From Book 1: Wind
WINNER: 2015 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal - Young Adult
Lies. Betrayal. Destiny. A choice that changes
My name is Juliet Wildfire Stone, and I am special. I see visions and
hear voices, and I have no idea what they mean.
When someone murders medicine men in my sleepy Arizona town, I can’t
help but worry my crazy grandfather is involved. He’s a medicine man and
more than a just a little eccentric. He likes to tell me stories about
the Great Wind Spirit and Coyote, but none of it makes any sense. I
thought I knew the truth, but in order to clear his name I dive into his
alien world and uncover an ancient secret society formed over two
hundred years ago to keep me safe—me! And I can’t help but to
start to wonder whether there’s some truth to those old stories my
grandfather has been telling me.
I just want to be an average sixteen-year-old girl, but apparently I’ve
never been average. Could never be average. I didn’t know it before, but
I’m a Chosen, and those voices I’ve been hearing... well, they’re not
just “voices.” I’ve started to develop abilities, but they might not be
enough. A powerful entity called a Seeker is hunting me and he’s
close—really close.
I thought I knew the answers but truth is, I don’t. Betrayed by those I
love, I must choose to run or risk everything in order to fulfill my
destiny. I hope I make the right choice. Don’t you?
Includes a special sneak preview of the second book in the
series, Brink of Dawn.
WINNER: Mom's Choice Awards -- Silver Medal: Young
Adult Books
WINNER: Beverly Hills Books Awards - 2015: Best Young
Adult Fiction
WINNER: Awesome Indies -- Seal of Approval: “A treat to
Evolved Publishing presents the first book in the
highly acclaimed and often bestselling "Chosen" series of young adult
mystery thrillers, featuring with an American Indian fantasy and
supernatural theme, from the same author who brought you award winners
like the YA dystopian fantasy Red Death and the futuristic
thriller Shatter Point, co-writing with his daughter.
“Wind Catcher is one of the best thrillers for YA that I have
read in some time.... If I hadn't had to eat and sleep, I would have
read it right through without stopping. It is just that good!”
~ Bookends
Also available in KU!

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I need answers only my father can provide. Separated from birth, we’ve
only recently connected. Still, I have no one else to turn to. The
Deltites are hunting me and they’re close now. We’ll fight our final
battle soon. Needing more information, I force him to tell me a story
about the beginning, my beginning. He sheds new light on my mom, on my
grandfather Sicheii, and on how I started down this path. He spins a
tale about love, a recent murder, and mysterious strangers who come to
town looking for a medicine man, my grandfather. My father reveals his
own shadowy past in the story, too, but I’m not worried about who he
used to be. I care only about who he is now, and who I am, and the foe I
face. He made a choice back then, and it led to all of this. Now I give
him a second chance—an opportunity to make things right.
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