Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Enslaved: The Last Orphans, Book 3 by N. W. Harris - Release Blitz

Enslaved by N.W. Harris
Genre: YA, post-apocalyptic
Publication: Coming December 29th, 2015 by Clean Teen Publishing

If he loses her, he’ll lose his will to fight.

Shane and his friends survive the first major attack against the enemy, destroying the alien ships that came to harvest the children of Earth and turn them all into slaves. However, one ship escaped, and the aliens have captured Kelly. Shane will do whatever it takes to save her, but turning his back on his friends could jeopardize the whole mission.

The enemy invades Kelly’s mind, turning her into a slave soldier. She’ll follow their orders, even if it means murdering her friends, including her little sister and Shane. She is helpless, trapped inside her body while it performs heinous tasks under the direction of her new masters, while her sanity and desire to live fade.

Shane returns home to make a rescue attempt, only to find Kelly commanding an army of human slave soldiers, and she’s determined to make him join her ranks. Will Shane save Kelly before she gets to her sister, or will she help the enemy enslave the rest of humanity?


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-- Excerpt --

A buzzing sounded in her left ear,
the same noise she heard when her earbud activated and took her into
simulations. Terror surged through her. If it shut off, she’d be taken over by
her slave gene. She managed to keep still. The noise grew louder, heat
developing deep in her ear and spreading across her head. Sharp tendrils of
pain whipped through her body, and she clenched her teeth to keep from
screaming. Her knees grew weak. She was going to collapse, and, seeing the
movement, a soldier would pull the trigger and kill her before she hit the
floor. She thought of Nat, focusing all of her attention on memories of her
sister smiling up at her and giving her one of those random hugs that made her
heart seem to grow wings and flutter about in her chest. If she were going to
die, it was the last thought she wanted to have.
            Just as her legs threatened to fold,
the symptoms vanished. The buzzing was gone and all seemed to return to normal,
except she had the strange sensation of being disconnected from her body.
            She sensed the soldiers’ nervous
scrutiny of her and the other humans, but the Anunnaki didn’t react. Whatever
went on with her hadn’t raised any suspicions. She tried to move a finger on
her right hand, the side that was toward the other slaves, hidden from view. It
didn’t respond, and panic swelled in her. Although she could still feel the
cool air swirling past the bare skin of her face and arms, she seemed paralyzed.
            Far ahead, the line moved forward,
apparently going into the next chamber where they’d be scanned. Anxiety
tightened its grip on her. How would she walk when it was her turn? She tried
to move her fingers and wiggle her toes inside her shoes, but nothing happened.
She was about to be discovered. The wave of movement swept down the line toward
her. Putting every bit of intention she had on her legs, she tried to get them
to shift slightly, anything to let her know she was in control. They wouldn’t move.
She couldn’t even turn her eyes to see left and right.
            If she had control of her lungs, she
would’ve stopped breathing when the boy ahead of her stepped forward. Kelly
cringed, waiting to be shot for not complying. She felt her leg lift, and as if
something controlled her remotely, she walked after the boy.
            Her momentary relief faded into
terror. How did her legs operate without her command? It was nightmarish, like
she was trapped inside someone else, able to feel and see everything, but
unable to control any part of her body. She tried to relax, to assess this new
development. Her lungs didn’t respond, so the deep breath she took was purely a
function of thought. 


- Book #1 -

The Last Orphans by N.W. Harris

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- Book #2 -

The Harvest by N.W. Harris


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- Giveaway -

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