, intent on deepening their kiss. Liam snagged the back of Gunnar’s hair, beating him to the punch. Gunnar’s bottom lip stung as Liam’s teeth sank into it. He wanted the moment to last forever. The instant that thought hit, Gunnar pulled away. He already knew what his life lacked. The last thing Gunnar needed was another fantasy he couldn’t keep. 
Liam didn’t miss a beat. “As much as I want to tell you how it isn’t nice to call someone clueless, I’m too curious to know why you’d say that.” 
The confusion written on Liam’s face made Gunnar want to growl. Even now, after that hot-as-hell kiss, Liam didn’t seem to realize how he affected Gunnar. Gunnar pried Liam’s fingers from his hair before dragging Liam’s hand down his body, until Liam’s fingers shaped Gunnar’s erection. 
“Because you do this to me, and you don’t even know it.”


Amnisia, 5 Second of Summer
What it Takes, Aerosmith
U Got it Bad, Usher
If You Could Only See, Tonic
Fight Song, Rachel Platten

Author Photo - Charity Parkerson


Charity Parkerson is an award winning and multi-published author with several companies. Born with no filter from her brain to her mouth, she decided to take this odd quirk and insert it in her characters.

*2015 Readers' Favorite Award Winner
*Winner of 2, 2014 Readers' Favorite Awards
*2015 Passionate Plume Award Finalist
*2013 Readers' Favorite Award Winner
*2013 Reviewers' Choice Award Winner
*2012 ARRA Finalist for Favorite Paranormal Romance
*Five-time winner of The Mistress of the Darkpath



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