Sunday, December 6, 2020

Book Blitz ~ Fairytale Christmas


Fairytale Christmas
Published by: Enchanted Quill Press
Publication date: November 1st 2020
Genres: Adult, Fairy Tales, Holiday, Romance

Fairylights, mistletoe and cozy nights by the fire…

Delve into this spellbinding Fairytale Christmas set full of enchanting romance, festive fun and more excitement than anything you’d find in your Christmas stocking.

Come on a sleigh ride through worlds of wonder and wrap yourself up in these brand new fairytale retellings, written by Amazon best selling and award winning authors in this magical limited edition collection.

Sixteen incredible authors, fifteen brand new retellings, Prince Charming, fairytale balls and a partridge in a pear tree. All wrapped up and ready to read.

One click now for your Christmas happily ever after…

Goodreads / Amazon


Forest of Frost: Sugared Plums and Poisoned Apples by Vivienne Hart:

The princess would pay for this.

Queen Icilyn stormed from her room and down four stories of carved stone steps, deep into the castle’s ancient cellars. Snatching the key ring she wore around her waist, she fished out a skeleton key and let herself into a secret room. With a snap, torches on the wall flared to life, illuminating her witch’s workroom.

She threw open a wooden chest and pulled forth tools: several vials, an athame, a cauldron. At her whispered hiss, the banked fire in the hearth roared awake and Icilyn threw her cauldron over it, ready to work her craft.

It took hours to perfectly boil and distill each ingredient, to slice just enough of this and pinch just enough of that, to carefully score her palm and dribble only three drops of blood into the mix. But when she was done, glossy liquid rested in her cauldron, colorless and cold. With caution, she poured it into a vial and closed up her workshop. The last item she needed was upstairs, in her throne room.

As soon as she had her final ingredient, she prepared to set out.

Skilled in the art of the glamour, Icilyn transformed herself into a timeless beauty with hair as red as blood and eyes as green as envy. She couldn’t chance Snow spotting and recognizing her, after all.

She ordered her stableman to saddle her mount, and with her prize in a bag at her hip, Icilyn galloped into the Forest of Frost, the iron tang of revenge hot in her throat.

Snooze or Lose by Jude Cocaigne:

“Musty? Where are you, you stupid kitty? Musty! Come home, please!”

Susan wrapped herself tighter in her wooly shawl. Winter was getting particularly cold much sooner than usual. Flurries of frost twirled in the garden and played with the naked branches of the cherry tree.

As she was about to give up and head back inside, a muffled growl followed by a sharp yelp caught her attention.

“Who’s there? Musty, is that you?”

“It is,” said a male voice Susan recognized to be Dax’s. “Gosh, your cat is ferocious!”

He appeared from the dark street and walked towards her, Musty begrudgingly balled into his arms.

“Dax? What are you doing here?” He was at her place; he knew where she lived, and he was there. The coolest guy of school, at her place.

“You’re turning blue,” he said.


“You’re cold, Snooze. And although blue would suit you, I like the color of your skin as it is. Come on in.”

Dax took her by the shoulder and escorted her inside. He sat her in the living-room and busied himself with the fire while she crashed back down to earth.

“Dax! What are you doing here? How do you know where I live? Why are you here? What’s happening?” Then it hit her. “Dax! The fire!”

“Yes? It’ll do you good fast.”

“But… you’re ice… fire thaws ice…”

“That’s about right, but I’m still of flesh and bone. I won’t melt, you know! But I might sweat.” He laughed and took off his light grey jumper to reveal a light white shirt that hugged his body so tight, Susan could see the blue hue underneath. She averted her eyes, her cheeks suddenly burning.

“Soooo Dax… What brings you here exactly?” She played with her hands and hair in an attempt at keeping her calm. She wasn’t fooling anyone, though.

Dax’s countenance changed as he sat next to her on the couch. “I’m not gonna beat around the bush, Snooze. Ze World is in danger, and you might be the key to saving it.”

Shrinking Cin by Erin Lee writing as EL George

Blurb: Fairytales are a lie.

And happy endings? Bullsh*t.

Cindy knew it the day her father married her stepmother, forced her to change schools, move across the country and to share classes with her evil stepsisters.

She still knows it.

No prince charming will ever come to rescue her. Now, with a secret, all she can count on is the social worker who steps into her messed up home. But Leena Johnson is no fairy godmother either.

What will it take for Cin to save herself?

Shrinking Cin is based on actual, real life events – where happy endings are never sealed with a prince’s kiss.


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