Friday, September 20, 2019

Blog Tour ~ Limbonian - Vessel of Lost Souls by Mikki Noble

YA Bound Book Tours is organizing a Blog Tour for: Limbonian (Vessel of Lost Souls #2) by Mikki Noble. This tour will run from September 16th to 20th. Check out the tour schedule below.

Limbonian (Vessel of Lost Souls #2)

by Mikki Noble
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy
Release Date: September 15th 2019


I am not completely useless.

Although, I feel like it lately. I lose more and more control over my emotions every day and I don't know why. Is it because my best friend was murdered just steps away from me, or because my father has been taken? Maybe it's because I had magic for about five minutes and lost it.

Everyone has a plan to follow. Me? Try to get my powers back or sit around waiting with my tail between my legs—and that's just not going to happen. If getting my magic back is going to help my friends, then that's what I have to do.

How do I fend off an anger that is so compelling and powerful it makes me forget just who the heck I am before I chase off everyone I love? How can I save two people I am destined not to?

Piggybacker (Vessel of Lost Souls #1)


Did someone say resurrection?

Oh yes, it was the annoying voice in my head. We'll trade, he said. I bring him back and he'll help me figure out how I was stabbed and almost died. But I've only got a week or he will be lost forever, and then I'll never find the truth.

The part he failed to mention was that someone doesn't want him to come back at all, and they'll stop at nothing to see me fail. Freaking fantastic.

How do I fight an unknown enemy, bring a boy back to life, and pretend to be normal? I mean, I can't save anyone if I'm locked up for the rest of my life.

Piggybacker is the first in Mikki Noble’s spell-binding Vessel of Lost Souls trilogy, and promises a thrilling adventure with powerful enemies, broken relationships, captivating magic, and two souls both caught up in a plot beyond any they could ever imagine.

Amazon Purchase Links:  


vanishes; the television, fireplace, sofas and various accessories all
disappear into the ground, dropping out of view entirely as if I’ve taken the
elevator down. Shawn, Noah and Gavin are gone. My view becomes a warm, summer
beach. I watch the waves on a steady sway back and forth, reminding me of the
lake by my house. Birds chirp and the sun beams across the rippling water. I
feel at ease until I hear, “What the heck are you doing here?” She doesn’t
sound happy to see me, but then she squeals, “Marley, I missed you.”

rushes up to me and hugs me fiercely, nearly cutting off my air supply. She is
dressed in her favorite yellow bikini and has a slight tan to her already
tanned skin. “Kimmy.” I hug her back, just as fiercely.
can’t believe my eyes. My best friend is standing right here, right in front of
me. But I was just in my living room with the boys. Somehow, I must have
travelled to Aeaea, again—the island inside of Limbo. “How am I here, right
not dead, I hope.”
I tell her.
I don’t care how you got here. I’m just happy to see you.”
thought I could only come here when Gavin was here.”
not, but this is fantastic. You can tell me how everything is going back home.
I mean, I got to see Shawn for like a second in the mirror this morning—”
that because he was with Noah?”
he wasn’t with Noah at the time. Why?”
shake my head, aiming my eyes down at the sand. I stare at a rock nestled in
the grains and try to figure out how I get myself into these messes. “Well,
Noah and Shawn are at my house right now.”
eyes go wide-eyed. She looks like how I felt when I first saw them. “So, he
knows. How is he?”
was just trying to explain everything to him. He’s a hard-headed boy, that
argue. What else?”
do I even start? My life lately is like I’ve fallen into a well and every time
I scrape my fingers and toes along the sides and reach the top, someone or
something is there to kick my butt back down.
find Circe first,” I suggest. “It’s so good to see you, even under these
circumstances. I’ve missed you.”
feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
you,” I say, “I guess it’s been a while. It’s only been four days up there in
the land of the living.”
So, what do you think of my surprise soul mate?”

About the Author
As far back as she can remember, Mikki was creating characters and stories in her head. It wasn’t until fate brushed the tip of its wings over her eyes that she began to see that writing was what she was born to do. She loves animals, reading, everything supernatural related, and enjoys spending her free time on social media whenever she can.

Author Links:


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