Thursday, September 5, 2019

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ The Anima Series by Ana Raine

Book 1
Ana Raine

 Fantasy Romance 

is the last royal Kuro swan, an ancient race who once served the
demonic Sidhee. The Kuro were betrayed and given as slaves to the
Dryma fairies. When a Dryma is born, his soul attaches to a tree, and
to sustain their lives, the Dryma conscript the Kuro to protect their
woods. In their servitude, the Kuro are languishing and dying off.
Kanji is desperate to reunite his people with their stolen wings, but
the task seems impossible.

Kanji discovers a plan to unite the Sidhee and the Dryma, he tricks
the Sidhee prince and attends a masked ball in disguise. There he
meets Prince Tristan, who is nothing like the other fairies. Kind and
compassionate, Tristan has a plan to free the Dryma from their
dependence on the trees—and their need of the Kuro’s protection.
It could mean freedom for Kanji’s people, but it might also mean
choosing between them and the life of the fairy who is—impossibly—his

Tristan is wounded in battle and left for dead, his survival depends
on the success of his experiments. Can Kanji dare to believe, or must
he come to terms with the loss of his mate?

Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't
always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate
intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These
stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the
strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move
you to tears.

Book 2

from one master might mean enslavement to another.

centuries, the Kuro swan shifters have been the unwilling servants of
the Dryma faeries. That changed when Prince Tristan of the Dryma
attempted to sacrifice himself for Royal Kuro Kanji—his lover and

Sidhee, seeing Tristan’s actions to free the swans as a betrayal,
launch a devastating attack that leaves most of the Kuro and Dryma
dead or imprisoned.The fate of the swans rests entirely on Kanji’s
shoulders, and he must somehow devise a plan that will protect both
his partner and his tribe as the war with the Sidhee rages. It won’t
be easy for mortal enemies to become allies, and Kanji is beginning
to despair of ever waking Tristan from his deathlike slumber. And
neither the Kuro nor the Dryma can compete with the Sidhee when it
comes to brutal violence.

Kanji finds a small boy asleep at the bottom of a lake, his hope for
reuniting with Tristan is rekindled. But what is the boy, and can his
magic turn the tide against a seemingly unstoppable enemy?

Raine writes because she loves to believe in magic, dragons, and that
there is more to life than what human eyes can see. Ana lives in
Michigan where when it’s not snowy and wet, there are beautiful
state parks and lakes to visit. When she was eighteen, she married
her best friend and they live with their two cats, Mason and Misaki.
Ana has celiac disease, but that hasn’t stopped her from learning
how to cook and bake so she can eat tasty treats. Fudge, enchiladas,
and anything involving yucca/cassava are her absolute favorite.

has studied in Osaka, Japan where she learned about theater and
drama. She would love to go back after she is sure her Japanese is
efficient enough. Ana loves anything to do with foxes, especially
Arctic foxes. One day, Ana will find a way to incorporate her love of
foxes into a novel, but until then, she’ll stay focused on fairies,
shape shifters, and mythology.

the tour HERE
for exclusive content and a giveaway!

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