Friday, March 25, 2022

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ Knights in Time - Box Set: 3 Books in the Knights in Time Series by Chris Karlsen


Box Set, First 3 Books in the Knights In Time Series


Date Published: 09-05-2014

Publisher: Books to Go Now

Best-selling series, together for the first time in a boxed set.

Three friends...warrior knights, One battle will change their lives, Love will change their worlds.


Elinor Hawthorne has inherited a house haunted by two medieval knights, Basil Manneville and Guy Guiscard. Basil is literally the knight of her dreams. She never expected to “meet” a ghost face to face let alone fall in love with one. Living the normal life together that they’d want is impossible unless fate intervenes.

A lifetime later fate does intervene. Basil, still in love with Elinor, is told her spirit lives on in a young woman. He is given another chance at life to find her.



Strong arms caught her. Strong arms? Before that curious thought formed in her confused brain, she found herself upright.

Elinor blinked several times, trying to get her bearings.

“I didn’t feel that. I’ll look behind me and see no one is there,” she reassured herself not wholly convinced. Prepared for flight over fight, she spun around.

A man stood a few feet away. At least what was visible looked like a man. He appeared to be a knight, similar to the one in her painting, except semi-transparent. She gasped, momentarily more stunned than afraid. The knight seemed as disconcerted as she was shocked. Two ebony eyebrows slashed downward into a harsh frown as he stared back. He composed himself. The fleeting moment where he looked rattled, gone.

“Milady.” The corners of his mouth tipped in weak smile. “I would’ve liked us to have met under better circumstances.”



The budding romance between London attorney, Shakira Constantine, and her client, Alex Lancaster is put to the test when the couple finds themselves torn through time back to the medieval world. It’s a world Alex has a strong connection to, a connection that will cost him his life unless they can find a way to return to this time. Without him, Shakira is condemned to live in a dangerous medieval world alone.

Together they’ll struggle to discover a way back to the modern world while dealing with the political and social intrigues of 14th Century England. The intrigues of that world all too often work against their efforts to get home.



Nothing made sense. Whether it was a crazy university project, a period movie, or re-enactors too into their roles, Shakira didn’t care. This was not the weekend she envisioned. She wanted to leave. The atmosphere, the people, and the looks they gave her made her uneasy. She didn’t know what was going on with Alex. Why did he know everyone? Why had his manner suddenly grown so stiff and imperious? What about this place made it so dangerous for them?

She had enough.

Alex must’ve sensed her anxiety. He interrupted his conversation and was at her side in a matter of seconds.

“I’ll help you dismount.” He took the reins from her firm grip and lifted her down to the ground. “Come.” He offered her his arm and tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow.

“No.” Shakira refused to move. “I want to go home.”

He looked ill, green around the gills, like he was seasick.

“You can’t.”


Stephen Palmer, a wounded medieval knight finds himself torn through time from the battlefield to the modern and alien world.

Seriously injured, he now must make his way in a world he has no context for and no knowledge about.

Esme Crippen is hired as his tutor. Love is something he does understand and as the two fall into love, they both must overcome the fact the world thinks him mad with his time-travel talk, including Esme.

About the Author

Chris Karlsen is a retired police detective. She spent twenty-five years in law enforcement with two different agencies. The daughter of a history professor and a voracious reader, she grew up with a love of history and books.

An internationally published author, Chris has traveled extensively throughout Europe, the Near East, and North Africa satisfying her need to visit the places she read about. Having spent a great deal of time in England and Turkey, she has used her love of both places as settings for her books. "Heroes Live Forever," which is her debut book, is set in England as is the sequel, "Journey in Time," the third is "Knight Blindness." They are part of her Knights in Time series. All three are available as a boxed set on Kindle. She is currently working on the fourth in the "Knights in Time," series. "Golden Chariot," is set in Turkey and the sequel, "Byzantine Gold" is set Turkey, Paris and Cyprus. They are part of her Dangerous Waters series.

Her most recent release is called, "Silk" and is book one of a new series, The Bloodstone Series. It is a suspense set in Victorian London.

Published by Books to Go Now, her novels are available in digital, ebook, and Android App. and in paperback. "Heroes Live Forever" is also in audio format.

A Chicago native, Chris has lived in Paris and Los Angeles and now resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and four rescue dogs. A city girl all her life, living in a small village on a bay was a interesting adjustment. She'd never lived anywhere so quiet at night and traffic wasn't bumper to bumper 24/7.

Some of Chris's favorite authors are: Michael Connolly, John Sandford, Joseph Wambaugh, Stephen Coonts, Bernard Cornwell, Julia Quinn, Julie Anne Long, Deanna Raybourne and Steve Berry.

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